Is it remotely feasible for someone to block someone from seeing their movies? Even though he is an idiot.
Is it remotely feasible for someone to block someone from seeing their movies? Even though he is an idiot
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The President gets the reels or the files or whatever it is now delivered to the White House.
trump wasn't phased by Jimmy Kimmel in the Oscars
he wouldn't give a heck about this.
>go float yourself
American """""""literature"""""""", everyone.
This is the man that sells you art and you pay for it.
The absolute state of books in 2017. Pathetic.
jesus tap dancing christ, stephen. get a grip
Setting aside your use of that "the absolute state" meme which all the mouthbreathers on this board seem to be addicted to these days, I doubt you would find anyone who would refer to Stephen King's novels as literature.
the last movie is a fucking flop he probably blocked too many peoples
If he blocks Trump from seeing the underaged gangbang scene, we riot
>even Socks the cat is in that photo
The 90's were so FUCKING comfy, I can't deal with this.
>Implying anyone in their right minds will want to watch these films anyway
I hope Trump livetweets himself watching the original It and praising Tim Curry's performance as Pennywise at some point.
>his movies
When the fuck has this old queen ever made a movie? The only good movie adapted from his books was The Shining. And that's only because Kubrick was a genius and changed all of King's horrible writing.
Sure, he should do that, it's not like he's busy running the most important fucking country in the world or anything...
He made a movie called Maximum Overdrive
he could pretend to for the bantz
He looks like a pederest.
>Caring about this drug addled fetal alcohol syndrome """"""""writer""""""""
I wonder what James Patterson thinks about Trump?
Stephen King is out there. In Mr. Mercedes the villain is jealous of a sidekick to the main character. The sidekick is a tall black man who looks like obama and the villain is mad at the amount of white girls the black man fucks (it's new white girl every week)
I'm sure he can squeeze it in on an Air Force One flight. For maximum savagery he should start praising Kubrick's version of The Shining, and make reference to this unholy mess of a film -
How deluded are Trump supporters that they're fantasizing about him wasting his time talking about shit films just go get back at some mediocre writer?
Not like Trump didn't sperg out on Twitter just because some random actress said something about him on some award show.
> underaged gangbang scen
when is he going to get backlash for this?
does he get away with because he is liberal?
>he doesn't like King's Kinooks
non-american """""taste""""" ladies and gontlemen
it's fun ya mook
Absolutely based taste
Well, he's not really. He posts memes on his twitter all the time. The world already knows he's a clown, he might as well perform for the audience now.
>The post on Sup Forums uses a profile picture of what appears to be the Grinch wearing a mask holding a gun
You know the media is well aware of what Pepe is, right?
Fake news, literally.
If he really wanted to punish Trump, he would force him to watch his movies, specifically The Langoliers.
i feel bad for King sometimes. He really fried his brains on booze and drugs during the 80s. If you read The Shining and then read one of his recent works like Doctor Sleep, you can tell how much of his mind has decayed.
What fucking movies has Stephen King made in the last 20 years?
He looks like Ron Perlman you dick.
I just looked into Mr. Mercedes and I see Brendon Gleeson is the main character, can't be that bad.
The one with Christopher waking was good too. And pet cemetery
Another author I read the books, but I hate. I don't give a shit to Trump, but fucking libtard cunt. That's why his only daughter is an ugly lesbo
>his only daughter is an ugly lesbo
That's fine, it's your son you have to worry about.
True, all his time is taken by all those trips to Mar-a-lago and golfing,
He wastes an absurd amount of the country's money golfing and then has the audacity to use money as the reason why he wants to ban transgenders from the military (which is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN by the way).
It kills me that no one took the time to think to themselves "hey, this doesn't sound totally true, maybe I should google that image just in case", maybe they would have seen that the picture was lifted from
with the text added at the bottom.
Children, maybe it's time to develop some critical thinking skills
I notice he didn't mention Flop Tower
So he's giving Trump a gift by not forcing him to see that garbage?
Seems kind of odd.
Actually I got it from right-wing news site The Hill.
But it's true that people can be very dishonest with screencaps. Once saw an image claiming that a movie flopped, looked up the text, and found the full article said it was only in like three theaters so it didn't actually rely on box office numbers.
King still speaks very highly about Dark Tower, so the reason for this is probably only because Tweets are very limited in how much text you can fit.
>The Hill
The Hill is actually the second most popular news site with right-wingers.
The quote is true. Your point?
The Mount Pederest?
I read that tweet. King probably wrote it while taking a shit and looking for some likes. Millennial retards turned Forum flame wars into front page news.
How can libcucks ever recover in this timeline when they constantly reveal how much of crybaby pussies they are? Lollllll
What... as I recall, he has 2 sons and a daughter, one wrote some books 5/10 the other became an "actor"?
The villain is the angry white racist strawman who hates a black teenager because he gets laid more often than he is. He also lives in his mother's basement.
did he block the whole planet from seeing the dark tower?
This is just sad. What a goofball. He shouldn't have said anything.
So it's actually an adaptation of a non-fiction book from King?
Newfag, literally
>Implying Trump gives two shits about his shitty adaptations.
King can go fuck himself. Shit author with a shit fanbase who will only be remembered for writing shit.
It's a good 80s action flick. It's sad you have to parrot some cool kids opinion of things.
The only kid I know he has is Joe Hill who's a spitting image of him
Not exactly,the white guy still has some intelligence
Yes, it's a biography of that Sup Forums user who constantly posts BLACKED porn and never shuts up about cuckoldry.
Are you saying Shawshank Redemption isn't good?
>I don't like Stephen King now because he said a meanie poo poo thing about Trump.
>better add him to my censor list.
I don't like Stephen King because he's a hack.
Him being a retard on top of it is just a plus.
Hi folks, just reading The Stand at the moment and I have noticed that King frequently uses the word Nigger. I'm currently on chapter 35 and every time King mentions black people he uses the word, with the exception of the scene where black soldiers clad in loincloths execute white soldiers live on tv (chapter 27, I think).
I understand that King has racist characters in his books, and that he uses nigger when he is writing from their perspectives, but I find him using it in his "narrator's voice" in The Stand. He throws the word in every time he refers to black background characters and it's becoming jarring.
Quentin Tarentino was called out by Spike Lee on his license to use the word. Has anyone ever done this to King? If so, how did he respond?
The other time I felt uncomfortable reading his work was his portrayal of Susannah/Odetta Holmes in The Dark Tower series. Do any other fans feel that King walks a fine line with race ? (Just so people know where I am coming from, I am a white middle-class male)
TLDR - I think King uses nigger excessively and has some dubious portrayals of black people in his books - does this make him a closeted racist?
>McMichael claimed this post was a joke
You're stretching the 'hates the black guy' part. There's really not much of Brady thinking about the people with the ex-cop at all. He kills (or tries to) groups of random people, not non-whites.
>he's a hack
Okay, why faggot?
>he's retarded for hating Trump
Okay, why faggot?
Based Stephen King.
So many Robin Williams movies on this list... Honestly, if you're still here, you should start your own thread because this is way more interesting than "Random Celebrity That Wants To Talk Shit About Trump And Feel Rebellious #123,456,789
Hahah what the actual fuck?
>state of burger litterateur
Could you imagine what would happen if it came out that Trump wrote an underage gangbang scene decades ago?
>Okay, why faggot?
Because he's a bad writer.
Because he produces literary works of bad quality.
Because he's the literary equivalent of the MCU
>Okay, why faggot?
I never said he was retarded for hating Trump, he's retarded because he turned his brain into a liberal mush after decades of drug and alcohol abuse.
>literally considered one of the greatest modern writers of the 21st century
>autists need to to be contrarian and pretend he is a hack.
How absolutely juvenile
why is the president of the united states having twitter feuds with celebrities?
That is a hell of a get,tho
Fake news, literally.
>He eventually lost the position of principal Clinton pet in 1997 when the Clintons acquired Buddy, a Labrador Retriever.
>Socks found Buddy's intrusion intolerable: according to Hillary Clinton, Socks "despised Buddy from first sight, instantly and forever." Bill Clinton said, "I did better with ... the Palestinians and the Israelis than I've done with Socks and Buddy."[5] When the Clintons left the White House in 2001 they took Buddy to their new home, but left Socks under the care of Bill Clinton's secretary, Betty Currie. Buddy would die within a year, being hit by a car in 2002.[6]
>Because he's a bad writer.
Use your brain and tell me why.
>Because he produces literary works of bad quality.
Use your brain and tell me why.
>Because he's the literary equivalent of the MCU
Use your brain and tell me why.
>he's retarded because he turned his brain into a liberal mush after decades of drug and alcohol abuse.
What does that even mean you fucking tard?
Just a bunch of goofy meme words and nonsense you parrot from other faggots.
No I am not. He is constantly using racial slurs in the book referring to Jerome and his family.
for fun
being president's a pretty stressful and boring job, gotta relax sometimes you know?
Because he is is a manchild. Being rich and removed from reality tends to do that.
t. literal 5 year old
I don't know the answer to your post but I am curious why you used a picture of Spider-Gwen.
Do you not know how to argue or something? Just saying "he is a bad writer, because he is shitty" isn't an argument you fucking cunt. Actually flesh out your opinion or eat shit.
> tell me why
So you can't actually tell him? Okay, good to know.
Why are JK and SK so butt blasted that Trump blocked them?
Trump winning the election really really fucked up a lot of people's psyche, people you thought were reasonable and sane have become totally unhinged and batshit crazy
Someone say "8 years" so I can add it to my collection to spam in 2021 with goldface overlayed on the image
Look at how big his philtrum is.
Didn't he have a hand in writing Creepshow?