Do not waste money on overpriced food

>Organics is a rich world phenomenon, with 90 per cent of sales in North America and Europe. Despite a fivefold increase in sales over the past 15 years just 1 per cent of global cropland is organic. That’s because almost half of humanity depends on food grown with synthetic fertilisers, excluded by organic rules. Norman Borlaug, who got the Nobel Prize for starting the Green Revolution, liked to point out that organic farming on a global scale would leave billions without food. “I don’t see two billion volunteers to disappear,” he said.

Essentially, organic food is rich people spending their extra cash to feel good. While that is just as valid as spending it on holidays, we should resist any implied moral superiority. Organics are not healthier or better for animals. To expand to any great scale would cost tens of billions of pounds while killing thousands. Indeed, a widespread organics revolution will increase environmental damage, and cut global forests.

When the designer Vivienne Westwood famously exclaimed that people who can’t afford organic food should “eat less” she may have had the best intentions. But she was also incredibly out of touch. The rest of the world needs more and cheaper food. That isn’t going to be organic.

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>going to whole foods

Good, once all the poors are dead we can get back to making this country great again.

Canada is a interesting case.You guys don't eat meat but you let muslims enter and rape your daughters
Save the animals rape our daughters - Toronto 2016

>once all the poors are dead
>the new mixed middle class will be working for me

> the world is overpopulated
> overpopulation requires farmers to spray chemicals on food
> I am forced to eat food sprayed with chemicals because third world peasants breed like rabbits
>Food not contaminated by chemicals is raycis.

Y'all being raycis. Stop being raycis and eat your soylent green white cis scum.

>British cuck really thinks that a stamp "Kosher" or "Organic Certified" means the food is safe and don't have impurity

Millennial. not more than 20 years and still masturbates to anime.

I get organics then go to self checkout and pay for normal produce.

I grow most of my own veggies, and purchase other things locally. It just tastes better. I feel sorry for people that live in apartments and don't have their own land to enjoy.

really makes you think...

How often do you get to eat homegrown vegetables? Once a year?

>thinking only some foods are organic

t. Organic chemist

>Believing in corporate propaganda

Also watch merchants of doubt - documentary for red bills

>this article is brought to you by Monsanto

I live in Oregon, so the growing season is a lot longer. Sometimes I can make it year round, but of course different things do better different times of year. Greens and herbs pretty much always. I cook and freeze or can all the extras.

my grandparents came form japan to brazil in the 50s. They are farmers
Yes I said they are because they still work, my grandfather is 86 and grandmother 83. They are healthier than 99% of people in their 20s today and they always used pesticides in their own food.

>Paul Singer

He is the guy who backed Mr. Robot "All Illegals Will Stay" Rubio.

To the disinformation bin it goes.

Picking vegetables right off the plant when they are ripe have way more vitamins and nutritional value (and flavor) than what most people can buy at a store. Store bought stuff is picked well before it's ready so it has time to be shipped and stocked before turning. So it's not really the pesticides I'm worried about.

>killing poor people, aka niggers and spics
>a bad thing

Buy organics guys.

then what is your concern Mr. Green Certified?

sorry OP but you are a fucking idiot if you think organic food is the same as non-organic. Enjoy your degenerated health and diseased offspring.

>buy some regular ol Eggs from kroger
>about 1.60 or so
>decide to try and be a little more conscientious about my food and get organic eggs

Oh hell no, the idea behind organic food is wonderful, but my poor ass can't afford eggs that cost 3 times as much as regular eggs

It's probably for the best.

>using shit as fertilizer and not spraying chemicals on your food is a rich world phenomenon

Dumbest shit i've ever heard

That's an economic problem

But i bet you can afford healthcare

The nutritional value of homegrown or locally grown is superior to store bought because it's picked at peak ripening. In season is better than crops grown out of season. I get better tasting and healthier produce, and I rarely need to use pesticides.

Also growing my own vegetables forces me to use them, so I have more control over what goes into every recipe and ingredient I use. I can make my own tomato sauce that doesn't have all the sugar and additives and preservatives that a store bought jar sauce will have, and it tastes a hell of a lot better.

Having your own fresh herbs on hand is also a lot better than being raped at grocery store prices. Fresh herbs are superior to dried ones.

They can slap whatever label they want on shit at the grocery store, my own tomatoes are still superior.

>not spraying chemicals
>he really thinks that organic food is chemical free
>Only 10 synthetic insecticides are approved for use on organic farms.
>the same 10 synthetic insecticides approved for regular farms

Sweden falls for every globalist trick.

>The USDA National List of allowed pesticides for organic growers is quite long
>opper sulfate, elemental sulfur, borax and borates are all known to cause some harm to humans and are approved members of the organic list.

>Lime sulfur also has been used as a fungicide on organic crops. However, the EPA restricted its used in 2008 so that only professional pesticide appliers could use it. The reason? It was too caustic, capable of causing burns.

eventually genetic modified food will produce superior tastes without the use of chemicals

I'm pro GMOs in case you wonder. Literally all this anti-GMO battle is non-sense. It's kinda like "tax wall street'' ''black lives matter'', ''Bernie 2016 this is what democracy looks like", ''my body my rules'' stuff

>Sixty percent of apple juice and about half of all garlic consumed in the U.S. is from China

>Soybeans are the second-biggest U.S. organic import, with $184 million shipped last year. India is the No. 1 source, followed by China.

>A USDA organic food program inspection discovered 10 companies that were using fraudulent certificates behind an “Organic” label; four of the companies were Chinese.
The grocery chain Whole Foods Market eventually changed its sources of organic ginger after a sample of Chinese ginger sold under its “365” label was found to contain residues of aldicarb (which isn’t allowed on organic food).

>Organic Certified

that is just to show how easy is to trick western goyims


Organic food is just a scam. It's funny how so many people on Sup Forums believe in this crap. Stefan Molymeme has made couple good videos on GMOs.

>their own land

Default on property taxes one time and its not yours. You rent it from the government.

Still pretty awesome though.

Never said anything against GMOs. I pick and choose which varieties I prefer depending on what grows best in my climate, and disease resistant plants are great.

The taste is largely based on when the vegetable is picked. When you pick a tomato green and let it ripen on the truck/in the store instead of the vine as it should, then it's not going to be a great tomato.

You keep trying to argue with me about pesticides and organic and now GMOs, when the only thing I'm arguing about is the benefit of freshness when you do homegrown and local. All I've said is that I'm happy to grow my own and I feel sorry for people that can't.

that's good you can have your own fresh food user. I thought you were one of those green leftists.

Fresh vegetables is really a great thing to have access to.


fuck this shill shit. Easy to spot from a mile away.

Posts like this are designed to make people feel a "oh fuck it, it's all gonna go to hell anyway" attitude, and get closer to committing a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>eating organic food will make billions of shitskins die
I am now going #BallisticForOrganic

>Organic food in Poland
>Imported from Mexico, Dominican Republic, China, India and France

will make shitskin rich

yeah, just the owners

I'd make a handful of rich shitskins even richer if it can solve the shitskin-overpopulation problem

Yeah yeah I know. It's still better than being cooped up in a concrete jungle.

Thought about getting some animals, but the whole slaughtering thing makes me queasy. I figure that's best left to the professionals.

It's fine, I'm surrounded by plenty of green leftists. They're loopy at the best of times.

i get my health insurance through work, and I keep all my medical health stuff to an absolute minimum, i went to the doctor's one time last year to get an ear flushed cause it was completely blocked off and I was near deaf in it from that, which was only a 40 dollar co-pay. before that was a dentist appointment which it's been so long I forget the co-pay on that, but it's not cheap even with insurance

>overpopulation problem
>In their own countries

The problem is not if China has 2 billion or 50 billion people. the problem is how many of them your country will open the borders to.

Stop believing neo-liberal propaganda
>lol ppl die directly from pesticides every year but money spent on biological food indirectly causes anuddah shoah!

Writer is a paid shill

Very true! However the more of them try to come here the more pressure we have to accept them.

Also it would be nice living in a world that doesn't end up being 96% shitskin with the constant flow of shit it brings

well Germany didn't have Syrians before 2015 but it happened anyway

Immigration is well planned and controlled. Look at Sweden, Germany and France for instance. Everything is working according to the plan -- so well planned and orchestrated

well isn't whole "organic" and "fair trade" food market worth more than whole biotech secotr?

part of my family fell for it. and everything is literally covered in shit so you must it for a good minute. and "accidentaly" everything is smaller and 3 to 4 times more expensive.

Also i find this funny that could be fed by Bosch-haber process now shit on it and want to go back 100 years

Organic™ is a Get rich quick scheme for farmers