Does it work if you text a girl like this?

does it work if you text a girl like this?


anything works as long as you are attractive


Only if she's attracted to you



>are you jewish
>i knew you were too cute
>aww thank you

dat aryan game

this made me kek on many levels

fucking lol

God, I almost never get tinder matches...this shit depresses me



She was still DTF even after this.

top kino






How did it take this long?

holy... I want more

for the doubters

>liking indians over manlets

when will they fucking learn

>American girl in taiwan
>1 mile away
You in Taiwan?
R.O.C. #1 ok.


pick only 1

I don't understand this world

no, its just a repost
I'm not any of these people, but there was a god-tier thread earlier this week and I saved a bunch of shit from it

>she turned 16 like a week later so it was super unfair but w/e

holy christ lmao

How could anyone fall for this?