Removing Superman's Mustache From Justice League Is No Easy Task

Hair we go....

Last week it was reported that DC was spending $25 million on reshoots for the upcoming superhero team-up Justice League. However, the most curious news wasn't the cost, it was that Superman actor Henry Cavill will be reshooting his scenes with a full mustache, which will then have to be digitally removed in post-production. Now more details of the process involved have emerged.

"If we were to remove a beard [or mustache], we would have to digitally re-build the actor's face behind the hair mass," he said. "We would need to build a 3D model of the face and then shade the surface of the skin to look realistic. We would then need to track the 3D model to the movement of his head and potentially re-animate his mouth. The amount of lip animation would depend on how much of the original beard occluded his lips. We would need to paint out the parts of the beard that extend beyond his shaven face."

Fleet went on to explain that it can take up to six weeks to edit a moustache out of a one=minute clip. It is unknown how much footage Cavill needs to reshoot, but it goes without saying that many fans will be watching his top lip carefully when the film arrives in November.

Cavill himself also commented on the issue this week, with a morbid post on Instagram. He stated: "There has been no discussion over whether to shave or not to shave for the JL reshoots, simply a relentless campaign to put an end to the seemingly inexorable conquest of this despotic 'stache. It is not a question of IF I should shave--it is a question of how can we possibly be victorious against such a beast without bringing our own doom raining down upon us."

There's nothing funnier than DCEU's fuckups.

>their marketing tactic is pushing how much they're using CGI

Whoever is in charge of this department at Warner Bros needs to be fired.

Just let Superman have a fucking mustache, jesus fucking christ. Are DC just going full on Costanza and doing the opposite of what any sane company would?

Right? Dude just came back from the grave or whatever the fuck. Having a bit of facial hair would add a cool punished look to him.

I'm cool with Superman with a mustache.
It adds to the character.
Fuck all this CGI bullshit.

>all facial hair is now a reference to Metal Gear Solid

the anti facial hair bias in modern society is puzzling considering how in vogue it was for most of human history

Rocking beards is exclusively a white people thing.

Superman with facial hair will always be GOAT

we already had Superman with a beard.

it wasn't great

I hope it was done poorly and it's really noticeable so we can make webms and point at it and laugh

>Implying mudslimes are white

>that feel when no Super-stache versus Capbeard
ends in sex

It's going to happen. All DC movies have horrid CGI

>all that money blown on Green Lantern CGI

I always thought WB had to be so scared of Aquaman being seen as weak that rather than the character having a neat haircut and cleanshaven for several years now that they had to go running back to the 90s for his bearded look.

Also, no blonds allowed EVER, couldn't even dye that fish face Ezra miller for the role but I guess he'd look like a serial killer more than usual

>Marvel isn't scared to give their most popular superhero a beard
>DC is


dcucks btfo

Blonde hair has Nazi connotations, and if you haven't noticed, that's something we're trying to avoid lately.

giv gay pornstar superman bf

What does Superman use to shave?

His fingernails


>Heard you are a Disney shill


They had a similar issue on TDKR

in some comics he uses heat vision to trim it, in others a piece of the spaceship that brought him to Earth

the lack of bulge on his crotch is disturbing

I don't understand why doesn't he just shave?

It's a very stupid reason. He's bound by contracts to keep it for MI6. The reason Tom Cruise keeps doing MI movies is because they've agreed not to use any CGI or anything to make them. So they can't CGI in a mustache for Cavill's role.

You don't have to use CGI for a fake moustache though.

this lol
just use a fake moustache
movies have been doing this for decades

They don't watch movies nor do they really "rock" beards.

Is it just me, or is she dripping wet looking at his beard?

Problem is they already shot scenes with shaved Supes and for some reason adding a mustache is harder than removing it.

He's a little guy

So they're filming the reshoots and MI6 at the same time? Coz growing a moustache takes weeks or less, esp as Cavill seems like a hairy dude except for the top of his head

>Wonder Woman

WHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY >?!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????

Why isn't best to shave him and pay the penalties to Paramount again ???

t. loser



>Cavill seems like a hairy dude
he is

No it's very much real, Cavill even posted about it on instagram

What the hell is he wearing?

Fuck that dyke shit, son.

Doesn't Wonder Woman constantly try to get in-between Superman and Batman sausage fest?

>more fake news
You got BTFO yesterday shill, you should stop

Regurgitating month old news again?

When hipsters started wearing neckbeards, it became a lot less cool. That's why only old guys or literal hipsters have Gandalf beards now. Most bros would prefer to not be associated with hipster trash.

I still rock a beard tho, fuck hipsters.

So is The Batman part of fthe DCEU or what? You were shilling that shit a few days ago

no its very much fake news. Try again Disney fag. whats next? Ben isn't going to be batman?

Key word: Try.

>You got BTFO yesterday shill, you should stop
Can you link whatever the fuck you're talking about?

What what am i missing, why can't he shave in real life?

Tom Cruise got injured doing a stunt and production on MI6 is on hold until he heals. Plenty of time for Cavill to shave and grow back the beard.

Shills said Reeves movie was going to be an elseworld or something so the DCEU was done for but then he confirmed it was in the cinematic universe and we all remembered that Wonder Woman is the most successful capemovie of the year

He could but he barely had any reshoots so it wasn't worth it. Cyborg actor confirmed the reshoots were minimal

Plot twist: Cavill was the one who injured him so that he could shave himself.



His pecs are so round and meaty

Lol he probably only has it for that scene since no other shots from the trailers have shown him with a beard.

i want him to bully my prostate :/

This is just a publicity stunt to cross promote. Who the fuck even heard there was another Mission impossible Movie before this shit started happening?

You realize they've got to be pretty fucking popular for them to be up to a 6th one, right?

Don't confuse "I never heard of it" with "Nobody's ever heard of it."

Right, MI movies after the second one have been nothing but a vehicle for Tom Cruise to do a crazy stunt scene in each movie. Transformers, Resident Evil have all 5 Installments. People have heard of them sure but its not something that people actively talk about or go out of their way to find new information about. Same with the Mission Impossible movies. They're popular, they make money and then they are on their way for the next one.

Promoting the whole stache thing is nothing more than a way to promote both products since they have an actor in common that they can push to have people talk about both movies.

And it works, doesn't it? Considering they make an enormous amount of money.

I wish Henry was British.

Outside of Superman and all of Gotham I don't give a fuck about DC. I don't give a fuck about Marvel outside of Daredevil and Punisher. Hopefully Marvel brings in Moon Knight. Transformers The Force Awakens fags will disagree.

If OP's pic is that of the 'stache I'm guessing Cavill must be one of those guys who takes forever to grow a mustache if you couldn't just shave it off for the reshoots and have it grow back in a day or two, what he has in the pic is my 5 o'clock shadow

yeah you'd think Cavill could have the 'stache back to fighting weight in a couple days

He's doing a movie at the same time as far as I know, I don't think there's any time for him to grow a mustache even if he could in 2-3 days.

>what he has in the pic is my 5 o'clock shadow
No it isn't.

Frankly Justice League shouldn't have even needed reshoots so it's Snyder's fault regardless.

I'm not the guy but I photographed my beard growing after a shave for a week. Cavill looks like me after 3 days.

Related, what does the phrase "I'm a grower, not a shower" refer to?

>Cavill looks like me after 3 days.
Yea we get it, you can grow facial hair. Three days is not the same as eight hours

How does the man of steel shave?
Surely his hair is stronger than razor blades

bros i'm looking to break a 3 week nofap by busting a nut to /our guy/ Cavill.

Can somebody please dump a few pics of him?

Yeah I'm sure you look EXACTLY like Cavill lmao


It means people can not step into you and take a shower duh

>he doesn't like MGS memes

I'm fine with them but it just makes me a bit sad because so many people on Sup Forums are dedicated to shitposting about video games being "for children" and any time someone posts about video games I'm worried that one of them might show up.

there's nothing wrong with liking video games but you're a fucking autist

I know that, I'm honestly amazed at myself for choosing to frequent Sup Forums of all places. Thank you though.

someone ring that video where WW is hitting on batman and batman goes full autism

but Superman has Lois Lane, what are you talking about?


o i am laffin

Okay, so follwoing death of superman, Superman wore a black solar suit, had a mullet, and 5 o clock shadow.

Why can't he keep his beard till the end, and THEN shave it. Is that a problem?

Perhaps because Snyder is an idiot who didn't think about that and this beard incident only happened after the reshoots.

Even if it looks stupid, who fucking cares?

A cgi lip is even worse.

God fucking damnit.

Henry Cavill would've made a decent Dr.Strange...


Still don't understand why Evans wore a fucking bright red sweatshirt to an interview. He looks like a Sesame Street character.

>Disney rips off DC 4 years later
>pretends they came up with it through their shill army

dose pits

I'll never understand having this fetish for a male.