It's going to happen. How badly can they fuck it up?
Other urls found in this thread:
I've been waiting for 15 years to read the books because of Blind Guardian
And what excuse do you have for not doing so?
They are going to try to rip off Tolkien AND capeshit and it's going to feel like a cheap shitty version of both.
And edgy quips.
Goddamn it.
I live in a third world shithole where these books have not arrived yet. Maybe after the movie the publishers here finally get interested.
Well then. This is your lucky day.
It's not the actual books, but it's the best way to get your hands on em.
Is that the ripoff of Witcher and Warcraft?
Where do I start with this guy? Go straight to the new comics or what?
source material is pretty shitty - it will be bad
Go for the new comics or just go with chronological order of the novels.
Bait and rage.
Bait and rage for our lord Arioch.
>Idris Elba as Elric
Not that guy, but thanks still. Always wanted to get into it
>Always wanted to get into it
Prepare for disappointment.
Based black albino Elric. They'll also have to change it so that all melniboneans are an oppressed class.
Don't listen to this pleb. Prepare for awesome.
Elrick could be awesome, even though M.Moorcock is not a stellar writer, Elrick is cult, and has large fan base. Elrick has much better charcters than most similar works.
Elrick,Moonglum,Arioch, Theleb karna. Etc.
And influence of sword on elrick is always cool.
Hollyjews will just make it in to gotg with albino, where elrick will be acted by Johm Cena and moonglum by ray misterio or some shit like that
Here's an alt link
readcomiconline to/Comic/Elric
Moorcock himself endorsed this treatment
I'd rather have a book of the new sun film or tv series
>I'd rather have a book of the new sun film or tv
I posted this earlier today but didn't generate any discussion:
>Director: Terrence Malick
>Producer: Mel Gibson
>Executive Producer: David Cronenberg
>Co-Executive Producer: Gene Wolfe
>Screenplay: Gene Wolfe, Jeff Nichols, David Lynch
>Set and Prop Design: WETA
>Production Company: Icon
>Severian: Joseph Finnes or Robert Pattinson
>Dorcas: Judy Greer
>Thecla: Jennifer Connelley
>Agia: Shailene Woodley
>Agilus: Evan Peters
>Vodalus: Guy Pearce
>Father Inire: Anthony Hopkins
>Jolenta: Christina Hendricks
>Jonas+Miles: Tadanobu Asano
>Master Malrubius: Ian McShane
>Master Ultan: Dustin Hoffman
>Baldanders: Conan Stevens
>Dr. Talos: David Thewlis
>The Autarch: John Malcovich
>Hildegrin: Ray Stevenson
Would it be kino bros? Can we meme it into reality?
great casting, but I doubt hollywood would ever touch wolfe, too cerebral and not popular among normie nerds.
Well since Elric is sort of a bad guy and he is white, they could make the Melniboneans black.
>It's going to happen.
Is it? I know Black Company is getting a show, but haven't head anything about Elric yet.
According to Chris Weitz, he lost the rights and something is happening behind the scenes for a TV series.
Elric is as pleb as it gets. Moorecock is an awful writer. Just because he did it before a bunch of shitty video game franchises doesn't make it any better.
You know no one will touch New Sun or it will so bastardized you'll wish it was never made. I don't think live action anything can do it justice. It would be almost like trying to film a Planescape movie in a sense.
>but I doubt hollywood would ever touch wolfe
netflix was willing to throw 20 million at amy schumer.
Netflix is a SJW infested shitehole.
I wonder if they would just keep it Elric focused or expand on the whole Eternal Champions concept.
If it doesn't look like a 70's metal album brought to life then it's FUBAR
>Idris is Elric
>it bombs because nobody likes niggers
>niggerlovers claim Idris is too good for yet another property
All this nigger does is kill movies.
If Idris Elba is cast as Theleb K'aarna or the voice of Gaynor the Damned, i would be A-Ok with that choice.
Dude, even if you had absolutely perfect casting, direction, preproduction, everything (basically a Lord of the Rings scenario), you can't change the fact that there is actually very little plot in Book of the New Sun you can film. A good 3/4 of the pages are internal monologues and meditations on the nature of time, memory and reality, written with such a clarity and density of prose that it would be literally impossible to film.
LotR was filmable because a lot of things happen, and there is much action and movement you can film, and Howard Shore did an amazing job of taking Tolkien's words and transforming it into the film score, which carries the movie.
Now try to film this:
>We believe that we invent symbols. The truth is that they invent us; we are their creatures, shaped by their hard, defining edges. When soldiers take their oath they are given a coin, an asimi stamped with the profile of the Autarch. Their acceptance of that coin is their acceptance of the special duties and burdens of military life—they are soldiers from that moment, though they may know nothing of the management of arms. I did not know that then, but it is a profound mistake to believe that we must know of such things to be influenced by them, and in fact to believe so is to believe in the most debased and superstitious kind of magic. The would-be sorcerer alone has faith in the efficacy of pure knowledge; rational people know that things act of themselves or not at all.
> Idris Elba as Elric
Literally shaking right now
I have literally no idea what this is, but if it's a book then I'm actually looking for something new to read
>, but if it's a book then I'm actually looking for something new to read
Series of books. They're fucking great even all these years later.
They're literally the books that invented the concept of coldsteel the hedhehog
It's like the Witcher, but super high fantasy
It's Berserk before Berserk. Also multiverse.
Haven't read fantasy yet, so I don't know what super high fantasy means
I don't really like edgy shit except for Berserk.
Wait I just contradicted myself. I guess Berserk is fantasy
It's fantasy as it should be and it's fucking awesome.
Elric is "edgy" but in a good way. Imagine if a Conan villain had a conscience.
I agree to an extent. A BotNS adaptation would run into much of the same issues that all Moby-Dick or Faulkner adaptations have run into. Basically, you can tell the surface level narrative but must sacrifice much of the philosophical and theological themes in the process. While an adaptation would never match the original series, i think you'd be able to transmit many of the core ideas and themes if you had the right director on board. The only truly difficult thing to translate would be Severian's unreliability, which admittedly arguably the core literary technique which drives TBotNS. But the ideas presented throughout the series could be accomplished if done right (the corruptability of memory, the eschatological Divine/Beatific Vision, the paradox of the mutability and synchronicity of mythology and story, etc.)
>I don't really like edgy shit except for one edgy snowflake exception
Exactly what a powerlevel-hiding edgelord would say
Surely it can't be hard to believe that I heard Dark Souls was inspired by a popular series and I wanted to check it out? Normally I would avoid anything that has a troubled demon/vampire/monster hunter.
Malazan is diversity ridden enough to get a look but it wont happen, it would just promote jesus. Hollywood would hate that.
Stop justifying and embrace that you are on your way to the harder stuff after your gateway vidya
Dear god. What's gonna happen if he reaches Jerry Cornelius?
fine... where do I start? What's the first book in the series called?
Chronologically, Elric of Melnibone. Or just read the french comic adaptation. It's different but just as good.
Just realized the author's name is Moorcock. Can't wait to find out what Ol' Niggerdick has to show me
He will need that seasoning before he can tackle the Milo Manaras and Thomas Ligottis of the world.
His Big Black Sword.
idris would make an excellent k'aarna
>(the corruptability of memory, the eschatological Divine/Beatific Vision, the paradox of the mutability and synchronicity of mythology and story, etc.
You sound like you've read the book more than a few times. Let's hijack this thread and talk about it rather than film adaptations.
He isn't wrong.
This looks interesting. My sister reads Elric should I borrow some books off of her?
Will do, this artwork for Elric and the aesthetics are intriguing as hell.
Elric has had many great artists illustrate him over the years.
How is this not more wide spread, read the synopsis of the series. I'm more eager to read it than ever. I'm going to nab the first one tonight when I get home. Artwork is awesome. That sword is freaking cool, that's Stormbringer?
It's old.
BOTNS is shit. No story, no plot, one character.
All garbage.
>That sword is freaking cool, that's Stormbringer?
Oh yeah. One interpretation of it anyway,
>How is this not more wide spread
It is. Just not to normies. This series, and the metawork it's a part of, is what nerds gods bow in awe to.
GRRM is both a massive fan AND a good friend of Moorock. Essentially, all of the stuff that deals with dragons and Azor Ahai is straight out of this series. It's why an alternate name of Azor Ahai is Eldrick Shadowchaser. And a sword that's plunged into a loved one?
Martin even put a cute little easter egg in Lion and the Rose.
All of the stuff that deals with Valyria*
Wonder how my sister found out about it. She should have shared the wealth! The synopsis says it has aspects of a multiverse and everything. It's right up my alley. It seems like Elric's bloodline had dragon in it too? If that is the case the universes could be tied if they really wanted to.
>synopsis says it has aspects of a multiverse and everything
aspects? There's entire crossovers with the heroes of other Moorock books going on. Sailor on the Seas of Fate has Erekose, Elric, Corum and Hawkmoon going off to fight Extra Dimensional Cthuhlu wizards.
That's freaking cool. I guess they didn't want to spoil it. So which series should I read first, I see the Corum series as well on her bookshelf.
Your sis has good taste. Go for Elric first then check out the rest. go chronological if possible. Also is your sis a qt?
I'm open to it. I've read the core series 4 times (actually finishing my fifth read through this weekend) and Urth twice.
What would you like to know about it?
this, plus they'll make him black.
Spotted the redditor
>He reads for plot
Spotted the redditor. I'm curious to know what exactly you think the plot really easy, because the surface level narrative is exactly that--a surface with the true narrative lying beneath the readily apparent account which severian gives. Ever read Moby-Dick? BotNS challenges you to "strike through the mask" to get to the truth of the reality at hand.
But my guess is you're too obsessed with "relatable" characters and "intriguing plots" to analyze a text as complex as TBotNS. I wonder what you think of Ulysses or Proust
>that scene where GRRM gives a shout out to both Moorcock and Wolfe
>Such a great sword should have a name. What should I call it?"
>"Terminus Est!"
He also wrote the screenplay for this episode
>What would you like to know about it?
I've read it before, I'm just curious to see what others think about it. Finding other people who have heard of, let alone read BotNS is like panning for gold.
What's your take on the Claw of the Conciliator, and the cycle of the universe in general? Severian believed that it was the Claw that gave him the power, yet he found that bush full of them on that beach and realized the power was inherent in him all along. The books are collectively called The Solar CYCLE, so it seems like Severian had the power of the Conciliator, because he had the power of the Conciliator. It's been a part of the cycle forever, so why would it ever change? It's like how Christ was the son of God, because Christ was the son of God.
no it's a ripoff of of legacy of kain
>Elric niggas
>On MY Sup Forums
Any of you into Hawkmoon, since we're on Moorcock's hacky ass subject?
Typing on an (((iPad))) so I'll try to keep in brief. The Claw is nothing more than a symbol of power. Wolfe gives the answer to the power in the first chapter in that now famous passage about how we don't create symbols, they create us. The claw had power because Severian had power. It's why he can resurrect the soldier at the beginning of Citadel without the Claw. The Claw made its way to Severian because it activated memories and latent abilities within him from an earlier iteration of Severian when he actually WAS the conciliator.
There is also a connection to Christ, who's crown of thorns was made from Rose pedals. If the blood of Christ is, in fact, the reassurction of the body and the soul, then contact with it would bring life anew. The Claw is literally a rose pedal with the blood of Severian on it.
In short, Wolfe uses the Claw as a symbol of life, allowing Severian to believe it holds power when in reality it is Severian himself which holds the power. Hence the line "we believe that we invent symbols. The truth is they invent us." Without the Claw, Severian would have never set out to return it to the Pelerines and in turn his ascendency to the Autarchy would never have happened. Wolfe is playing with the idea of Thomistic Eschatology. The premise being that all things are directed towards Gods will, whether we are aware of it or not
In regards to the cycle as a whole, Wolfe uses the idea of the corruptibility of memory to show how humanity itself may never truly understand or grasp their history but it nonetheless shapes their future. This is why all of the inset narratives (the stories-within-stories) throughout BotNS are altered or changed. The content may change but the core themes and narratives remain the same. Dr. Talos play is a new version of the temptation and fall. The story of the sailor is an amalgamation of Romulus and Remus and Jason and the argonauts. Jonas recalls the story, but no one else has even heard of it. The idea is that mythology contains inherent truth. While the stories themselves may change throughout time, there will always exist within mankind the need to adapt and change mythology to ultimately preserve the core truth behind the myths. This is also characterized in Severians supposes eidetic memory. He thinks he holds all previous knowledge within him(and in fact he very well may) but those memories, over time, bleed together, disjoint, and change to suit his narrative
>The idea is that mythology contains inherent truth. While the stories themselves may change throughout time, there will always exist within mankind the need to adapt and change mythology to ultimately preserve the core truth behind the myths.
Interesting. This same concept is a good chunk of what Jordan Peterson does his lectures on. It's like how the Truth is always inherent and present, but we create stories to try to explain why the Truth is true, because Truth has to reveal itself willingly. Or something like that.
That's an excellent interpretation, thanks. I have no idea what Thomistic Eschatology is, but now I'm going to read and find out.
Peterson would have a field day with Wolfe. There is a lot of Jung throughout TBotNS. A fact I'm surprised not many critics have picked up upon. The whole cycle is a Jungian experiment as seen through a Catholic viewpoint
kill yourself you stupid nigger
It's much harder to pull off an unreliable narrator in film.
Adapt Long Sun. It's got a tight cast of colorful characters and a great adventure plot with just a dash of political intrigue.
Jesus fucking Christ it's been over 20 years since I read Hawkmoon. How are you kids even getting to this kind of shit?
Also, the notion of Thomistic Eschatology is somewhat of a misnomer. It's more commonly classified as Christian Eschatology. The reason I invoke Thomas is because without his Cosmological understanding of the world, there is no refined eschatological vision in the Church.
The core idea is that God, being omniscient and omnipresent, is implicit in all things at all times, this the ultimate end of humanity results in union with God, as He is "that in which all things are contained and nothing is lacking". This is a brief summary of it, but the core tenant is that all things are directed TO God (but not necessarily AT God). It's why most of the early Christian thinkers saw no issue fusing prior pagan beliefs into The Church, as They contained kernels of Truth within them because they were reaching for God but didn't have "the full story" so to speak. It's why Agustin's was a huge Platonist and Aquinas an even bigger Aristotelian. It's also why Dante puts Plato and Aristotle in Limbo rather than hell proper
Honestly the best Wolfe works which would translate to film are probably The Wizard Knight, The Fifth He'd of Cerberus, and An Evil Guest. A Peace adaptation, if some correctly, could be one of the greatest films of all time
I liked the Jerry Cornelius film.
It depends who ends up making it.
It's hard to make a movie that can pull off a 99% white cast these days, i'm surprised Nolan managed it with Dunkirk.
(((They))) have an agenda.
Thanks for the tips. Yeah she's pretty cute, but super shy.
I only know about this guy because of some Blue Oyster Cult songs