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Daenerys Targaryen edition

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Dany is a diseased slag.

Reminder that there are no pure qts left. Fuck D&D.

Azor Beric



>Control must be maintained... There must always be... a Night King

Why didnt he kill Tyrion?

Dany is qt this season.

Left or right?

Why is it that virgins obsess over girls being pure? Is it so the girl doesn't laugh at their lack of experience?



post your favorite theme?

Great post

He was short handed

I wish you fortune in the AHHHHHHHHHHHH


>"Emilia Clarke isnt a sexy"




I'll take the ones in the middle, faggot

**Crushes your breastplate**

>defending used goods
Nice projection white knight. You'll get laid by some slag eventually.

>danyfags trying this hard to make us care about their hit tier waifu

Jaime all day

Do you think Brienne pegged him before killing him?

>The Chad Backstab



Okay, BobbyPosting is officially dead. Can the mods please ban it already?


>Stretches yours

Azor Ashort.
The manlet that was promised.

That would imply he's dead.

What did George mean on his blog? Did all 5 spin offs get approved? What on earth will they be about and will normies be interested?


>Emilia Clarke isnt a sexy

Hearth, Heart and Harvest

>mfw Harrenhal is off the table

Why did you post Jon Bon Jovi?

its because statistically pure women will stay faithful and evolution has taught men that loose women are bad when it comes to pass on their genes

...unless ofcourse you are chad who gets to fuck all the loose women but that doesnt apply to anyone here


jews age like milk

*stretches your boipucci*

that won't stop her user

Don't even argue. ;^)

>tfw no giantess to bully me

>"Though she never wed, she had many offers, and several lovers through the years. Duels were fought over the right to sit beside her, men killed themselves after falling from her favor, poets outdid each other writing songs about her beauty. Her most ardent admirer was her half-brother, Bloodraven, who proposed marriage to her half a hundred times. Shiera gave him her bed, but never her hand. It amused her more to make him jealous."



It's weird cause they're both wearing heels

>lesbian fag degeneracy

apply yourself

this but switch dany+jon with jon+ygritte

should i get my hopes up, lads? is this going to be worthy of book jaime?

Jon and Snowfu was the only one with any real chemistry. Makes sense since they ended up fucking IRL

It seems fucking surreal. Even one spinoff will not be as successful as GoT, five will just be a massive failure. HBO will devalue themselves. But it seems that in the current decade making massive ambitious productions is in vogue.

How has this not been brought up by anyone. She literally had the king in the North as her prisoner for months and everybody on the island knew she was wet for him.


>"omae wa mou shindeiru"



>tfw bobbbyposting is dead

>Ranking twincest below Jonsa

Begone, plebbitor

>no Dany/Daario

Pleb detected

Literally the proof that Targ women are all whores. Hit it Bobby.

My gf swears Gwendoline Christie is gorgeous. I dont get it, why do roasties have such weird taste in women?


You are degenerates, Stannisansa is the only good ship.

>is this going to be worthy of book...
Have you been watching the same show I have?

>hit tier
I know that's right!

>girl with her phone out
Aaaand lost my boner.

Pretending unattractive women are attractive is a form of virtue signalling.


jaime looks like a turbochad in this pic

Cool, you guys like shipping too! This is so big over at Reddit!

What happened? He was 12/10.

Except shes not a Targ. She was a Bastard

Preston is a genius tbqh.

Add JonxDany to undisputed tier and that's perfect.


>is this going to be worthy of book jaime?
I doubt it. Show Jaime still loves Cersei

hello /r/freefolk

Margaery has been married 3 times and Danaerys twice, right?

>abandoning best queen
>worthy of anything

Robert was a cuck

Why not both at the same time

All Targs are bastards user.

Also she still has Targ blood.

Good lord is that really a thing?


>4 targs

You think book Jaime and Jon will share Dany and Cersei once their hidden Targness is revealed?

oh you're from r/freefolk too :))))

The Kingsguard armor and helmets are literally disgusting looking this season. Literally Gay BDSM tier

>reddit scum trying this hard to be funny

hint: your meme is shit and so are you.

This may change in episode 7.

Go back to tumblr you old bitch



cast them

A fellow Le Redditor! Gonna upvote this! XD

>ywn be a pretty girl making men kill themselves fighting over you

Why even live?

He's still kinda cute

Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?

This. All of Cersei's squad's aesthetics are fucking Romulan tier.

Jaime doesn't share
