This was a good movie, just not a good DEATH NOTE movie.
Is it rated so lowly because butthurt weaboo faggot self hating whites didn't think it was japanese enough or is it actually bad?
a solid 6/10... imo
Just started watching
>Light is a loser
>Shows death note to Misa/Mia to get some pussy
Completely out of character
Even as a death note movie I enjoyed it
Just slightly less than the japanese version
>This was a good movie
You're right, you are the first to say that.
Do you play videogames?
I actually feel tempted to watch it for some reason, unlike GitS. Probably won't though.
A solid 3/10 movie.
It was decent to good.
The good: good acting, good but convoluted story, amazing cinematography.
The bad: some bland characters, the score, too rushed.
>(thing) is a good (x), but not a good (y)
Why does L look like every black dbz fan ive ever seen. Does he do the naruto run in the movie too?
I was thinking this exactly. If you ignore how completely different it is from the source material, it isn't awful. It's not very good either, just perfect mediocrity.
It could have been a good high school movie that has a death note in it, but the introduction of L and the Kira subplot really hampers the movie.
Cutting those out would have made it more decent.
Does Light at least turn into a twisted fucking psychopath by the end or does he stay a beta lawful neutral faggot till the end?
He's just a teen. And L kills him with a stolen Death Note page.
He actually does something pretty close to it during the big chase scene at the end.
>And L kills him with a stolen Death Note page.
Seriously, change all the names and get rid of the half assed (and rushed in this version) god plot, and it's a pretty good Death Note "tale".
>big chase scene
Goddamn every time I read something new about it Im just more and more disappointed and astonished that it could be ruined any more.
I just wanted to watch Light be some cold and calculating mother fucker. Even if he is a bitch the first half of the movie, turning him into a psychopath would have been fun.
>Seriously, change all the names and get rid of the half assed (and rushed in this version) god plot, and it's a pretty good Death Note "tale".
This could have improved it a lot. If you're going to make something so different then pitch it as a different movie set in the Death Note universe. L was even kind of unnecessary, he could have been a regular detective. I don't get why you'd base a movie on something and then change everything about it.
I like that he isn't because the core of this movie is completely different. I honestly don't know why they kept the things they kept, because it makes the movie worse.
If you change the outright core of a story, you need to follow suit, and the biggest problem with this movie is that it didn't follow suit. It's not about some sociopathic chessmaster teen, it's about an "average" teen and his dysfunctional relationship and how things get worse because of the Note.
That, as its own thing, is a good enough premise for a Death Note set movie. But they keep the "Kira" and "global scale" stuff and it becomes nonsense.
Bad. The writing is retarded.
Exactly. There are bits and pieces of this movie that work, but once L comes into the forefront those get rarer.
Them bickering in the Ferris Wheel would have been a great moment in a movie that knew what it wanted to be.
looks beautiful
film feels very experimental at times
The movie can never be as good/deep/detailled as the original. That's a fact and all these weeaboo whining cunts should just go back and watch the Anime or read the Manga if they want something like the original.
But all aside of that. I really found that movie shit. It's not because it differs so much from the original. It's because the new characters are just retarded and boring.
It became a totally generic, boring action flick. There is not a single piece of smart writing, surprising plot twists or any multi layered character development involved.
Let's make Misa/Mia more westernised. Fine. That's a good decision since a over sexualized devote stupid girl isn't really wanted in todays western cinema.
Let's make Light a problem child because he lost his mother. Fine. Seems more logical to me than a totally coldblooded teenager who just single handedly takes the whole world hostage.
Let's make L into an impulsive, emotionally unstable little child who gets triggered with ease and has absolute no problems with showing himself to the whole public.
All of that is fine. If you want a really boring, bad written movie.
Those characters are not even in the slightest way made for a Death Note movie.
The only part that was at least a bit like the original was the end when Light revealed his plan in the hospital.
Those 45 seconds of plot information about how he instrumentalised some people to do this and that little puzzle piece was exactly the kind of Light that we wanted to see.
But sadly they made him a not very smart in total and a complete pussy.
And L was just a complete asshole with absolutely no interesting characteristic whatsoever.
You just can't put those things they tried to put into this movie within 100 minutes.
Either make it a 2,5-3 hours film or rewrite the plot for a shorter time. Fuck the action scenes and the attempts to make cool pictures and give the characters more time to develop...
Sadly I just can give it a 2/10.
Garbage like all his other work.
solid 2/10 not as bad as dragon ball evolution
Agreed he made an effort just not very polished for example the dutch angles were overused and too many high school cliches
Holy shit that was an awful movie. So forced and rushed, and a mess tonally. The only part I was intrigued by was when Watari was seeking to find his name at the orphanage. That was well done.
Everything else in this movie was as laughable as Dafoe's evil grin.
felt like an episode of americlap horror story
>This was a good movie,
The entire last 2/3rds of the movie hinges on L publicly daring a guy who only ever killed murderers to murder him and then he didn't so he assumes he needs a name and face. Why? Who the fuck knows! Apparently he can just understand supernatural powers here!
Fuck at least the plan in the anime made sense, but all of this took such massive leaps of logic nobody could possibly have actually made them if the plot didn't demand it.
Totally. He simply put Watari in the book and he didn't have his face either...and yet he couldn't just put 'L" and have the hooded guy in his mind? Dafoe would have known who he was referring to.
Im surprised a black L didnt appease the SJWs
>You wrote my name in the notebook didnt you?
>Only if you took it!
What? He already fucking wrote her name. Was he going to go back in time and unwrite it if she didn't take it?
He's lying.
They can only burn one page and bullshit if he was going to die.
What was the point of lying in that situation? What did he gain?
To fool the audience
Into what?
Not even tnat. They show the Xavier school for gifted detectives in the movie.
Put some other super detective in the movie, create a different manneirism like N, and in the Wataro scene just show him past a white pale blue haired weirdo like a wink for the fans.
If ryuk is so different and involved, make a new god of death. Even better, one of those we see in their world in the anime.
Change the names. Change "kira" do "avenger" or some more americanized shit
There. You can now do anything you want character wise.
He wrote "Mia will die if she takes the notebook from me" because apparently you can do things like that in this version of Death Note. He wanted her to die all along though, the part about "I didn't think you would actually take it!" was bullshit.
Into thinking he didn't have a plan
No, he wrote "Mia dies when she takes the notebook from her boyfriend."
Yeah, which means him wanting her to die was 100%
Then there was no point in Light freaking out when she took it.
Other than tricking the audience. Or maybe he didn't know that she would have a fake-out first.
Having a character act irrationally because of the audience is bad writing.
Everyones scale is different, I think a 5/10 is an average watchable movie. not bad or good.
I think this was a 4.5 out of ten. It kept my interest and had some good parts but was overall rushed. It lacked any real character development for me. I thought black L was actually pretty good but did not like him in the second half. Overall the philosophy is already so basic and they even failed to really explore that so, less than average for me. I still watched it all the way through and felt somewhat entertained.
What the hell was Mia apologizing for?
I thought she killed Lights dad, but no, hes still alive.
For wanting to kill him.
They're dipshit teens in a bad relationship.
Acting seemed pretty bad to me. Light was terrible most of the time, and they talked through their lines too fast (the characters were badly directed, visually the movie was fine tho). There wasn't enough tension/build up.
It's a fun watch, I like the visuals, music and overall style of the movie. It gives me sort of a Twilight vibe, which I will admit is one of my guilty pleasures (mostly for nostalgic reasons, having watched all of them in the theater with my girlfriend.). I obviously prefer the source material, one of the few Manga I actually own physically, but people are obviously being way too harsh on it. There already are a bunch of Japanese movie adaptions so honestly there shouldn't be alot of issues with it being Americanized. 6/10.
>Red and blue neon
It's fucking fad filming at its finest. Done a dozen times before.
The way the scene was written made it seem like they had went through with killing him, made me think I had zoned out and missed it or something.
Really? It's a good death note movie just not a good movie. Get it? because death note is garbage for niggers and their lovers
>Movie takes place in Seattle
>5 minutes in it's starts to torrential downpour
>We get "maybe" 2 of those a year at most, and they last 5 minutes. Seattle gets 300 days of light rain a year.
You're a humongous faggot with shit taste who understand nothing about what makes a good film
I didn't say it was a good film. I love Rocky IV and Batman & Robin, I wouldn't say those are good films either. Shit, man. They don't all gotta be fucking citizen kane.
>It gives me sort of a Twilight vibe
Literally the only part of this post you need to read.
>have to turn off the movie during the rain scene less than 5 minutes in
how do you guys subject yourself to movies that can't even have a non-cringey opening?
The opening of a movie is the easiest part. you can do fucking anything. but no. its a bullying scene.
Tell me where are all these highschools that are completely unsupervised? Kids can just be assaulted and robbed on school property and somehow no one notices or reports it.
It's absurd to the point of being entirely disconnected with anyones reality.
>It's a good ____ but not a good _____
I didn't care for L. Too many of his actions were based on his assumptions rather than his plans.
First he assumes that the hostage taker who committed suicide must've been Kira because....he saluted before he died.
From this he assumes Kira is in Seattle because nobody outside Seattle could have been watching that.
Then he assumes Kira needs a name and face because criminals who died fit that people. Even though surely tons of people must have died in those few days who don't fit that.
Then he assumes Kira is the type of person to kill people being aired on tv. Twice. Even though he's never done that before. Funnily enough, Kira really isnt the type of person to do that, so L actually assumed wrong. At this point, L shouldn't really even for sure if Kira even can do that.
Then he assumes Light must be Kira because Light didn't kill his dad immediately. Even though its entirely possible that Kira would have known not to be provoked, or would have no problem implicating someone else.
Luckily none of these stupid assumptions matter because when L meets Light, Light just goes ahead and basically admits he's Kira.
>defending Netflix Note
>the contrarianism is already kicking in
people got over the fact that Death Note was never that good to begin with years ago, Sup Forums
Liking a bad movie is one thing but rating it 6/10 just goes to show how retarded you are
Where can I pirate it, I don't want to give shekels to Netflix
no wonder all you idiots like "XD turn your brain off" shit. you literally have no thought process.
ok it's 0/10, whatever man, I enjoyed it.
Does look nice.
At least L beats that faggot light in this version
I wonder how many of you, who get so fucking angry about people not hating this movie, calls Batman v Superman kino.
having just finished it I can definitely say it's worse than BvS, so I don't know what point you're trying to prove.
>ItS A SoLiD 6/10 GUyS, I dOnT KnOw wHeRe AlL tHe h8 Is CoMiNg FrOm
You fags need Jesus
It was hilarious at times. Not very good but I had fun.
It's about the same. Seriously.
Not really.
I liked it. Light was more retable, not too perfect like in the anime. L was fine. Mia was hot as fuck.
Overall an enjoyable movie, for an american movie version of Death Note it's fine, it could've been so much worse
>reddit memes
fuck off
>being gay
>le reddit
You have to go back.
this is a actual line from the movie by the way
Lights girlfriend looks like a younger hotter kstew
BvS obviously cost alot more money, but it's equally shitty written and is kept afloat by the visuals and music. I enjoyed BvS about as much as Death Note but the difference is that I expected alot more out of it, I always knew Death Note would be avarage at best.
>it could've been so much worse
Honestly this, I mean it doesn't make the movie great, but after Dragon Ball Evolution there's no way I'm going to start flinging feces over an anime adaption being sort of not great.
>reddit spacing
Was the cinematography actually great? I thought it was fine, but it didn't exactly seem exceptional or anything.
It wasn't very good but it was very fun. Needed a better script that would make the whole thing less global and epic so they could've kept the budget down, made it longer and focus more on character.
But well they didn't do that so we have this. A light popcorn movie with some solid direction, style and a terrible screenplay.
Hey I want to watch this with my family..
How much cussing, sex, gore is in it?
Movie was too short and felt way too rushed. It has to be at least 2 hours to properly tell the story and introduce the characters.
I couldn't believe when he just told not misa about the death note. He fucking admitted murder to some random slut that he barely knew.
Then when L says that he is Kira he completely drops his spaghetti.
no, but some fags managed to take some pretty screenshots of it so they're going to keep insisting that it does now.
When I saw the first death I thought that all of the deaths are gonna be comical and "Final Destination" bus
Light is supposed to be a Chad. Literally the last person you expect to care about crime, because he's drowning in women, popular, is handsome, intelligent, athletic, and from a upper middle-class nuclear family that loves him.
why the fuck did I type bus
Yeah, because he is teenaged virgin. Most teenagers would probably do the same thing
>And L kills him with a stolen Death Note page.
>Believing that
Question, why would Light point L towards the one book with a page he randomly ripped out that could be used to kill him when he'd already planned a way to escape? It's an obvious sequel hook.
That is why he is not a good character is the anime. He is probably the worst part in the original
No explicit sex, but surprisingly gory in the first half.
So that he could shift the blame to Mia, of course.
But L is clearly shifting toward the idea that vengeance is a good idea, which is why the movie ends with Ryuk cackling and Light being dumbfounded.
>knowing how reddit formats a post
Le got him, eh fellow magapedes? XD