How do you feel about the struggle of refugee children?

How do you feel about the struggle of refugee children?

They don't look like they're struggling to me.

Bad, we should take in all the girls under the age of 12.

>refugee """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""children""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

it sucks to be born into that mess, but I really could care less about children halfway across the world that I don't know who even if I did help they'd most likely still grow up to be typical shitskins

My ancestors didnt build my country for them.

Luxury. We used to live in one room, all hundred and twenty-six of us, no furniture.

sand niggers are still sand niggers


i dont care for them or white children in that matter

I feel like we should elect politicians that don't start proxy wars in middle eastern countries over petty half-century old grudges that kill or displace millions of people.


The same way I feel about every child's struggle.

Bestowing your good will and generosity onto someone based on a fixed framework criteria is inherently wrong. It is a prerogative of the retarded or simple mind to comprehend every single part of the world in either black or white.
Not every refugee is worth our help based on the single fact that he/she's a refugee alone.

the struggle for them to fulfil their parents' wishes of taking over our countries?


They have to go back

They should be welcome in oil monarchies of the Arabian Peninsula

decent squat on the left

the damn arab nations should of taken them , the west should of never got involved with the damn refugees bc now they all just come over here for the promise of us taking those shitstains in

feel sorry for them being born into the worst culture there is (beside negroid maybe). They never had a chance

its like a domino effect

This guy gets it.

Not my problem, definitely not my responsibility. They are already fucked in the head and are better off despatched humanely.

Bringing them to the West is the worst thing anyone could do. Prolongs the agony of their pathetic lives, also ensures we've got a steady supply of potential future drug dealers, rapists, jihadis living in our cities.

The US isn't getting involved with them, you stupid nigger. Just sit back and watch Europe burn because of them.

They aren't Turkish or Indian, so I don't think they're born into the worst culture per se.

Serbian diaspora spotted.

Also, don't give a shit about them.


The only way to solve the refugee crisis is to issue a syrian loli to any single male under the age of 25.


Those who put others before their own perish.

arabic culture is the worst there is
>indians are paki rape babys
>turks are arabs

This broke my heart, literally. If we let immigrants in, our kids will end up like this.

yep. parents should learned to not breed like flies when their whole entire country is approaching war/currently is in war. they have no fucking regard for the quality of their own kids life and it's so easy to see child birth trends in western countries almost stop during times of war and it isn't even being fought on their land. third worlders have no place in this world it's survival of the fittest

Pakis are Muslim, not Arabic, and since Hinduism was in India first, that would make Pakis Indian rape babies.

And while Turks are technically Arabic, they're a weird combination of that and Euro that ends up making the worst culture in the world imo. Fucking roaches.


we should donate swimming lessons

so we can teach lions to hunt for them in the mediteranian

How do you feel about the struggle of the Hitler youth? A child can be anything. It all depends on their surroundings.
Leftist politicians and Islamists groom children to use as their tools. Purge those groups, then whatever.

I feel a sense of natural empathy, but otherwise, no fucks given nor would I as a leader be welcoming of them into my country. It's not my/our responsibility. The western world is not a dumping ground for the problems of the third world.

Don't care.

A baby alligator is also cute

Saudis and Daesh have already taken all the yazidi girls

I'd let her suck my cock for a sandwich. A ham sandwhich of course.

>Whats your name
>Dont know


I have more empathy for the children living in our own countries. Why should their lives and their safety be jeopardized to improve the lives of foreigners?