ITT we make assumptions about each other based off or Sup Forums waifus
ITT we make assumptions about each other based off or Sup Forums waifus
The Nanny ruined me. My dick twitches in an pavlovian response every time i hear a nasal jewish woman.
You like ugly abusive women?
also kaya
Abusive? What are you talking about?
who was the ungodly sexy fuck girl again?
How was the Nanny so lewd and still considered family TV?
roast me
sorry meant to say bottom right girl in ops pic
Nobody else seems to love her as much as me
supréme taste
Source on the duck?
I did until she started treating Fitz like shit. I have not watched the last couple of seasons though so maybe it has changed.
she literally spends like 1 and a half years on an alien planet fucking a chad thundercock astronaut before finally hooking up with Fitz
you're from the north east.
Tina Russo from The Looney Tunes Show (2011).
>multiple waifus
Kill yourself
You're not wrong.
She also just abandoned him when he lost his intelligence.
You have an older sister and appreciate dry humor.
Have at me
Manlet who was neglected as a child.
>You have an older sister and appreciate dry humor.
3 older sisters and I hate dry humor, I think.
Youre a beta sub who likes sassy dominant women
Sorry pal. Therapy helps
You live a sheltered life.
God, Susie turns me on so fucking much.
Make way, plebs
You very much enjoy being aggressively dominated.
Remini was hot as fuck.
mommy issues
mommy issues and maybe a little gay
You like trannies.
not fair you could say that about anybody on this site
yup :DDD
it literally doesn't, let your freak flag fly!
Who is this?
Best froggo
Must be a Chinese sorcerer
Has a dirty but logical mind
Cold and uncaring... also mommy issues
What's your opinion?
Raimi Malick
that italian girl duck had a hott accent, boner tier
They all have hot accents my guy
Based taste. Rest are plebs.
Only girl I need.
Molly Ephraim
Pic related and Rooney Mara
My waifus Sup Forums
who is this ugly bitch
There is no plural of waifu you can only have one waifu you fucks.
She's mine now too.
Lord, you are a good carpenter.
you're above the average Sup Forums age. the mind that would favor this kind of look was moulded in the 80s or even the 70s. Guarantee dat.
Hannah from Todd and the Book of Pure Evil made me diamonds
You want to fuck your mother.
You have great taste.
I forgot about her...
Kek, why? My birthday is in a month (1990 guy here)
She as a catgirl futanari really makes me mad. But she's a great waifu overall.
can't have more than one waifu
a waifu is about love. that's it. either you've had one or you haven't, there is no switching or substituting or any mealy-mouthing equivalent.
It's okay to just have a fucking hard crush on a chick, but that doesn't make her you're waifu
yo suck my dick from the back
Polygamy. Waifuists BTFO.
You know we use waifus just ironically, right?
What did he mean by this?
You are a self hating jew
give it to me straight doc
first broad on your pic. you win OP.
this time...
what stae?
New York.
i'd ask more but for some reason I think you live close.
Do you get a lot of snow? and do you like women being mad at you? because both are yes to me.
>strong nice womens
>qt geeks
>Do you get a lot of snow?
Depends. Past few years we haven't gotten a lot of snow in December, but usually yes, we would get a lot of snow.
>do you like women being mad at you?
I don't think so, but I don't know if I've ever had a woman really be mad at me outside of my family.
The hostess with the mostest! I wish she was my nanny.
so northern new york?
syracuse, buffalo? am i close?
I thinks thats supposed to be a jersey accent
No, lower than that, closer to the city.
I'm from Brooklyn though.
Muh rosefu
plx gib weeird gf
>ITT: a bunch of anons who hate (((them))) but love their women
diaper fetish
i love everyone and erica tazel is my tv waifu except in my fantasies she's nine feet tall and bullies me into being her foot stool
I can fix her...
My top 4, top spot is reserved for either Hendricks or Dennings
Best taste in the thread so far
what's wrong with her
You're an aficionado of thiccness, you also have mommy issues.
Not wanting her to beat your ankles with her police baton