How come models are so underutilized in female roles?
Aesthetic like these have a wide appeal.
How come models are so underutilized in female roles?
Aesthetic like these have a wide appeal.
Cause they can't act. Name one good actress that is/was a supermodel
Monica Bellucci.
women can't act as a whole, might as well pick pretty ones
holy fuck
They are VIP whores, cant act, only show body.
That is one healthy looking woman. Is she boyfriend free?
Abbey lee kershaw
Check mate faggot
Mad Max fury road did a good job.
Milla Jochovich (would give cut my right hand away after fucking her, if that would be price of it.)
Jesus christ, what kind of fashion show is this?
He said good.
nothing take me out of a movie like the cast being nothing but model tier dopes
Thats the nightly news in Brazil
a good one.
>not growing up fapping to FashionTV
It was free on cable and had so much nudity.
>fake tits
No thanks. Ass is okay though.
because you need to be able to act and models can't act like anything but a stuck up bitch
Some girls in Brazil actually walk in the street that way.
Man, i miss Brazil.
>Implying fashion models are even allowed to have fake tits.
Either you're a virgin, or you've never been with a decent pair.
Worst "actress" I have ever witnessed watching on film.
Don't get any ideas whiteboi
>cow titts
>a horses ass
Who allowed with ""model"" on the runway
Tricia Helfer as Six in BSG is a goddess.
solid fake tiddies
what's wrong with horse ass buddy?
Charlize Theron?
So, story time, once I was really fucking bored, and I emailed Sierra Skye (the whore in the OP webm) about how I was a gajillionaire have a financial domination fetish and want to to send her cash and buy her gifts and pay her bills etc... The dumb bitch believed me and gave me her private email for her paypal and her phone number and we went back and forth on email about the arrangements. Eventually, she said shes going out shopping and wants me to send her $1000 as a start.
TL:DR: The stories are all true if youre wealthy enough
You're white though. Why are you pretending not to be? Weirdo.
>mfw remembering people prior the series talking about how she's going to be a weak point and that she's just a dumb model
>actually one of the better actors on the show with the most range
>waaah why won't women have sex with me
no they dont
>he thinks the lead chad from her model agency doesn't answer all the emails pretending to be her.
>ywn be wealthy enough to fuck any and every IG whore who gives you boner
Why even live?
It wasnt "the lead chad from her agency". It was her. She gave me an email different than the one on her instagram and that one wasnt a corporate email. We also talked on the phone as well. All this before I even sent her a dollar. Shes very guillible and not that bright
I agree and think more models should be cast in feature films.
muh dick
When i was there, they did.
I had the same opinion of Anna Torv in Fringe. Was expecting generic hot female lead; instead got a dynamic, emotionally intense and extremely capable actress that could convincingly play 4/5 versions of the same character, sometimes in the same episode.
Good shit.
Also, BSG acting power rankings thread?
Baltar>Adama>Starbuck>>>>>Tigh=/=Cavil>>>>>>>Six>>Zarek>>POWER GAP>>>Apollo>Gaeta>Boomer>Roslin>Helo>Billy>>>>>Dee=/=Cally>>>>Tyrol
well yeah, the moral of the story is if i was actually wealthy i couldve been her financial or foot slave with just a few emails
i've done this b4. its a creepy but cool feeling
an attractive model? what is this madness? did they fire all the gays from the fashion industry or something?
More like
>I'm defending you on Sup Forums so please have sex with me
They don't. They're actually very modest about nipples and genital areas. Stop lying.
>have a truly 10/10 body and face
>get fake tits that ruin everything
I DM'd Alexandra Daddario on IG once offering to pay $10k or any amount she wants for her worn unwashed bra and panties. She saw the msg and didn't respond and blocked me. Only celeb interaction I've had
i really liked gaeta.
They probably can. Women are natural actors as a means of making themselves compatible with a provider. If a model has a decently high IQ, she can act.
>responding to a roastie
She doesn't look like the average model, though. They're usually sticks or thin fridges.
Nigga they don't move at all
I'm not lying. Do you even live in Brazil? I expent the carnival there.
Proof? If this was true, you could have tried to extort her, or at least sell the story to some celebrity gossip medium.
are you an idiot? There are tons of fashion models with fake tits, fake ass, lip injections, nose jobs, face lifts etc.
You must never leave your room or some shit
God dammit. I just got done masturbating.
A swim suit model is NOT a high fashion model
>extort her
Thats illegal,user. Im not going to spend my life as Tyrones bottom bitch in prison just to mess with a roastie. Also, that was like a year ago, I doubt she was even wealthy enough to extort at that point or even today
> sell the story to some celebrity gossip medium
Shes a literal who, user.
Anyways, I still have the emails, but I dk how to photoshop out her info so i cant take screenshots
>Aesthetic like these
Short and stumpy is appealing?
Well models, both male and female are simply...too attractive, to the point where it becomes difficult to buy their roles as "regular" people.
Case in point, a "nuclear physicist".
Careful user, she eats souls. I wouldnt get on her bad side
weebls wobble but they don't fall down
I mean, in an extremely tongue-in-cheek way.
and what about pornstars?
why they don't get hired as eye candy for movies?
>he thinks girls post on Sup Forums
Holy fuck you might actually be even more stupid than the guy youre replying too
if your collection's runway show isn't composed of skeletal women, then it's not to be taken seriously.
Better than a tall, flat stick figure like Charlize Theron.
I met Bono once
>he doesnt know
i have talked to the bass player from DIIV on Sup Forums
you don't know how to use mspaint?
Can you please separate PRE-New Caprica Tigh with POST-New Caprica Tigh? After the resistance he became God-tier.
Tyrol was NOT worse than Cally. I pretty much pictured him as Frank Sobotka from The Wire and it made his parts much better. Also, Put Baltar somewhere in the top 3. And move Gaeta between Six and Zarek.
I didn't see Baltar there, I'm a retard. Disregard.
name a good actress that isnt
hahahahah user pls
> I had the same opinion of Anna Torv in Fringe.
Good choice. I thought she was terrible when I started Fringe. No emotions and utterly bland.
Little did I know it was a great subtle performance and with the alt's it showed she really could act.
women only post on Sup Forums and other moderated boards.
they cant handle Sup Forumschad banter
none of these whores are supermodels first and formeost, secondly none of them except Bellucci have been in a good film
and finally "acting talent" is a meme that only plebians like most of Sup Forumsedditors believe in
if the direction is good the acting will inevitably be good too
everyone else > POWER GAP > starcuck
that body is a problem
Spoiler: everyone is a whore if you give them enough money. You'd probably suck my dick for less than 10k.
Yeah like it would've been dumb if there HADN'T been models in something like The Neon Demon, but I don't want women in the things I watch to all be goddesses, it's distracting. Same reason I don't want the """"nerdy"""" characters to be handsome men with slightly messy hair and glasses and to actually look like dorks.
jesus fuck my dick
An actual 10/10 body