ok bbcakes
*unzips ass*
Was it rape?
Who's that qt behind boarman?
are all got fans brain damaged?
The breastplate stretcher over and eat my ass.
I would definitely bend her, if you know what I mean ;)
why is khaleesi so thicc bros?
can someone post the ITS MY TURN meme of dany pls
why are targaryens so bitchy
it's the official wine pourer
>ahh... aaahhh..!~ you feel so good inside me, Jon! It's good to know a Targaryen again..
From the dusty mesa
>now this is shitposting.
In S07E06 why the fuck did Jon Snow and crew run towards the horde of dead? Why the fuck didn't they just go back the way they sent Stannis' kid? Why was there a stand off between the army of dead and like 5 dudes for a whole night when the hordes end up just crossing the dangerous ice anyways, I thought the point was that they stayed back because they figured the weight would crack the ice and drown all of them. I am so fucking confused right now. Also why did Jon not get on the dragon? He just one-man-armies off towards the ice king guy for no reason as the others just sit there. What the fuck did I just watch?
>Lazy writing the series
They're just phoning it in to get the show over with so they can go home and spend their millions.
Also how the fuck did Dragonslut get there in the time span of around 12-24 hours after Jon and everyone got surrounded? Do they now have magic teleportation powers when sending crow messengers? How can the writing be so shit? Season 1-3 were at least consistent.
what about Euron and his magic fleet popping up everywhere
At least that's in the ocean and the show doesn't define or go into detail where the ships are when they're traveling. S07E06 is full of blatant plot holes a 6 year old would notice.
Because it was 5 days not a night you autist
does anyone else think it's cool to be hypercritical of fucking TV? you're so flatulent you stupid aerosol shit
they were married... she didn't fight from what I saw...
>Because it was 5 days not a night
Prove that this is true, because nowhere is this pointed out or alluded to. They direct it as if a day at most passes by.
>pointing out obvious as fuck plot holes and bad writing in one episode
seemed like one night to me
I will not