>Japanese films can't be goo-
Japanese films can't be goo-
the only people that think this sucks are people with add and anti japanese americans
>file name
my nigga
Love Japanese films. A lot of them feel like low budget indie films without being indie films.
what did you think of her?
Japanese films are pretty decent, actually. Akira Kurosawa had the superior version of Macbeth
The King Lear adaptation wasn't as good.
>wants to be the US president
>can barley speak English
It was ok. My only point is, we've never gotten a Rashomon or Grave of the Fireflies in the west
She needs to learn more bigly words eh?
Ran? That was an incredible film though.
I tried to watch this, aside from CG disaster scenes of godzilla smashing stuff it was just awful. Dialogue and exposition like a wikipedia summary of a movie on fast forward.
>Dialogue and exposition like a wikipedia summary of a movie on fast forward.
>barley speak English
>barley speak
Have you seen the 1954 film? This is the closest modern Godzilla movie that had the feel of that one.
It was fucking fantastic.
I'm too lazy to google pls post more
ty based user
it makes sense that an undersea creature would have gigantic eyes to trap light.
It does make early form Gojira look retarded though
Who says japs can't make kino?
>It does make early form Gojira look retarded though
This. Godzilla isn't initially taken as seriously as he should and the Japanese allow the situation to get out of hand. From then on the heroes have to play catch up as Godzilla gradually becomes more threatening until a very serious crisis is only narrowly avoided.
Between people like Kurosawa, Ozu, Kobayashi, Shindo, Obayashi, Teshigahara, Koreeda, Takahata, Kon, and Sono, why would you think Japanese films can't be good?
Did anyone expect to see a scene like this when Anno was announced as writer/director?
I gotta be honest I don't know enough about
Anno's pre eva work predict something like this
also i wasn't aware of these things because i was born in 1994.
What in the absolute fuck is that image
this looks really cool but I still don't get it
ending shot
it means Godzilla was still evolving. Those were its spawn. If they hadn't stopped it in time, then we would deal with those smaller alien looking part of Godzilla wreaking havoc.
from a cursory google search it appears that Japan froze Gojira in the midst of an evolution. A group of individuals coming together defeated Gojira, so Gojira evolved into a group of smaller monsters.
oh shit i posted in the wrong thread. I'm too drunk to be on Sup Forums lol
How can anyone say that when Kurosawa exists?
I just got it in the mail yesterday
i liked it
>Nothing but talking with maybe 5 minutes of monster action
Why do people like this over the 2014 film?
Kafka-ish humor ?
guys i wanna upload webms of this movie but don't know how. throw me a webm for dummies link plox
We've all seen it already just describe the scene you wish to convey
Godzilla himself was representative of the nuclear bombs, the people on its tail represent the victims that died in its explosion in WW2 but in this movie, the people killed by Godzilla. Not literally though, but those figures look like they are agonizing
Because, unlike the 2014 film, the non-monster stuff is interesting and there is actually three times the amount of monster action than you suggested
The most common theory is that Godzilla evolves to counter all threats against its being. Since the it was defeated by an intelligent population of smaller hominids working together, that would have been the next step of its evolution: to literally become people. There's a scene cut from the original script that would have focused on a severed chunk of Godzilla's flesh slowly starting to grow into another creature.
What kind of actual pleb said Japanese films can't be good?
I really wanted some crazy anno shit but i understand why he played it straight. He made the best godzilla film scince the original and you can see a bit of his directing from nge shine through.
Someone who thinks anime is gay and associates everything Japanese as such.