Is Sup Forums ready for the BIG night tomorrow?

Is Sup Forums ready for the BIG night tomorrow?

That's a big bulge.

are they boxers

are whites or blacks better at whatever this and who's the favorite

>are whites or blacks better at whatever this
It's a contest of physical prowess and bravery, what do you think?

Check my 4U

McGregor is husbando tier desu

>Who will win in the boxing match, the boxer or the MMA fighter?
>Oh, also the boxer set all the rules :^)

New video?

This picture is the definition of heterosexuality.

that's what I immediately noticed

>also the boxer is black (the superior race)

why were mccuckors think was going to happen?

The cucks want to keep Mayweather's undefeated title clean because "muh BBC" if McGregor doesn't take the fall he'll have to move to Mexico to avoid being killed

It's just two bros joking around.

do you bros think he's hard?


they already have 3 fights planned in secret including the outcomes of each one.

they're both looking for maximum pay. and each fight will come down to a jury decision so the legacy will always be in question

Let the eurofags go in with spears and see what happens

>superior intellect and tactics
would still win

I think floyd is gonna take a dive and than ask for a rematch which will net him probably half a billion payday in the rematch

it's really not considering he's fully erect


1/4 chub at most.

It's pretty normal in that situation

Yeah but why? It was the corona girls right?