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Just shut up and go clean my toilet.
You can't afford our services, huebro.
Croats aren't slavs.
The Irish and the Slovenians outsmart us? Nothing against either of them, but...
So wtf are you?
They are Seaside Hungarians.
i lol'd
Predominantly Ostrogoths.
Actually somewhat true. We're genetically closer to Hungarians then to other slavs.
Well, Horváth is a common family name in Hungary.
We're one big, happy family.
actaully most of poles here are either programmers or stem or high quality specialists who can work and often work in every corner of the world in their profession.
Brazilians monkeys are so stupid and lazy. I cant see any of you anywhere in AI/programming/maths. There is plenty of slavs,asians,nordics and even fucking poo in loo. But south america is completely irrelevant due to its stupideness,low iq and laziness.
no, you're unique snowflakes apparently
We wuz gotlanders
if you arent slavs hungarians arent ugrofinnics
What on earth are Hungarians anyway?
I used to make fun of this shit too until I realized it's real.
Ostrogoth isn't a race. You're predominantly I2a1 so you're Dinarics. You're sorted into Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volkes.
mfw Hungarians and Austrians are basically the same people genetically but we are called mongols and they are called german
>haplogroup I
nigga that's at least 20.000y old, you are old European, not Nordic/Germanic/Ostrogoth
Ostrogoths are germanics from Gotland
I'm talking about their race, not nationality.
Poles are slavver than Russia, or any other slavs for that matter
South Poland confirmed 3rd world shithole.
Ironically Silesia is historically the most Germanic part of modern Poland
Well Russians are Mongolian rape babies.
I wonder how different history would be if we never resisted Magyarization
Don't bother with the thread. It's the same self hating cuck.
You speak a mongol language, therefore mongol (like finns).
>tfw living in mongol-tier gdp part
>tfw I actually love mongol culture
>south slavs
He's not wrong, Poland is a shithole.
Oh that's rich coming from you.
I presume Croats would be what Southern French are to the French. You'd be speaking Hungarian with a different accent and more Slavic words. Having said that, Croatia wouldn't be too different.
Bulgars wannabes.
>Russia talking about shitholes
Be butthurt all you want, you are still irrelevant.
>province as rich as Iceland
>province as poor as Democratic Republic of Congo
who cares about being relevant. i care about growth,standard of living, culture, mentaliy, comfort of daily live of my country etc. the fact that for example average salary in warsaw is two times high as in moscow, and still costs of living are comparable and maybe in moscow slightly higher. Russians are like MUH WE CAN EAT SHIT BBUT IT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAT RUSSIA STRONG AND RELEVANT.
GDP is not about wealth. You meant gdp per capita. In this infographic you have GDP, not gdp per capita.
Yet nobody wants to live in Poland.
U sure, breh?
Good, we're full.
the same goes with russia. only some mongols from kazakhstan are willing to emigrate to your shithole only because they know russian and their countries are even greater shitholes.
btw 1,5 mln ukraininans are now in poland.
He's baiting you, nigger.
Why would you do total GDP rather than GDP per capita?
Does that mean that you have the combined wealth of all those countries?
Luxembourg is irrelevant af, but it's citizens live better than Russians or Poles
relevance =! standards of living
Also system thinks my post is a spam, wtf is up with that
I know but if you assume that you dont respond to baits on Sup Forums then you would not respond to approximately 80% of posts here.
>Putin-style politics
So you hate Polish goverment?
>btw 1,5 mln ukraininans are now in poland.
Aren't you supposed to hate them?
It will be easier to genocide them if they all come to Poland friend.
There's an uki girl that sucks my dick in hope for me marrying her and her getting Polish citizenship. I won't do anything since that bitch cleary is using me as a ticket but her pussy game is mad.
>So you hate Polish goverment?
Schulz does.
But it's also a Polish custom to hate any and every government.
no,ukraininans are relatively peacuful,hardworking and do jobs that poles who stayed in poland are not willing to do :cleaning toilets etc.
>Good, we're full.
BS take back your people, there pissing me off
never. i hope that our pathology and lower class will stay in britain forever. take them.
Tell that to your Ukrainian refugees.
I want our people back from Great Britainistan ;(
I'ts not safe there and it's bad for their catholic souls to live in middle eastern muslim country.
This. We are literally sending our worst.
I find this very hard to believe, who wants to talk polish, and live in poland. no offence but you might aswell ask me to immagrate to brazil, just not going to happen
Diaspora has no nationality, mate. I don't know what "your people" you're talking about.
Calm down there Ahmed, we're not paradise but we're far better than ukraine.
I don't think you've ever seen Ukraine then.
Yet you're somehow living in mini-Iraq.
>Bong can't comprehend obvious things
Ask yourself: If I am Ukrainian girl, what benefit will bring me getting Polish citizenship (vastly better living standard and by expanding this, ability to travel and migrate across Europe?)
until still need to get past immagration, 5 more years then we can start throwing you out again.
im sorry, i thought you was on about "UK" Girl.
>5 more years then we can start throwing you out again
You can't even throw niggers and pakis out, lmao.
but we can now reduce the numbers. 1 in 6 workers are foreign.
>throw EU citizens out
>because "muh dirty, ugly, stupid slavs"
>do nothing about niggers
>do nothing about ragheads
And who will work? Brits are lay as fuck and they can't do basich job. I tried employing Brtis few times and they were worthless. I would do better job employing few monkeys for bannanas then spending my money on Brit "Specialist" with down syndrome when it comes to work. You are lazy degenrate and stupid.
I am really curious about perspectives of your it sector and high frequency trading without slavs,asians and poo in loo.
So how did all these jobs get done before you lot arrived?
This lazy meme needs to die like your ancestors did to the soviets.
I hope you're ready to accept your quota.
dude we're brothers, paprikash dinner when
I hope you're ready to prep the bull, because you're not gonna get uncucked anytime soon, especially with all those second and third generation niggers and ragheads.
>tfw you are Armenia
your economy was smaller so thats why you hadnt got so high demand for labour.
>all these poor countries combine to form a giant piece of shit
wew lad
>his lazy meme needs to die like your ancestors did to the sovie
LOOOOL. Your old generation is dying out and your young population is all for gibsmedats and "I deserve meme" + BBC and Islam. So no. lazy meme isn't going anywhere anytime soon. You are going down and after brexit it's going to be faster then ever. Stop being buthurt and just admit you fucked up hard.
Cro bro knows what's up
>country with future
pick one.
Is this a map of the cuckoo gene?
I made some pálinka.
Obviously because Russia conquered everyone all the way to China.
If Poland will conquer UK and France their country would also become less slavic.
And people will go like
"Haha fucking non slavs, your country is infested with anglos and french"
Isnt your map proves that you are half South Slavic, Sardinian and half Slavic,Kurgan Aryan horvatskiy m8?
Nope. Don't care abut ur
Rashka is cool. Brofist.
>being so butthurt about getting KHAN'D
Shhh bby gurl.
fuck you Grzegorz
Actually Zachariasz. Don't be sad murica-niii ;(
Ukrainians = 5th column
Lolol hue idiot got wrecked.
I do
Im afraid so but my barber is Ukrainian and she is lovely and we need immigrants. Ukrainians > Achmeds anyday.
How come Poland is poorer than Germany?
Both are shit but Ukrainians banderas are more dangerous than Akmeds because they look like you and speak your language. Akmeds are easier to spot .
At least they are not killing anyone...yet.
50 years of economical freedumbs. But we will get ther eventually.