A grown man wrote this...
A grown man wrote this
society is crumbling
And grown manchildren are taking him seriously and getting real angry about it
Well at least he didn't write Harry Potter, which is the dullest of all dull franchises.
Kinda looks like Art Bell
... and a kid governs USA. It's like we live in an alternate universe.
>Go float yourself
What DID he mean by this?
I wanna give her the dick while mocking her writing.
At least be subtle or clever while cuckin' and jivin' for attention. Embarrassing.
>I'm president and they're not.
Donald Trump, president of the United States, speaking of his critics
>annoying beta kvetches about the actions of civilization leading alpha male
I don't give a fuck about American politics, but this pretentious hack needs to write a good book before having this level of audacity
>he didn't go blind
fake news btfo
>Go float yourself
apparently you've never heard of viral marketing
A grown man also blocked him for shit like this. Political discourse apparently is based in how childish one can act on twitter.
I looked straight at the fucking eclipse at 100% totality for the entirety of its occurrence. Eyesight remains perfectly fine. It was literally capitalist fake news to get you to waste money on overpriced paper "solar glasses".
banned from /pol again?
>A grown man wrote this...
the president of the united states blocked someone on twitter for hurting his feefee's
what's this pedophile's problem again?
Wtf are solar glasses?
Do they not teach Americans how to make them out of cardboard when they're kids?
cadrboard solar glasses arent approved by the FDA, CIA, FCC or any jewish leaders, so no.
>A hack calling out a Kike
Why did Trump block him?
he wrote barron trump in his child orgy in the sewers scene.
Man, he's my favourite author, why is he just becoming a fucking liberal retard?
The books themselves are pretty good, but I don't understand the almost religious fervor people have over them, it's fucking weird.
Probably because he just REEs at trump all day
>stephen king
>grown man
The president was petty enough to block him in the first place
The last HP book fucking sucked
is it a jewish character?
>I don't understand the almost religious fervor people have over them, it's fucking weird.
never underestimate brits and their fads
remember the beatles?
No shit, dummy. If you're in 100% totality you are supposed to look at it without glasses. In fact, you can't even see the shit with glasses on during those 2 minutes or so.
It's those 2 hours of buildup where the sun is too bright to look at.
and I looked at it throughout that time as well
Sorry you fell for a fucking meme, retard.
No you didn't, kiddo. Why do you tell lies on the internet?
But the books are good though.