How the fuck is this allowed?
How the fuck is this allowed?
Don't worry about what other people choose to do with their bodies.
Well it's also kids who fuck up their entire body and may be forced on other kids as well.
being trans isn't a choice you alt right deplorable
i dont want to watch this. someone give me the cliff notes
historians of the future will look back on this period in horror
Get out, nigger.
Jesus christ I just realized something
I'm a fucking nigger
Your sex doesn't determine your gender
What the fuck is a "suppressed youth"?
>Don't worry about what other people choose to do with their bodies.
This is the single most stupidest post in tv tonight.
Suicide is illegal.
Your gender is fucking hardwired in your brain based on your sex.
No it's not.
If it doesn't affect you personally, why care? There is literally no reason to devote energy to caring about what someone else does to their body.
So we can let underaged kids do these life altering shit before 18 but when it comes to having sex it's taking advantage and abusing.
>boy tells his mom he wantes to be a girl
>mom puts him on puberty blockers to stop him from turning into a man
>he grows up and does hormone therapy
>still looks like a dude
>Gets his own show because tranny's are cool
>wants to get sex change operation now that he's an adult
>doctor tells him that they can't, because the puberty blockers made his penis not grow and it's too small to turn into a "vagina"
>he's now considering using his bowels to turn into a vagina
It's actually not.
The only thing that bothers me about this is that she's so young. Who the fuck isn't confused about who they really are growing up?
Right, then why should I care if someone wants commit suicide, let them be. Its their body, why would I talk them out of it.
We care about our fellow man.
explain the variation in gender roles across all the cultures of humans
Why would you? If they want to kill themselves let them. It's their fucking life not yours. Worry about your own shit and let them be.
Go do some studying. This is a mental illness but for some reason because "muh progesshun" it's only listed as mental disorder with misuse of gene theraphy.
lol wut. He's absolutely right. Keep to your friends and family. Worry about your own children. Fucking stupid ass underage.
Oh you're suffering from mental illness and are violent? Let's cut off part of your brain so you'll be nice and sedated :^)
Oh you think you're supposed to be another gender? Let's scramble your private parts :^)!
This, she can have a little baby microdick if he wants
Is a lot hardwired biologically. Thinking that is all mental is not helping at all non conformin gender people, suicide rates are high.
Is like someone wants to sterilize gay people and get them suicided
lmao the nurse is a tranny too
Then why are 99% of people not gender confused pansies?
>Boy wants to be a girl
>Boy is getting his penis removed to be a girl
>Parents are making money off letting this be filmed
In a thread about this earlier some user posted pics of it's micro-penis
Obviously it's not. You're having a hard time accepting that but reality is that a lot of people don't feel like their biological sex matches their gender.
use spoilers faggot. trans kino ruined!
this shit affects everyone moron
First of all, your statistic isn't based on anything. Secondly because user never said that most people would fall into the category of people with alternative gender identities.
>a lot of people
>1% of population
>majority of that 1% gradually lose desire to be opposite sex
Really rumbles my jumbos
Your right, its actually far far less than 1%
>According to DSM-5, the prevalence of gender dysphoria is 0.005-0.014% for adult natal males and 0.002-0.003% for adult natal females. In Europe, 1 per 30,000 adult males and 1 per 100,000 adult females seek sexual reassignment surgery (SRS).Feb 22, 2016
You're right. I am dead serious. It's none of you business. Body autonomy. You commies don't understand freedom.
Lol. You sound triggered now. How so?
So much this! I don't get why people feel the need to involve themselves into other people's lives.
Jazz is gonna pull the trigger in 10 years
If that less 1% get sex reasignment or hormone therapy in her youth, they will never have children and in some generations it will be a lot less %
Genetics always wins
>jazz can't jizz
Too bad.
Daily reminder that the word gender was coined to be synonymous with sex and became popular in the early 20th century when the word sex took on an erotic meaning, and the "gender is different to sex" meme was started by feminists in the 70's because some rock musicians wore women's clothing and only started being pushed in the mainstream in the past 10 years and there is no reason to take it seriously.
1% (let's disregard that that's pulled out of your hetero ass) of a million people would still be 10,000.
That a "majority" of that "1%" lose their desire could be the result of people like yourself not being able to get the fuck over it and ultimately doesn't really add anything to the conversation.
I'm the only tripfag that matters on Sup Forums.
The more this shit gets normalised the more false diagnoses there will be, there's already an epidemic of over-diagnosing gender dysphoria. Shows like this will make transgenders seem cool to impressionable kids, and as we know already post-op transgenders have a super high rate of depression and suicidal thoughts. So he's right, it does concern all of us, and we shouldn't be allowing this non-scientific bullshit airtime.
What's your point?
Why do you get worked up about it then?
I hope both your parents, children or whoever stupid enough to become your loved ones commit suicides infront of you. See how far your "body freedom" will take you.
>comments are disabled for this video
>take anti psychotic medication
>stop wanting to crossdress
>stop taking anti psychotic medication
>start wanting to crossdress again
>be tranny in San fransico, arguably most tranny safe space in the world
>33% still kill themselves
>there's already an epidemic of over-diagnosed
Sounds like confirmation biased "proof", the kind you search for when you have an agenda to push. What is an epidemic in this scenario btw?
>seem cool and impressionable
Not with the majority of triggered people like yourself making it the exact opposite. And if kids think it's cool, then really isn't that their prerogative and doesn't that just go to show that gender is a social construct that you must reinforce thus making it's strict adherence an artificial contrivance?
>high rate of suicide and depression
Gee I wonder why. Do you think that would go away if they suppress it?
>he's now considering using his bowels to turn into a vagina
I honestly don't understand how people could even begin to argue against mental illness in cases like this. Like, turning a dick inside out is bad enough, but at the end of the day you can still realistically function normally. Now this dude wants to cut up his damn internal organs so he can have a ax wound between his legs.
Earlier today? Did it get canned or did it make it to archive?
check em
Please give me attention.
>Gee I wonder why.
mental disorder
Stop posting hate facts.
So your blaming their depression on the people who are trying to bring them back to reality got it. Similar logic to blaming white people for black crime.
And yes this shit needs to be reinforced because we live in a society that allows retarded opinions based around freedom. Flat earthers and anti-vaxxers are in a similar boat.
>muh depression
>When children who reported transgender feelings were tracked without medical or surgical treatment at both Vanderbilt University and London's Portman Clinic, 70-80 percent of them spontaneously lost those feelings. Some 25 percent did have persisting feelings, notes Dr. McHugh
My adoptive sister growing up had bi polar schizophrenia. She tried killing herself when I was in grade school. Like 3 years ago, she put herself in front of a train.
If she had wanted to end her life, having euthanasia probably would have been better, but that option wasn't available for her.
You're emotional. I'm being logical and I say that even though I probably have more experience on the matter than you do. More reason to get emotional.
Is it gay if I would fuck a tranny if they were capable of getting pregnant?
He's kinda cute.
It's called freedom of religion.
America guarantees people of different beliefs can raise their children as they see fit.
I still don't see your point. What's your point user sama?
Do you think I'm not a Sup Forums regular. You're not telling me anything new
Yeah 1% is bullshit. It's actually in the .0x percentile.
No worries, the HRT he's been on since 3 or 4 has beaten his dick into a tiny nub that makes it impossible to operate on and make it a vagina.
Nature wins again.
ITT: transfreaks and low test sissy boys get BTFO by high test, hairy, muscley, aesthetically pleasing straight men
Gender is a made up term in the 60s that got its definition mixed up. It is sex that is hardwired in your brain. The rest is up to you or the media.
Name one society where women did all of the things that we'd consider "masculine" and men did all the things we'd consider "feminine." Hell, name five.
If you bully people for not doing anything that is effecting you, for doing things that make them happy, then yes they will likely be depressed and kill themselves. Anyway if it is solely a mental illness, that still doesn't make a logical argument for stiffing their choices.
and what a surprise children who grow up with both a mom and a dad who are supportive and have a stable relationship themselves turn out the most prepared for the real world and healthy
Trips confirm this is the new normal and everyone against it are cis scum.
>1% is total bullshit!
>well yeah its actually even lower than that
>peer pressure makes trannies kill themselves
>well actually even in San Fran where you couldn't possibly find any more trans accepting people, one third of them still kill themselves
>lol who cares anyway triggered nerd
Oh come on, you aren't allowed to be weirded out by this? What if I don't want to force anyone to stop doing this but I want to be able to express my dislike towards it? I can't do that now?
You ain't seen nothing yet.
This is the calm before the storm.
So how are the feet?
testosterone cream makes genitals grow, where do i buy this?!!!! the parents are more fucked up than the boy
>1% statistic was something someone else brought up and the counter argument was not reliant on that. in fact the counter argument granted it for the sake of argument
Peer pressure doesn't have to be the only factor causing suicide. I even granted that it could be solely due to it being a mental illness. Still doesn't make a logical case for bullying or stiffling their freedom to do what they want.
>for doing things that make them happy
>Most of the surgically treated patients described themselves as “satisfied” by the results, but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn't have the surgery. As Dr. McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, explains, “at Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a “satisfied” but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs.”
They think it will make them happy because people who would rather be perceived as progressive and kind than actually be a sensible person tell them it will make them happy
>"Just because you feel sad, or depressed after surgery, it doesn't mean you are regretful"
... sounds like regret to me
>"The hard part isn't the surgery, it continues after that and goes on for the rest of your life"
What the fuck is the point then?
>I can't do that now
You're doing it now. You are perfectly allowed to be triggered and people are perfectly allowed to disagree with it. Get used to it.
if it was an adult I wouldn't care what they do, this shit happening to children is wrong
It's over-diagnosed and people are being pressured into surgery and the like because of how normalised it has become. Even fucking kids are being pushed into this. There is no way a child can make a decision so life changing at such an age, but your argument is "it's not effecting you just leave it alone!".
Considering the depression rate post-op surgery is being taken too readily. But you won't hear that from the media, it's all about acceptance and avoiding any conflict whatsoever. The way we go about addressing this issue will have bearings for other mental illnesses such as furries who want to be surgically altered to look like animals etc. Where do you draw the line?
>turning his bowels into a vagina
Well their it is, the stupidest fucking thing I've seen all day
>everyone in the world should be left to do whatever they want to themselves because I can't be bothered to fix someone's destructive behavior
Wew lad, you're so progressive you gave up on empathy and keeping society functioning. Truly the most holy of stances.
The person who actually needs to kill themselves is you.
Dont confuse an anonymous imageboard with real life. Questioning transgenderism will get you socially ostracized
>They think it will make them happy because people who would rather be perceived as progressive and kind than actually be a sensible person tell them it will make them happy
For someone who seems to have a neat little collection of studies to argue technicalities, you make are making a supposition based on your feelings. And again, it all boils down to at the end of the day, what ever the cause for people wanting to be another gender or their outcome, it is their right.
Okay fair enough, at least you admit that. I hope you don't try to "dox" or fire people that are against it though, that isn't very fair.
>Doctor "People who are suseptible to depression shouldn't get the surgery"
>Everyone "Don't worry shes great!"
>Doctor "Also the surgery will be in two parts and take time"
>Mum "I'm worried about the down time between surgery because Jazz is very suseptible to depression"
It doesn’t make them happy.
You are shifting goal posts but eh since we're here, I may agree with you. IDK. Kind of like assisted suicide, my stance is that it is a right but the compromise is that imo they should have to see a psychologist first and rule out the option of counseling.