This is happening RIGHT NOW across many college campuses and you're not a part of it

This is happening RIGHT NOW across many college campuses and you're not a part of it

That movie was such shit

and it's kino as fuck

Im already done college. I had enough fun in it. Was a swell time.

>partied in college all through junior year
>by senior year i had grown to detest normies, chads, and lax bros so much i couldn't stand to be out
>spend friday nights doing laundry and grocery shopping
>that face when


same, I just loved the kino

pro-tip: townies are too dumb/poor/unmotivated to go to a real college, and state u isnt real college

Fuck normies

I already know that, user. There's no need to humiliate me.

you're such a fucking loser m8

Right now in 1980?

You're not going to brainwash me, schlomo. Fuck collage.

>boo-hoo :'(
grow up

literally who?

Great movie.

I'm 52...I graduated decades ago thanks...

The fuck I ain't, my frats throwing a rager tomorrow for the Merryweather McGregor fight.

And you know what OP? I know I'm getting my dick sucked at the end of the night.

Protip: Mayweather wins

Is the black guy shopped into this image?

just be sure to return the favor to him bro

fuck this movie makes me want to be a chad

everyone is so likeable and you want to hang out with them

this isn't like anything like how Sup Forums portrays chads


so good


We both know you'll be at home posting here you fucking piece of shit. I wish I knew you in real life so I could threaten you legitimately.

Tip: real Chads are your friend and ally. They are secure in themselves and want to help you escape beta status.The obnoxious hateful type is a Brad. Don't confuse them please

>real Chads are your friend and ally. They are secure in themselves and want to help you escape beta status.

All four of these things are frighteningly off the mark.