Why are you so hateful Sup Forums? Is it because you have not found love yourself so you want to take it from others?

Why are you so hateful Sup Forums? Is it because you have not found love yourself so you want to take it from others?

They can love whoever they want as long as the state doesn't give them power of attorney and call it "marriage".

>Not Age

It's because of their propaganda and what its causing

There's fucking kids that claim they're guy at 13 , fucking 13 . What the actual fuck you can't even say you've had a serious relationship by 13 how can you claim to be gay...

this kek

oy vey delete this anti-semitic meme at once

It is marriage

I agree, it's none of my fucking business what people do in their own homes. As long as all parties are consenting and nobodies getting hurt. It doesn't impact me why should I fucking care.

>purple bruise on racemixer's face

nice try, Muhammad

>Not Gender
If they arent the ultra-degenerate oversexualised cunts, i dont care.

>Not Race
k, mulatto.

>Not Age
Fuck off Pedophile.

>Not Religion
Except youd get beheaded in some if youd say that.

No, marriage is a union between man and woman for the purpose of bearing and raising their offspring.

What they do is play house with the legal consent of secular government for the purpose of subverting the traditional family and destroying competing social structures to the state.

You know, if it just stopped at "love" none of this would be a problem.

But OH NO! We have to get political.

> you didn't build that society did
> wtf bigot why do you care what degenerate stuff people do

Which one libturds?

No, marriage is the union of one or more persons who want to make a commitment to love.

That's cute. Do you always take everything your government and their statist lackeys tell you at face value? Helped any "child" "Syrian" "refugees" lately?

No, marriage is a legally-recognized relationship between two people for tax benefits.


> Not race
I guess you don't mind this then

See .

I have a refugee from Eritrea staying at my home until he can support himself.

