Atheist fgts are going to deny this, read and use convincing arguments

Atheist fgts are going to deny this, read and use convincing arguments.

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don't besmirch the name of hitler you chink faggot

I'm not going to deny it, I'm just going to say that no one actually gives a fuck.

I'm not dumb enough to believe in gods. Simple as that. You can't make any inferences about my being based of of that apart from the obvious.

I'd like to here your solid arguments as to how these people were somehow motivated by NOT believing in god.

Our savior was not an atheist, he was a catholic christian.

Hitler was proud catholic.
Mussolini called himself both atheist and christian at some points, so i wouldn't put him there too.

You'll find that he himself denied that there was an afterlife. Just fucking google it for fuck sake. The information is everywhere.

Let me guess, the Jews lied about that to? Who cares, even if it is lies, he is an authoritarian shitbag.

Goebbels himself wrote that Hitler hated Christianity. These things would be common knowledge around here if you idiots actually wanted to have a factual understanding of History instead of one that makes you feel good.

>Goebbels himself wrote that Hitler hated Christianity. These things would be common knowledge around here if you idiots actually wanted to have a factual understanding of History instead of one that makes you feel good.

Don't believe the jewish lies. The bolsjevik jews did everything they could to eradicate the christian church (and they succeeded).

Hitler was a defender of europe and naturally a defender of the christian church.

But isn't that good? On this picture, I only see people that had enough balls to change the world.
GTFO, leftie


>Hitler was a defender of europe and naturally a defender of the christian church.

He had a funny way of going about it.

Damn.... Hitler was redpilled on the jewish god after all.

Reminder that Jesus is a kike.

>I'm not going to deny it, I'm just going to speak on behalf of everyone as though my opinion carries the weight of the world
That's weak.

For the record, Communism is founded on belief in 'equality' which is a pagan god.

>excuse me while I casually ignore Mao and Stalin

>It's just a jewish lie guys!

Fuck off, you complete faggot.

Christianity isn't the religion of Europe. Paganism is. Don't play pretend, faggot. Just like the SS, Hitler was closer to a pagan that he was a Christian, he bought into Goebbels occult bullshit.

If you are just going to call "muh eternal Jew" I'd like to mention that to connect him to Christianity would be the advantage to the Jew, would it not?

Still Christcuck.

Is this image implying Karl Marx was a bad person?

>>excuse me while I casually ignore Mao and Stalin
pretty sure they were atheists though

>citing wikipedia

What? You are strawmaning me right from the get go. All I am saying is that the lack of a belief in something isn't going to determine your behavior outside of the obvious. Stop being stupid. Correlatio does not equal causation.

And you still haven't given me an argument for how these people were motivated by the lack of belief in god. But of course you won't you're stupid.

And what Mythology has equality as a god? Name it, cunt.

What are you citing? Fucking nothing. Fuck out of here, faggot.

>For the record, Communism is founded on belief in 'equality' which is a pagan god.

Are you saying marx was religious?

>The Nazis were Christian

>pretty sure they were atheists though
Exactly, and that's why everyone focuses on Hitler instead, because at least in theory they can claim he's a Christian.

Of course, the second anyone those same people argue that Christianity is "just another kike religion" they'll conveniently forget about that and call Hitler an atheist once more.

Point is that Mao and Stalin could have been the only faces on OP's pic and its message would've still been clear enough.

Nobody checked the Link i see, the wrong demographic got attracted.

What are you even ravaging about?
The catholic church was an ally of the axis in fighting the bolsjevik jews.
I'm not even christian, but you'd be blind if you don't understand why the cheka and all forms of communist revolutions went after, tortured and slaughtered the priests and nuns of the orthodox and catholic churst FIRST AND FOREMOST. It was their number one enemy.

>no quotes or citations

>On the contrary, it is entirely out of harmony with the spirit of the nation to keep harping on that far-off and forgotten nomenclature which belongs to the ancient Germanic times and does not awaken any distinct association in our age. This habit of borrowing words from the dead past tends to mislead the people into thinking that the external trappings of its vocabulary are the important feature of a movement. It is really a mischievous habit; but it is quite prevalent nowadays.

>At that time, and subsequently, I had to warn followers repeatedly against these wandering scholars who were peddling Germanic folk-lore and who never accomplished anything positive or practical, except to cultivate their own superabundant self-conceit.The new movement must guard itself against an influx of people whose only recommendation is their own statement that they have been fighting for these very same ideals during the last thirty or forty years.

Mein Kampf

The fact is that Hitler wasn't Christian. Now stop spurting your nonsense.

Don't change the subject.

All of you faggots should read this

Do your own research. The information is fucking everywhere. Look at the citations in Wikipedia.

>Nobody of common sense would appoint to a leading post in such a movement some Teutonic Methuselah who had been ineffectively preaching some idea for a period of forty years, until himself and his idea had entered the stage of senile decay.

>Furthermore, only a very small percentage of such people join a new movement with the intention of serving its end unselfishly and helping in the spread of its principles. In most cases they come because they think that, under the aegis of the new movement, it will be possible for them to promulgate their old ideas to the misfortune of their new listeners. Anyhow, nobody ever seems able to describe what exactly these ideas are.

>It is typical of such persons that they rant about ancient Teutonic heroes of the dim and distant ages, stone axes, battle spears and shields, whereas in reality they themselves are the woefullest poltroons imaginable. For those very same people who brandish Teutonic tin swords that have been fashioned carefully according to ancient models and wear padded bear-skins, with the horns of oxen mounted over their bearded faces, proclaim that all contemporary conflicts must be decided by the weapons of the mind alone. And thus they skedaddle when the first communist cudgel appears. Posterity will have little occasion to write a new epic on these heroic gladiators.

I'm literally quoting Mein Kampf you babbling fool.

You didn't even have to read the first post to see it citing encyclicals and other stuff but you failed to do that much.

>Point is that Mao and Stalin could have been the only faces on OP's pic and its message would've still been clear enough.

Well it should have been just them.

You could do a similar picture with the word "realist", put all the same faces, and have quite an indictment on the concept of objective reality.


I think he was largely indifferent to religion, but at the very least he bought into culturally Christian values, kind of like the 'Atheistical Christian' meme. I think the whole paganism shit was something Himmler and the higher ranking SS believed in.

>It's a people still believe in god thread

Stop these memes.

Well he was baptised as a Catholic, allied with the Catholic Church, never excommunicated and believed very firmly in divine provenance. If there's one thing he wasn't it's an atheist.

Rare flag or am I newfag?

>Are you saying marx was religious?
No, just that his teachings are functionally identical to that of a cult.

>You are strawmaning me right from the get go.
You're the one who said:
>I'm not going to deny it, I'm just going to say that no one actually gives a fuck.

>And you still haven't given me an argument for how these people were motivated by the lack of belief in god.
That's not what I believe, and isn't even relevant. What is relevant is that the masses are easy to manipulate with "belief in equality"
>And what ideology has equality as a god?
ftfy. Again, you're at fault for attempting to frame the question to suit the answer you want to hear using a slur instead of a descriptive term.
Communism fights for 'equality' between the different classes. It demonises the 'bourgeois' and champions the 'proletariat'.

Bourgeois are nothing more than the heretic who owe the believers reparations. The proletariat are the faithful to whom those reparations are owed.

>Name it, cunt.
It has many names because it has been used many times. Communism, Feminism, BLM.

I call it 'equalism' because the key word in it is 'equality'. It's a doublethink word because its own definition contradicts itself (see pic related for examples of doublethink). Read Animal Farm if you want the concept and process explained for you.

>I'll believe whatever is written by biased professors

OR you could listen to the man himself

>Hitler defending Christianity

>Christianity and religion in Hitler's Germany

None of them did anything wrong

>Trying to tell a god-troll that communism and fascism are ideologies too, and that ideologies are the problem, not the lack of ideology

Too much logic m8.. Just crack a beer and sit back. There are better ways to spend a sunday night than dealing with meme-tier lads.

There are far more later sources on the same thing.

Mein Kampf got the people riled up.That's what it's purpose was. Now read what the people around him had to say about his religious affiliation.

Your mind is so fucking narrow that you have absolutely no idea about anything that doesn't confirm your beliefs. Do some REAL research.

>Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church he said, although he had no real attachment to it. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide.


>"Once I have settled my other problem," [Hitler] occasionally declared, "I'll have my reckoning with the church. I'll have it reeling on the ropes." But Bormann did not want this reckoning postponed [...] he would take out a document from his pocket and begin reading passages from a defiant sermon or pastoral letter. Frequently Hitler would become so worked up... and vowed to punish the offending clergyman eventually... That he could not immediately retaliate raised him to a white heat...


>The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed. The Fuhrer is a convinced vegetarian on principle.


I can go on. Sure, you can make the argument that he himself didn't say these things, but you won't be able to explain why either of the men would lie, and why Hitler would say these things in private, around his most trusted.

I dont know, you be the judge.

> I think the whole paganism shit was something Himmler and the higher ranking SS believed in.


> but at the very least he bought into culturally Christian values

Not when it didn't suit him. According to Goebbels, he was anti Christian.

Hello there discount roach, did you get nuked yet?

Yeah you're right, we shouldn't listen to historians and kikes like them. We have Youtube videos and we know for a fact that politicians that are jockeying for support would never try to pander to groups.

Trump is a devout Christian who's favorite bible verse is in "two Corinthians" because he says so.

Based AF

>>The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian.

Does this make him an atheist now? Shit, you're not even trying negro...


Literally saw what happened to Goring and recanted everything, making sure he said everything necessary to save his own neck.

>you're so narrow minded

And you're quite purposefully naive

Atheism isn't an ideology. Neither of those men did what they did in the name of atheism.

Uncommon. Yes.

Meh idk. He grew up going to catcholic school, and I've seen Nazi belts that say "in god we trust" or something in German. I don't think he hated Christianity, but I think he was on the wrong side of it.

>What is relevant is that the masses are easy to manipulate with "belief in equality"
I'm not sure about this. I don't see how this necessarily follows.

>ftfy. Again, you're at fault for attempting to frame the question to suit the answer you want to hear using a slur instead of a descriptive term.
Communism fights for 'equality' between the different classes. It demonises the 'bourgeois' and champions the 'proletariat'.

All I said was that equality isn't a pagan god. I'm too tired to deal with cryptic symbolic bullshit. When your argument wanders into that territory, it is scrapping the barrel.

>It has many names because it has been used many times. Communism, Feminism, BLM.
I don't see them calling it a God. Once again, fuck your symbolism, I don't want to deal with it.

I'm going to sleep now. I can't process this tenuous bullshit any longer.

"God with us"

Hitler and Trump aren't comparable.

Hitler was very close to his mother who was deeply religious but despised his drunk father.
Trump wanted to be just like his father.
Hitler was a patriot decorated in the first World War.
Trump dodged the draft.
Hitler was an artist and skilled laborer.
Trump was a businessman.
Hitler went to prison for his beliefs.
Trump has never had solid beliefs (apart from wealth and power) to begin with.

The two are night and day.

I wasn't comparing them you fucking mongoloid

I am not saying he was an atheist, faggot.

>Literally saw what happened to Goring and recanted everything, making sure he said everything necessary to save his own neck.
>Muh Joos

Fuck off with this. If it was a manipulation, YOU CERTAINLY DON'T FUCKING KNOW ABOUT IT!

If the Jews were anti Christian, why wouldn't they try and make Hitler Christian? You are babbling in retarded conspiracy theory speak. You have no evidence to back up anything you have just said.

Completely fucking delusional. I'm out. see ya faggot. You are literally denying everything bed on

>da joos

meme, and so I'm not interested.

Add another tally you your "internet arguments won" board.

There are numerous sources that declare that he heated Christianity. No one cares what you think.

>decorated soldier
Hitler was a lowly trench runner who would have died 10 times over if Satan wasn't holding his hand the whole way. I've read biography's about him where it literally said he could hear the devil telling him when a motor was about to hit near him.

And his art blew. Well, it wasn't bad. But not like greeeat.

Protip: according to the pope himself, as long as you do good in life and be good to others, even atheists go to heaven.


>see a picture of hitler on Sup Forums
>takes a few seconds to realize it's supposed to be bad scary hitler

I've been here too long...

>If the Jews were anti Christian, why wouldn't they try and make Hitler Christian?

Not even a coherent sentence, go to bed shitposter.

Crikey! did you see this?

Poor ausfag got btfo, can't even formulate a comback.
>da joos
Any more stale memes today Kano?