You’ll give the people an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you.
They will stumble, they will fall.
But in time, they will join you in the sun, Zack.
In time you will help them accomplish wonders.
You’ll give the people an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you.
They will stumble, they will fall.
But in time, they will join you in the sun, Zack.
In time you will help them accomplish wonders.
Other urls found in this thread:
Zack just wanted to create a kino cinematic universe. But DC only cared for money.
BvS proved that he should spend his talent elsewhere. Capeshit audience have been too conditioned in the quipshit template by now to know better. They'll never accept him, especially not when Disney is ruthless as fuck in smear campaigns.
People will one day look back and appreciate what he tried to do
I love Snyder, but I do kind of miss all the dumb stuff from the comics.
Which is why I like WB's idea of making spin-offs outside continuity.
Let Zack make his kînò and have some fun shit on the side.
Am I the only guy who's cool with Scott Snyder? The only reason I wouldn't like Mr. J being leather face is that I wouldn't be able to see the actor emote. In a funnybook it's fine.
Not sure why you're talking about Scott, but yes, he's cool.
Court of Owls was amazing and right now DC Metal seems like it's going to be goofy and fun.
Although sometimes he pulls some incredibly stupid shit.
Like Duke or the recent Alfred origin retcon.
>Not sure why you're talking about Scott
You said dumb stuff from the comics. Everyone with an opinion calls Scotty dumb.
Who is this guy, exactly?
>WB kills Snyder's daughter so they can replace him with literal rapist to get those sweet Avengers dollars
Nice going WB
The only director who did anything interesting with Superman. The only director who did anything interesting with Batman. Don't get triggered. Other directors did cool things with Joker.
As much fun as it is to meme about him, I unironically consider him to be the Kubrick of our generation. In a time where corporations kill creativity, Snyder has found a way to tell unique, thought-provoking narratives full of grand mythological imagery and sharp satire. He could've made a straightforward Batman/Superman film, but instead he perfectly captured the human condition c. 2016 and decades from now BvS will be considered the first true post-modern superhero movie.
You know what genre would be perfect for Snyder? Westerns. In westerns he can go full violence/sex mode and kill off major characters without a million manchildren crying about their precious comic books for kids.
He overestimated the audiences with BvS. I think there was even an article where WB were concerned maybe the film was a bit too heavy for audience expectations of quick McDonald's like entertainment. Maybe he can come back to the genre when it's more welcoming to author-driven films?
Superhero films are the Western of the 21st century. Unfortunately for him, audiences wanted Stagecoach 5 and He gave us The Searchers before anyone was ready.
>BvS will be considered the first true post-modern superhero movie.
What about Birdman?
>tfw your movie is so bad the studio has to kill your daughter and hire a guy who made movies for your rival
Then again, it's not much of a rivalry when most of the people hate your movies.
The DC/Marvel meme is probably one of my favorite. I'll never know if you nerds really get so buttblasted about it or if you're all just memeing.
Does anyone know who is this interviewer?
>mfw can enjoy movies without being an insufferable faggot about it and actually be able to articulate why I like something rather than meme
You ok Joss? Haven't seen you tweet in a while, you're usually so active
I mean jesus christ, the man's daughter commited suicide, it's almost worse than if she just died, at least on him.
can we forgive the man for a shitty BVS movie now?
i know it's both BATMAN and SUPERMAN, but he's probably emotionally crippled for life any chance we can DROP IT now?
Inarritu is too dishonest and pretentious to be considered post-modern
I feel like Birdman is self aware, examining the relationship between art and commerce through the veil of superhero movies, while Batman v Superman is about our very culture: post 9/11 trauma, misinformation, senseless violence based on arbitrary differences, truth, justice, public opinion, divinity or lack of, and the very role of power whether physical, intellectual, or governmental and its impact on the people beneath those with said power.
>I make the movies for myself
>I don't change my vision based on criticism
>I made an honest film about Superman which is ironic
>You can't try to please everyone else if you can't please yourself
Fucking based. The marks of an auteur. The moment he becomes a reflection of critics and not his own force of nature he'll cease to be for me. He's also very honest about what people think about his films. He's not delusional. He completely knows why people hate him but he knows that hate doesn't necessarily mean the fault is on his end. And it's not. It's on the end of those approaching his films without accepting them on HIS terms. It must be extremely frustrating wanting to convey a perspective but critics refusing to enter that perspective.
>Uses The Dark Knight Returns Superman as a way to know what not to do with him
And people say he doesn't understand the character
Marvel-era Joss
>calls xirself a feminist
>hangs out with Anita
Joss joins the DChad extended kinoverse
>gets fit
>retroactively fucks a bunch of hot young actresses
>gets denounced by SJW media and excomulgated from the Churck of feminism
For what?
For bringing the iconic comic imagery of Frank Miller and Alex Ross to life?
For portraying Superman and Batman as flawed but relatable characters instead of perfect Gary Stu's like every other capeshit?
For making a Superman movie that's actually about Truth, Justice and the American Way... and daring to ask if those ideals are compatible with a cynical post 9/11 society?
I could not thank the man enough
>can we forgive the man
we can but his daughter won't
You guys do know its not funny to ironically like Snyder if there is no one to play off of.
>without accepting them on HIS terms
which is fine, really, if he ade original films. but he takes characters people love and twists them into something unrecognizable. I do like that Snyder has an individualism about himself, but when i buy my daughter superman T-shirts thus making her a social pariah until her teens, I'd like it to be for someone better than a hunking black hole of personality, you know?
at least shitpost if you're not gonna contribute faggot
>, I'd like it to be for someone better than a hunking black hole of personality, you know?
this. I wouldn't mind if they mad him Injustice superman. Just give him a personality.
>but he takes characters people love and twists them into something unrecognizable.
Are we talking about Superman here? The Superman that has been repeatedly portrayed exactly as Zack portrayed him in Man of Steel?
What you're reading to the left isn't the words of Snyder. It's the word of legendary Alex Ross. Sounds really similar don't they?
i contributed my opinion
>We have to make Superman a christ figure to make him interesting
Thats how you detect shitty writers
After WW cucked a movie with Spiderman and Iron Man? They won't let it go, these people are fighting for their jobs here
Alex Ross makes good covers, and ONLY covers. he's not a good comic artist or an expert on superman. I'M an expert on superman
Oh shut the fuck up. Can't even tell if you're ironic anymore.
See I never get this criticism. But I've been consistently reading comics since I was 7 years old. There isn't a definitive Superman or Batman anymore because writers and artists have various interpretations of him.
If you have not read Superman since the early 70s or only seen the children's cartoons, then yes, Snyder's Superman isn't familiar.
But Snyder knows Donner captured Superman 1938-1978 perfectly in his films. Man of Steel is about everything that followed, John Byrne, Dan Jurgens, Grant Morrison, Mark Waid, Paul Dini, It's A Bird... by Steven T Seagle.
And you can hate Superman for not having a personality, but just because he isn't sarcastic doesn't mean he isn't a good person. Snyder's sense of morality shines in a black sea of revenge fantasies marketed to children by cynical corporations. If kids tease your daughter for wearing a Superman shirt, they're bad kids and their opinion shouldn't matter. You're also a colossal faggot for caring so much.
>knowing what I know about human nature, did I truly believe they would accept what I was giving them?
Oh my getting very mopey there Sny- wait what??
>Paul Dini
>a shitty writer
If this isn't bait you seriously need to kill yourself because your existence is actually causing all the other 7 billion people to suffer more than they should
wrong panel
This, but unironically.
Yes there is a definitive Superman , Batman, and Spider-man. There might be else worlds and re imaginings but the core of the characters stay intact. A good example is like current Cyclops (r.i.p) who goes to more extreme levels but keeps the ideals of his mentor.
Joss Whedon was infused with the Speedforce after joining DC and went back in time to (((rape))) young actresses. It's the only explanation.
>Zack Snyder
>Alex Ross
>Scott Snyder
>Bruce Timm
Who else do legbeards hate?
let me rephrase that. Any writer who thinks Superman has no flaws and only writes him as a christ figure are shit
Bruce timm and Ross are alright. Scott doesn
t seem bad really. Zack is garbage.
No, there is a definitive Batman and a definitive Superman, this argument is bullshit.
I'm not ironic bitch, let me explain this to you.
So you have origins era heroes, where superman was a dumb strongman and batman was a...i don't really know what the fuck he was. Over the years these heroes changed into what most people know as the concrete characters of superman and batman. There are some things that are universal to batman. batman doesn't use guns-original batman did, but this was before he became the modern character we love. batman doesn't kill-he killed shitloads of people, but he's been around since the 30s, when COMICS WERE NOT AS SERIOUS. People thought comics were stupid trash and they treated the comic characters the same way, the ORIGINAL batman is not the "REAL" batman. Just because he came FIRST, doesn't mean he's the AUTHENTIC version.
It's pretty much the same with Superman. The definitive version of Superman, the one that MATTERS, is-Superman is a man who shows the world absolute power doesn't corrupt, and he does it with a smile. And that's not a Christopher Revee invention, dipshits. He does this to put people at ease since he's a God who can kill them at any time, he does it because sometimes people need a smile.
Read shit like For the Man Who Has Everything, What's So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorow, All Star Superman, Red Son, and so on and tell me Superman is not a great character-fuck you.
And yes, I actually got laid at some point, so can you, the dream lives on.
What's a legbeard?
Leave before the Snyderfags go copy and paste a reddit essay
Whatever he decides to do moving forward, he's got a lifelong fan in me.
Let's humor the idea that there is a "definitive" Superman (which is dumb since definitive completely depends on what comics/films you were exposed to), we're still given a DCEU Superman that is clearly in line with what comics have established about Superman. There are Ross comics that are extremely similar to Snyder's yet nobody is gouging their eyes out calling for Ross' head for daring to defy Superman in any other way than the "established" way.
Reeves Superman was that. Do we need more of that? Maybe it's time to consider Superman through a different lens? Superman Returns tried the Reeves thing again but failed at it since it's simply too boring for mass audience.
Superman IS a great character. But he has been depicted many ways and it's up to each and every one which interpretation they prefer. Atleast Snyder did the smart thing and twisted The Dark Knight Returns on its head and gave it a far more sensible villain-hero dynamic than the one in the comics.
Also, I don't believe Superman has ever been portrayed as absolute all-powerful being in cinema. BvS flirts with the idea but ultimately leaves up to the audience to if he ever is all-powerful or not. Been a while since I saw the Reeves films but he was never given such a context there as far as I can recall.
It's not really a Marvel vs. DC thing. It's more an actual comics fanbase vs. a herd mentality composed of Disney casuals, fanboys, and pretend nerds, possibly with some ass-blasted muzzies and honest-to-god shills thrown in for good measure.
Well said, fellow DChad.
>Superman is like, a stupid character, he can do
anything, right? RHIIIIGHT?
Look, I know his daughter died, and trust me, if anyone here can even try to empathize with that pain it's me, I would probably kill myself if I lost Evie but that doesn't magically make his work regarding Superman good.
I don't hate Zack Snyder, I'm just saying his Superman makes me vomit
Man you just went full retard. It's ok to dislike something I don't mind I'm just explaining why not everybody shares your opinion.
And I'm explaining why people who don't share my opinion are wrong, what's the problem?
Like a tumblr landwhale who doesn't shave their legs.
>he wasn't being ironic
>he thinks he just made a cohesive argument
>"dude I'm gonna say I had sex because I'm that insecure"
This is just sad to be quite honest
Just so cool...even though they're supposed to be ridiculously-looking schmucks
It's really uncool of you to prey on my insecurity by pointing out I pointed out I had sex, man.
You were a bully in high school, weren't you?
These posts were made by a DChad strawmanning right? There's no way someone sincerely acts this cunty while saying nothing at all.
It concerns me that someone can be this much of a sperg about capeshit and at the same time be raising a daughter (while revealing her name on fucking Sup Forums of all sites)
You think that because you never met me, bro.
>but the core of the characters stay intact
Then there's nothing wrong with Snyder's depictions of these characters. In the 75+ years of their existence, almost everything we see on screen has already happened in the comics or other media. If you disagree, you simply haven't read enough.
OOOh, my God, you have a first name, what ever will you do, jerk off to i-I made a mistake.
Holy shit this fucking shot
That's so fucking cool.
Unironically this, he should be doing a Blood Meridian adaptation with Cormac script and leave this artisitc wasteland we call capeshit to the likes of the Russos
Even Snyder fans don't want him to do anything original. If he's not adapting comics or making remakes, he's adapting plays from a writer he has no chance of understanding!
MoS and BvS both are original stories. Why are you so upset?
It got cut out of the scene on YouTube but before Sweet Pea sits down, there is another girl applying makeup who gets up to let her sit with Rocket. At first, we only see her back in the foreground and her face in the reflection, but when she rises out of her chair she turns around so that we can see her face, which matches the face of the girl in the reflection. That means based Snyder hired identical twins for the very purpose of subtly selling the illusion.
We don't deserve him.
>make a movie about a symbol of hope and heroism
>main thesis of the movie is that heroism is always more destructive than constructive and hopelessness is the way to go
really makes you think
Snyder scholar checking in
I love Sucker Punch and I am excited to see The Last Photograph
Blood Meridian is not a play, it's a book, brainlet
>really makes you think
>except he didn't think, otherwise he wouldn't completely misread the subtext of the film and smugly announce it for the world to see
if it's cormac mccarthy, it's a play.
unfortunately. his books are plays and his plays are plays
>completely ignoring what actually happens in the movie because there's an inspiring quote in the trailer
lex luthor is objectively the hero of bvs
Meh I've seen better backpedalling than that to be honest with you family
>really makes you think
I wish it did but in your case it probably didn't.
Read the last four paragraphs.
I did what I could senpai. It's cormac mccarthy, who the fuck reads that guy?
This is the "curtains are blue" of film analysis.
Non plebs basically
>basic character motivations aren't there because I say so and refuse to accept the overwhelming amount of evidence against me
Like talking to a brick wall.
I...I tried. Honest I did. It's his fault he couldn't hold my attention! I sat through waiting for godot, i'm a pro at wasting my timee!
>people think superman is a meanie so he does a good goody thing so they stop thinking he's a meanie
top kek, brilliant observation and incredibly deep thoughts, that one semester of philosophy 101 payed off in analyzing capeshit
How can one capeshit movie trigger so many people?
If you unironically think he is the Kubrick of our generation , you should just KYS.
well it's not some meaningless shit like captain america or iron man, it's batman and superman. i basically AM batman, i thake it seriously
The sad part is that I had to explain it to you.
How can one person misunderstand a movie so badly?
Nice get but beyond 3 sets of dubs you brought nothing to this discussion.
"You're just imagining that bro" is the weakest form of deflection, you know deep down you can't refute these arguments because unlike any negative criticism pointed they can be backed up with examples from the visuals, dialogue, and interviews with members of the production... and all you have are your meme insults from a can.
It is all intentional, there is depth to this film, you didn't see it because you weren't looking, and now you're embarrassed because you got outsmarted by a mainstream superhero movie. It's ok to be wrong.
>dude Martha lmao
>not muh xxxxx
>you say its deep but its not
>it's bad because its bad
Can we get some fresh criticism in these threads? It's getting boring seeing Zack-bashers BTFO over and over again.
The "Martha" scene is something that seems taken straight out of a film school short. The analysis treats something that beats you over the head with its point as something that's incredibly subtle and complex. It's laughable.
I knew this shit when it was nominated with Razzies alongside that Hillary documentary. It was marked by leftists.
“Was that sexist, or did it just seem sexist?” That was the basic idea of the conversation that my friends and I had as we left the movie theater in the spring of 2011. We had just borne witness to Suckerpunch, Zack Snyder’s gruesome orgy of CGI blood-spurts and thunderous group-grunts. The movie had been a sensory experience, every frame made to look like a Frank Frazetta painting or a funeral doom album cover. And we were buzzing from it, having fun recounting all the oh-shit decapitations and inexplicable mutant attackers and portentous catchphrases. But as soon as the buzz wore off—and it wore off pretty quickly—we had to ask ourselves if this was all supposed to be some sort of sly Starship Troopers-esque comment on the patriarchy or whether it really was as fucked up as it appeared. And it probably was that fucked up.