Is this the ultimate docukino sequel!
ITT: redpilled documentaries
Other urls found in this thread:
>lose election
>make movie to scare people into voting democrat
>make scary predictions in movie that don't come true
>everyone votes Democrat
>stay quiet the entire dem presidency
>everyone gets sick of their shit and votes Republican
>Time to make a sequel!!
isnt the proper term follow up, not sequel, when it comes to a documentary ?
Al gore won the Florida recount though
Guessing he means national not state or local also shit doc, al gore is a hypocrite he has his own jet and flys alot also has a massive house with it's own diesal generator.
any alex jones doc
Al Gore won the Florida recount meaning he won the national election but Supreme Court stepped in and ordered the second recount to stop; gave it to Bush. Dodgiest election in history. Bush's brother was governor of Florida and he only got like 200 more votes in the initial count.
i know i remember at shitty micheal moore doc
>ITT: redpilled documentaries
With Open Gates
This one is more persuasive.
power of fear and nightmares it's pretty kino and has a good soundtrack but adams latest stuff is shit
>6 hours of "he dindu nuffin"
He was getting his reich back on track.
It's very emotive propaganda that just happens to be true.
hitler dindu nuffin wrong
literally false
redpill me on the Bush/Gore recount/scotus
No different to the millions of propaganda docs that only show the allied point of view and portray the Germans as evil
It has a lot of the same style and pacing, but it doesn't demonize the Allies in the same way. In that sense it's better. More fair.
Only winners count as people