Why didn't anyone like this?

Why didn't anyone like this?

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Death Note benefits from director Adam Wingard's distinctive eye and a talented cast, but they aren't enough to overcome a fatally overcrowded canvas.

Dafoe was god tier as Ryuk and bLack does his best to try make it work. But ultimately the script, dialogue and the other actors are such a level of shit, they sink the whole thing to rock bottom

needed 90% more god of death guy and 100% less girl

need more black people and yassss slay queen

Because Light is a pussy school shooter faggot
Mia was more like the real kira
And L is a fucking nigger that no matter how hard you try you just cant take him seriously even despite how good a voice he does

>Mia was more like the real kira
Would people have been accepting of the movie as its own thing if they had went all the way with this and shocked the audience by killing Light off halfway through and finished the story with Mia in the Kira role?

Because it wasn't full of memes like eating potato chips and keikaku doori. Just a beta school shooter using a diary.

41%'s a high score

rottentomatoes? more like rottenapples amirite

Does anyone else think Zack Snyder would have been the perfect director for a Death Note movie?

Holy shit, more like 4flix

Honestly I was expecting it to be much worse, I was expecting it to be unwatchable, terrible dumpster fire and it was just bad. it was mildly entertaining in some parts. I already knew going in it wasn't going to respect the source material. So I am less offended by this then I was for Ghost in the Shell.

As a racist Sup Forums spaz... L did really well... all things considered.



Does the clown creature act well

This. And I just want to take this opportunity to mention that, as a former Trump supporter, blumpf is absolutely finished. Seriously guys, we can't let this maniac get the nuclear codes.

because weeb shit is at it's end

What will rise next? Claymation?

based chad poster

is that like clayfighter?

In convinced it's anime fanboys. Why even trust RT in the first place? I never watched the cartoon yet I liked the movie. There was nothing to hate.

Are you dumb dumb? No reply to me

Yes but cinema illiterates are triggered that it's in darkness every scene it creeps in

>phenomenal cinematography and visual motifs

>killer synth soundtrack

>Great actting all round

My favourite film of 2017 so far. Up there with BvS in terms of being misunderstood by critics.

Why does L wear a hijab now?


>horrible casting on all sides

>americanized "anime"


Weebs are angry because Nat Wolff is 3 inches taller than their Yagami

poo poo pee pee

I liked it, BUT
Some of the story elements were fucking terrible.
It shouldve been a miniseries

>surname in reverse is I AM GAY


Can you imagine how hilarious this would've been if they used the original's soundtrack? Like dramatic choir and orchestra everywhere as Light is screaming like a little girl

As a racist Sup Forums spaz I refuse to watch this lest any company think it is acceptable to blackwash a character.

Who the fuck knows? He actually wore the regular L outfit for one scene and then went back to his Hot Topic clothes

I guess it depends on what is important to you in your movies. I had no complains visual style, I didn't care about these characters. a movie like this is really the focus should be on the characters. I can't say they did that right, even if you ignore the source the material. For who those characters are, What we are given here wasn't good enough.

It should have been a full season. And Ryuk looked weird so the whole thing should have been animated.

fuck off with your false flag

The audience score is always much more accurate than the RT meter

Despite that being a stupid reason not to watch a movie, you're not missing much.

It's not a false flag. I don't watch nigger shit. I haven't seen a Marvel movie in a long time because of this.

>Nat Wolff
Seriously? The little faggot from Naked Brothers Band is Light? Absolutely disgusting.

>Being this butthurt

The funny part is you think you're some sort member of the last bastion of civilization when an overwhelming majority will tell you you're batshit insane. Continue to live like a retard avoiding things because someone in is browner or speaks a different language than you. The well adjusted will continue to actually matter and enjoy life.

If you're a pleb moron

Because Death Note has one of the most cancerous fanbases in existence, and anything that isn't an exact copy of their 2deep4u masterpiece is automatically shit

muh whitewashing is not a measurement of quality


It's missing the whole lot of things.

Light is almost forced to use the DN for the first time. There's no mystery, no doubt if the notebook really works. Ryuk tells him exactly what to do. He's convinced by someone else to do it, the urge to kill doesn't come from his curiosity.

Anime did it way better. Just watch (ignore first 10 sec):

Plus it's overstylised in many cases. I didn't like the death scenes in slo-mo. It would be more impactful if Light saw effects of DN in news, paper, heard from people or saw them from real perspective. Eh...

I kind of liked it, but it's a lost potential. No funny Light-Ryuk conversations, no ambiguity, everything's feels very rushed. The L was good and quite convincing.

You know, Ive seen many sites complain about whitewashing in this film. Yet in a lot of online communities, everyones distaste to the casting comes from black L.

I think it's a decent film with the death note in it as a plot device

But it's not a good death note film, it doesn't appeal to the same people as the source anime does