Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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Nothing, i love this scene
Imagine being so desperate to be anti reddit that force yourself to like this garbage show
>"What doth life"
>"Ooh, frittata"
>"Chompsky honk"
>*character gets beat up*
Complete shit
I watched season 1. Not the worst thing I ever watched, but not the best either. I got through it. Started season 2. It is fucking TERRIBLE! The quality has dropped so noticeably. What happened?!
I strongly feel that shows like XRA & Super Milk Chan & Off the Air need to be watched in the manner in which they originally aired to fully appreciate them.
Watching the entirety of Xavier in order on youtube in a single afternoon isn't the same as incidentally catching these programs on air while staying up late into the night and not knowing anything about them. These shows were meant to be watched on TV because they were deliberately made with that experience in mind, there's a meta-awareness about them, not just about being TV shows but about their specific place on TV. For example "Unedited footage of a bear" isn't something that works played in the middle of the day, it's made knowing specific timeslot and plays off of that. Xavier was made much in the same way that the disturbing & unexplained footage of Off the Air was created knowing full well when and where it was going to be shown.
These shows are an intimate experience in a way and I genuinely pity those who didn't get to watch them as they were intended.
shut the fuck up you faggot
lol shut the fuck up
*tips fedora*
The only thing the show has going for it is the "what the fuck" factor. But it forces it's "what the fuck" factor so hard it just comes off as trying far too hard and ultimately falls flat, unless you're retarded that is.
If you didn't have internet you'd flip to it randomly and be confused. If you did have internet you'd flip to it randomly and google it, then realize its just a dumb show that's trying way too hard to be "out there." Without the "what the fuck" factor its just the average sitcom with no pauses for laugh tracks or reactions.
ye season 2 is pretty trash with a couple bright spots here and there but the again season 1 was only ok. ep 1-3 were bretty good. can't say I liked much after that.
I disagree with just about everything you said. While its intentionally disturbing visuals are a significant aspect its not the only thing the show had going for it. There's a sparkling wit that shines through in the writing, an endless assortment of fast paced audio & visual gags that make it worth multiple viewings, and an unbound & original form of storytelling. The show has a lot going for it, and its relentlessly anti-conventional and bizarre characters, storytelling & visuals is anything but 'an average sitcom'.
Boy, this show really is reddit repellant
Like I said, the writing is standard for sitcoms, the only difference is there are no pauses for laugh tracks or audience reactions so everyone just motormouths through the script.
If you're so stupid you need the TV to tell you when to laugh I think this show might be a little over your head
The wordplay is too advanced for your feeble little peanut brain to comprehend.
Wow, that's amazing, you've read it twice and still don't understand what I'm saying.
The scripts for each episode have about as much content as the average sitcom episode, but, without the pauses for laugh-tracks or reactions, the episodes are half the time.
>Redit and morty-fags still getting triggered by this show
Why do people act like this is anti-reddit.
Go watch it on YT and go to the comment sections, they're filled with Redditors and 9gaggers.
Still a great show tho
it's pretty mediocre. the drop in quality is apparent very early on.
I want reddit to leave. Summer is almost over, so why...must we endure more?
My ass can kiss your lips goodbye
Why is everyone suddenly discovering this show recently
Finally found my Reddit filter show
Reddit pasta right?
I'm completely embarrassed for whoever made this image and thought it would be clever or funny
It's literally just one person making the same threads repeatedly
This show is pretty funny, so after seeing it compared to Rick & Morty I tried watching that.
I literally didn't even chuckle once in the first 5 episodes aside from a snigger when Morty's sister's friends had a memorial for that frozen bully in the hallway.
This was on the dvd special for this show.
Rick and Morty is for brainlet millenials who want to feel smart
I want the Xavier Reddit Angels to leave and go back to their shit hole
Why are you fags triggered so easily!?
Chompsky honk detected
one of the xaviers clearly wins the joke battle
it's been a while, but I'm pretty sure it was not the original Xavier, but the second one.
watch it, and you'll be recognize which one has better comebacks
i got the perfect show for you
you slumber, a cucumber
I accept your defecation
>"So he changed his mind and took the path on the right. His right; if you are facing him its your left."
What did she mean by this?
I think it means that while he choose the heart this time its still inevitable that he will have to use his mind. I'm not sure because the intros monologue was on freewill but the episode is all about choosing between mind and heart. Maybe this part is about how his 'choice' wasn't
really a choice and he doesn't have freewill. But I think it could also be about the change in perspective. When he follows his Mind the people in the story all follow their heart and when he follows his Heart everyone kills him heartlessly, using their minds to trick him. So the quote
could be that whatever direction he chooses the world takes the opposite. At the start of the episode he says "do I have the freewill to turn this desert into an ocean of dunes". This doesn't make sense if he thinks changing the desert into an ocean would be proof of freewill but with
the quote in the end I think that shes saying that while we don't have freewill in our choices or individually... the world changes based on our perception of it? Or the universe has freewill that we're apart of?
Maybe this is the wrong place for unironic discussion.
WHAT DOTH LIFE????!!!!!!!!?!?!?!
wtf did he mean by this?
Youzer, this board has gone bowser