Are you ready for the biggest redpill regarding Ukraine and the Ukranian civil war?

Are you ready for the biggest redpill regarding Ukraine and the Ukranian civil war?

The real redpill is that Russians are and were more succesful than Ukranians inside ukraine itself. The jews and $$$ supported the maiden to let the Russians lose influence inside ukraine.

Here you see a map of ukranian gdp per capita


Other urls found in this thread:

another map

when will Poland stop being pussies and just split this shit fake country in half with Russia?

And here you see a map of where people speak Russian as their native language

when ukraine collapses and US looks the other way

question is what to do with local population of ukrainians at that point, force them to Polonize and Russify?

Wat the fug, where is the Ukranian people even in Ukraine?

Are you ready for the biggest redpill regarding Russia and the Jews?

The real redpill is that Jews are and were more succesful than Russians inside Russia itself.

The Jews are roughly 1% of Russia's population but make up roughly 50% of the Russian elite.

they have no identity. They think they are ukranian but they are east slav and closely related to Belarussians and Russians. Ofcourse some will whine and don't want it to change but they should be able to adapt the other cultures fast.

you now understand the "not a country/" meme?

>tfw Belarussian and Ukrainian national identities exist solely thanks to Poland and they hate you for it.


yeah Ukies are just Russians in denial
Janek, I demand that you take back Lwow now

>tfw Belarussian and Ukrainian national identities exist solely thanks to Poland
>Bein proude of your own mistakes
slavs life.

This one is also about native languages but is completly different

Yup, I thought Russians were dominant past the river and west from the river it was Ukranian.

This is kinda eye opening t bh. It's like worse than Belgium-tier.

Delet this

I don't know if this is true but the difference is that jews make up more % in the entire US population + they control all your media and government unlike with Russia as far as I know.
You hate eachother but also love eachother

They all already speak Russian.
The Russian Federation is already a multiethnic state, that's why it has such draconic laws against stirring up shit, it has to, since the minorities could otherwise stir up shit.

If you want to be a multiethnic country where you have multiple ethnicities within the same federation, look no further than Russia, where the minorities gets their own internal republic with their own rules and language. And where the secret police will kill you if you do something that implies that you aren't a good enough citizen.

Belarussian, Russian and Ukrainian identities have existed since the fall of Kievan Rus to the Mongols. I bet you were not aware that they had their own languages separate from Russian, too.

Russian's attempt to Russify everything in its perimeter is nothing short of rabid imperialism.

Vlaanderen should be annexed except brussels. They can have that islamic shithole

russian speaking Ukrainian from Donetsk here

i speak russian, but i Ukrainian, and after russian troops attack Donetsk I (and 70% of city) move to Kyiv,

Ask me anything

why are you being such a hohol?

All stats you see is official stat, what means its totally misleading, 80% of Ukrainian economy is black market, and people here not so poor like you can imagine

Dude, you have to understand that those maps are Ukie propaganda. It's actually way worse than that, since even in fucking Kiev, they all speak Russian. You hear Ukrainian on the tram PA system, and everyone else just speaks in Russian. You go and get a haircut, and ask the hairdresser what that poster on the billboard outside says, and she'll reply "I don't know, I don't speak Ukrainian", because they all just speak Russian.

You have a parliament where a Georgian and a Pole argue in Russian over who's the best Ukrainian.

The entire country is a fucking retarded pandora's box of political incompetence.

Don't open it, don't look to deep into it, just keep your hands to yourself and laugh at it from a safe distance.

We r all hohols here, m8

Rightful polish and russian clay

Why do side with the wrong side

Are you just going to ignore the map I linked?

>Dude, you have to understand that those maps are Ukie propaganda. It's actually way worse than that, since even in fucking Kiev, they all speak Russian. You hear Ukrainian on the tram PA system, and everyone else just speaks in Russian. You go and get a haircut, and ask the hairdresser what that poster on the billboard outside says, and she'll reply "I don't know, I don't speak Ukrainian", because they all just speak Russian.
>You have a parliament where a Georgian and a Pole argue in Russian over who's the best Ukrainian.
>The entire country is a fucking retarded pandora's box of political incompetence.
>Don't open it, don't look to deep into it, just keep your hands to yourself and laugh at it from a safe distance.

This is also one of the very biggest redpills regarding ukraine. Thanks for informing me Norway

>official stats

its misleading, biggest part of our economy is shade

>Russian troops attack donetsk
I dont recall russian troops to storm Donetsk lad.

How much times a day you sing your shitty anthem in order to achive inner peace?


no such things

that map is wrong since for example 90/95% of crimea is ethnic Russian alone which why I didn't use it.

And dont forget, Putin have very strong CTR like teams from 2011, and they already destroyed russian Sup Forums (2ch), a had to move here after that

but they start shill here sometimes

Take it with vodka, comrade.

coz u never was in Donetsk, right? i saw them myself so you can go fuck yourself

Just let them be
They have lost a lot over the past 2 years, they don't really need misinformed Western autists lecturing them about their identity

>shilling for the hohols
wew lad

There is a difference between Russian soldiers and Russian seperatists+volunteers

Are you ready for another redpill?

Here is a map of the languages inside Belgium

Belgium has the same form as Ukraine

Iam sure you saw them, Donetsk is full of pro russian people.
But they never attacked it.
In fact they were defending the city for like 2 years i think?

Since you are from Donetsk you probably saw this yourself right ? ;)

Where is the source for that?
The most recent census I can find (2014) places russians at 65,3% in crimea.

Here you see what they speak in certain parts of Belgium.

As you can see the Dutch and german parts are Superior to the French parts except brussels which lays in the Vlaanderen part

Oh look, it's this thread.

National identity is about self-identification more than it is about history.

If the Ukrainians feel they are a nation, and I suspect they perhaps didn't really (apart from Western Ukraine, maybe) until the Maidan, they are to be treated as one.

In a very real sense, a flag takes on new value once blood has been shed for it. Same reason why, after gaining independence with almost no struggle, it seems almost worthless.

Since we're talking about Ukraine, is it true that all (or most) of their ammo, gun and tank factories were in Donetsk and Luhanks?
Someone mentioned that before, but I couldn't find evidence to back it up.

87598Another redpill here
If you know Russian you are guaranteed to understand Ukrainian speech, I'd compare it to Eastern and Western Armenian.
Did you know that the most popular tv shows among the Russian kids are the Ukrainian ones (CTБ e.t.c.)? (It's actually sad that you won't understand them, they are pure cringe)
The narrator and some hosts always speak Ukrainian, but the rest only speak Russian.
And yes, russian kids understand the narrator and the hosts all the time
And there's also this "language" called cypжик which is a mix of Russian and Ukrainian that imbeciles use.
I'm pretty sure that the Russian language is being integrated into every post USSR country, for example over here 5% of the words aren't used anymore and are replaced by the russian ones (I lived my entire life here, but I can't name more than 10 veggies and fruits in Armenian since their Russian names are the ones that are used in practice, it's pretty hilarious that I can't explain some basic stuff to Syrian Armenians since they don't know russian)

i saw buses from Rostov and Belgorod (Russia), came to Donetsk to film that propaganda, if donets was pro russian it wouldn't became 70% empty after russian troops get the cite,

>Russian filming crew coming to film something
are you retarded?

>If you know Russian you are guaranteed to understand Ukrainian speech, I'd compare it to Eastern and Western Armenian.


This, absolutely.

ITT: Westerners can't understand how centrally planned economy works.

Iam sure the bombardment of the city and the 2 years long siege got something to do with people moving to the safer places.

Not to mention the blockade of the city.

fuck off shill, go watch russian news, they shoot some fresh propaganda for you

I might not understand a speech or an article, but if there are visuals that show the context like in your cancer tv shows then I always understand it.

Roman is bullshit, Abramovich might have Jewish genes or something, but the dude hates European Jews, he's a fucking chukotka Siberian, they are almost a completely seperate people anyway.

It was on the dutch news but now I google it I indeed find 65% maybe they ment Crimea is currently 90% russian after some ukranians and most tartars left

Yeah Russia is very good at Russifying other countries and people which just shows Ukraine is already half Russian and other side used to be polish.

>safer places
>move to Ukraine, because everyone hate russia

ethnicity I am 1/2 Ukrainian 1/4 russian 1/4 Greek

No. There are some warehouses but they were probably de_stroyed by these things in 2014-15

man what on earth are you talking about anyone who speaks Russian can understand Ukrainian well enough
I was in Lviv recently and I only speak Russian but I had no issues communicating with Ukrainians and that is all the way in Galicia

cas they talk with you in russian understandable ukrainian, but they can talk very different from russian

I dont expect you to know how many ukrainean refugees from Donbass we got in Rostov and Rostov oblast.

Anyway iam going to stop ruining your stories now. Have fun Taras.

Wow, just like Africa!

You had no problem because everyone here knows Russian AND Ukrainian. You won't find a single person that doesn't know Ukrainian.

jew being jews, what a surprise

yea, go wath some Kiselev on rt, find some Ukrainian refugees all over russia, they all very happy becase of russian war on Ukraine

Kievan Rus! = Ukraine. The whole Kievan Rus nobility paid tribute to Polish kings and to assimilate such a Grand Prince Wiśniowiecki. Ukrainian nationality has developed during the partitions of Polish

Maybe like one backyard

What is the leading opinion on Nadya Sanchenko now?

Legitimate criticism?
Never was particularly bright in the first place?
Broken during captivity?
Kremlin brainwash?
Next president?

Russian speaker/learner here, I can understand you guys even with all your retarded I and H sounds shoved into Russian words. Though Hutsuls and Galicians who go out of them way to throw in "correct" forms of mangled polish words I can't understand.

90% of words are totally different, lie more
cry over Volyn, failed state

My understanding of Ukrainian definitely went downhill post-Maidan.

Seemed like everything went to "use a synonym that isn't Russian, and don't cheat on pronouncing things similarly".

I can relate, though. We had tons of Russian loan-words in 1990, a good chunk have died out now, in part through conscious effort.

>Kiselev shouts the fakest bullshit for the babushkas, therefore I win
Even if you're on the right side of the conflict you need to use the fakest propaganda so that the sheeple trusts you. Every side of every war had cheap ass propaganda.
You can't possibly be this stupid
My Ua friends tell the opposite

I don't even get how that became an insult since it's not insulting. It's a hairstyle Ukrainians used to have, it like calling someone a Mohawk or Fade. Russians even have their own which is katsap

There are plenty of people living in Ukraine that don't speak Ukrainian
As for knowing Ukrainian, I'm sure plenty of Russians in Russia know Ukrainian as well, they're fairly similar languages

So basically Russia took the good bit and now if Ukraine chooses to pursue EU membership the EU will be left with a basketcase?

My friend from Daugava tells me that the stupid government wants to shove latvian to the russian speakers which negatively impacts the education.
They're literally rioting when they're being forced to be educated in latvian

There is big Crimean Tatars diaspora and actual Ukrainians. All your maps actually incorrect.

>good bit
did you saw actual map of what russia get? like about 2% of territory

there is no such thing as ukrainians
ukraine means okraina - border zone
ukrainian is a russian who lived in a western border zone of russian empire
they dont have culture separated from ours
when jews came in power they wanted to defeat russian nationalism by means of korenization, they divided russian nation on ukrainians, russians and belorussians to better control us.
ukrainian language is just a bastardized version of pre-reform russian one made by jews after 1917

Are you friends with fish? Because Daugava is a river, buddy.

Russians must learn in Latvian in Latvia? Oh the humanity! Surely this cannot be legal!

But yes, there was a fair bit of protesting when even partial use of Latvian was introduced in Russian schools. 10 years down the line high school graduates from those schools now speak Latvian, which they previously didn't. How has it negatively impacted anything apart from Russian feelings of "I am Russian, God is with us, we need not learn a thing"? Good question. Ask your friend.

"""ethnic russians"""
The civil war isn't over ethnicity broski. It's over politics.

Being a Ukrainian doesn't mean that you have to hate the Russians.

>EU membership
Surely you jest.

>Legitimate criticism?
>Never was particularly bright in the first place?
>Broken during captivity?
>Kremlin brainwash?
All of this. She has a point about the need to end the war asap, but that is just common sense.
No one wants another Pridnestrovie so her idea of negotiating with LPR/DPR literally killed her political career. I haven't heard about her in a while. Kudos for the time spent in Russian prison tho.
My Armenian friends tell that you are a faggot.
>people living in Ukraine that don't speak Ukrainian
Literally occupied territories. Krym, Donbas is a cancer.
>plenty of Russians in Russia know Ukrainian as well
Nah m8. Kuban, maybe, there are a lot of ethnic Ukrainians there, Southern Siberia also. Other than that Russians "understand" Ukrainian as much as i understand Polish or Belorussian.

>no such sing as ukrainians
>get btfo by ukrinian army

and the best

>ukraine have flag on /pol

what you gonna do now stupid shill?

>blaming everything on Jews
Jews and Russians are one people, there is no way to separate Jews from Russian culture

Also real redpill is no one care about languages and shit. It's a race war, we hate mongoloids who took "russia" name and pretend they now part of slavic ethnicity. They has that tiny disgusting epicanthus on their round stupid heads, little round nozes, no dignity or emphaty. They just don't fit, even when language is same around.

> Krym, Donbas is a cancer.
some goilt of war on people like you actually

but its really just jews all the time

>Jews and Russians are one people
no, anglo and jews are

I guess it is not cancer anymore since Donbass peopel ran to greater Ukraine but it sure was prior to 2014.

More people in all cities east of Odessa speaks more Russian than Ukrainian
You can walk past Maidan in Kiev and hear more Russian being spoken than Ukrainian

>speaks more Russian than Ukrainian
It's almost like people can choose the language they speak in a bilingual environment.

Daugavpils is referred by the locals as Daugava
It's anecdotal on how I'm more informed than you are
Tы тянкa? He, cepьeзнo, cтиль пиcьмa и apгyмeнтиpoвaния тeбя выдaeт oчeнь cильнo.

Чини дeтeктop, мaня.
Aлco твoи дpyзья тoлькo чтo пepeдaвaли пpивeт oт твoeй мaмaши.

He thinks people leaving a warzone is proof that they hate Russia.

What the fuck do you think?

I'm much more Russian than Anglo Dmitri


And 50% GDP with only a third of the population.

That's pretty much what set the whole thing off no?

I think it's the biggest linguistic experiment of our time, and one that is completely retarded, like if Canada had a revolution and decided to make their English have French, Indian, and Chinese loan words just so we couldn't understand them. Which I wouldn't put past Toronto to be fair.

But I mean really, you need a fucking second marshal plan to make Ukraine successful at the current point, and the West is stretched to financial breaking point as is. My guess is that Galicia will be independent for the future, but, this period of Ukrainian history has brought more of a demographic contraction and loss of economic capabilities that Holomodor, Nazi Control, and World War 2 combined. You can't feed the people on linguistic shifts and Kievpost articles. The current leadership of Ukraine ignores the sheer logistics of their geopolitical decisions. As does our leadership. The funny thing is, if Ukraine had entered into an agreement with the customs union, that would not have caused the economy to half, in Ukraine, and would have revitalized the concerns of the Baltic states and Poland, who would have doubled down on their commitment to Atlanticism.

Now, Poland looks at the fucking mess that is Ukraine, has to deal with a huge refugee/migrant crisis, and on top of that, gets told by the EU and USA that it's not doing enough for poor Syrian rapefugees :,( and so its funding might be cut. And then they wonder why Orban, Hofer, Slovakia, and PiS all are considering telling the EU to fuck off.

I can't believe how easy the Ukrainians drink the cool-aid though, I was there and no one seemed happy in Kharkov. Maybe they are just trolls or because they know English, really hungry for Atlanicist money.

Yeah, it's wrong though. The people answer wrongly in the census and state their mother tongue as Ukrainian, because they are ethnic Ukrainians but speak Russian natively.