>be american
>spread degenerate ideology and propaganda
Be american
Other urls found in this thread:
Who's "One Knee?"
tss, what? you want a knee in the groin or sumpthin? tsss
>be dutch
>spread homofaggotry everywhere
>advocate dude weed lmao
In an Apple Store no less, fitting
>the old couple in the background
yesterday, I watched an american comedy tv series, were a 15yo kid comes out as gay, and regularly fucks a married man (who has children) and everyone in the show, including his wife, is okay with it when they find out.
Fuck america.
Delete this
This makes me want a rain of 1,000 flames
>Some boot fag E-Nothing being a faggot
Burger Armed Forces are being inundated with Commie propaganda. One Powerpoint slide included a quote from fucking Marx when talking about command Equal Opporotunity Policy.
t. PO2
He's not Dutch. It's a Putin shill.
Fucking weird place to propose :/
this webm fucking enrages me all the time
An abomination to the uniform.
>notice the lack of combat patch.
americans nearly worship apple by this point
it's a great example for the US. uncle (((seth))) making propaganda to get all the americans to become degenerates, and the parents (((american government))) being an accomplice.
Muhammed pls.
American army is the biggest joke on the planet, on the Iraq invasion they gave out hustler and Maxim magazines to young iraq boys most had never seen a women with bikinis before, now they are at europe raping everyone, USA needs to be nuked asap
see this faggot? if you're against selling nigger sex to little girls, then you must be a muslim!
americans are braindead drones for the kikes, they eat up whatever the kike media feeds them
I don't see the problem
>they gave out hustler and Maxim magazines to young iraq boys
this is also the kike degeneracy warfare (psychological). the israelis have done something similar, but instead took over TV broadcasting, and put porn on all channels.
My military friends call anyone who wears their uniform out in public an attention seeking fag.
muhreecans wonder why the terrorists don't tread on them like they are doing in europe, it's simple the terrorists wouldn't want to stab the tit that feeds them
Kill yourself degenerate faggot lover trash
What's wrong with a guy narry a marry? I couldn't give less of a shit if they did
Why do you care?
had never heard of this but i don't doubt it, USA needs to be nuked, when this refugee/arab world crisis has been resolved they will find other shit to fuck up, my guess is the next step will be to fuck south america to get Venezuelan oil
*what's wrong with a guy marrying a guy
Fucking phone
feminists are a pain in the ass but faggotry and race mixing is death.
Basically everything that comes from the U.S is degenerate. Cuckold porn, interracial porn, nigger movies, nigger music, nigger sports, faggots on movies and tv series, weed propaganda etc niggers, niggers, niggers, hip-hop/rap, swag shit, niggers
>nigger music
and "dance"
Because family values are important for a sustainable prosperous cohesive society. The issue is why don't you care?
Yes, you're almost there, now push back the curtain and what do you see behind it?
i should have saved that thread where the muhreecan fagget said he wanted to move to Iceland cause his last name meant "son of Iceland" and claimed the Icelanders were his people
Gays are a minority anyways
Male and female relationships will always be the majority
>behind it
american capitalists
>hurr jews
not all of them. stop blaming everyone as if you're a woman incapable of taking personal responsibility
tfw there's nothing hotter than straight white men, but faggotry destroys their culture and them.
At least we don't have this sick nigger glorification down here, also, your president is a fucking monkey.
That's not the point. Enabling sodomites has wide ranging effects through the subversion of traditional values.
What are those genders called and how do I check gender of my leg? What would happen if they lost that leg in accident?
Americans do anything for money. no morals when they're being payed. (((who))) else has this behavior?
admit it, all americans have become jews. (or christians who worship jews). enjoy your cut penis.
Wtf, i don't believe it what show?
a remake of a british show. Shameless US
brazil was created by jews as a nigger plantation.
0/10. The answer is jews, there is no getting around it.
USA became a nigger plantation after dutch jews brought all those niggers over (and sold them for cold hard cash). and now you have had a nigger as your president for two term
Gay here. Will never sleep with a positive guy. Why take a risk?
I'm so sad
>The face of disgust the lady in the background has
sure americuck, never take responsibility for anything, just like a woman!
>hurr blame capitalism
Go watch another Michael moore film you blue pilled cuck
you can't be fucking serious?
is it now discrimination that i choose not to have sex with a person which could lead to me catching a deadly virus that is sure too kill me slowly.
fucking liberals
>Apple Store
Every Fucking Time
Not really no, the reason why is because the colonies were productive before the jew slave traders brought niggers. jews ruined the new world, spreading nigger infestation everywhere. Imagine caribbean without niggers, south america with out niggers, America without niggers. jews fucked everything up royally.
>tumblr image
>military guys
>short shorts
>straight white men
>wholesome american girl
These threads are so stupid.
>Let's abolish people because they have opinions we don't like!
said tumblr and Sup Forums respectively.
He should be shot on the spot for this blasphemy. The same with weak faggots who smoke or drink wearing uniform. RESPECT THE FLAG, GODDAMIT.
t. 3rd year into officer academy and polish army major's son
The average sodomite has over 50 sexual "partners" in his lifetime
Hahahah this is the supposed stron US army? LOL it is full of faggots and cucks.
That photo is disgusting. What causes people to be fags, oh that's right, /gif/
>that flag
>that filename
>those dates on the references
>About 50% of the women on death row are lesbians (12). Homosexuals prey on children (citation needed)
that has been debunked. the average gay man has 12 lovers in their life, not much more than straight men. stop spreading bullshit.
>that has been debunked
stop being homophobic the average gay person has a monogamous nice marriage and is faithful until death
I'd like to give you a solid reply. First, let me finish this inforgraphic I'm making. I've just got to write the text, highlight select parts and then screencap the passages I wrote before putting them without context or sources online.
The citation, I fear, is still needed.
Two infographics with the same sources.
Wow, the evidence from these multiple perspectives is damning.
>New research at San Francisco State University reveals just how common open relationships are among gay men and lesbians in the Bay Area. The Gay Couples Study has followed 556 male couples for three years — about 50 percent of those surveyed have sex outside their relationships, with the knowledge and approval of their partners.
50% of "married" sodomites are in an open relationship aka have sex with other fags with the knowledge of their partner. Sodomites are not normal.
I know.That other post was sarcasm.
Yeah I realised I just wanted to add to your point
wtf, I hate faggots now
it's like they all do the same things and should be punished as a group for these offenses
>america to get Venezuelan oil
>Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us.
What show, because I guarantee you that's bullshit.
Shameless US. the gay kid is also training to be in the army or marine or something
>this offends me as a lonely keyboard warrior who wants to kill myself every day
your tears would go great with ice
This. This is how real people look at what is happening here. Absolutely Degenerate.
Nothing bad in that now :^)
>real people
wew lad
Found the faggot
Its based off a UK show, blane them not us.
You wouldn't understand since you support faggots. You don't deserve to live.
you're just cherry picking.
>if the american loves gays
>the american is not real
American remakes are known for slipping degeneracy in them. Were you born today or something?
Remakes always have an agenda.
it's always the same with americucks
>fuck something up
>blame everyone else
>Its that autistic Greek again.
I can't blame him desu, the men in his family were sodomised by Turkish cock for 700 years. It's given his bloodline an inate fear of homosexuality.