Dolorous Edd edition
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Dolorous Edd edition
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daily remeinder that if not for baratheonposting this thread would be dominated by shippers
Arya told Lady Crane she was going to find out what's west of Westeros
Real talk time - Once the night king is defeated and Sansa is made Lady of Winterfell and Wardeness of the North, is the endgame for Arya sailing west to see what's out there with Pod the Rod?
And Harrenhal?
what's west of westeros anyway
My thought exactly
Bobbyposters are the heroes we need, but do not deserve. They work tirelessly to create new memes and keep redditors at bay. They are the unsung heroes that are keeping this general alive.
t. STANNIS poster
the rape salsa
what purpose did this character serve, again?
Why doesn't Bran just warg into the Mountain and kill Cersei?
Did you fucking read his post? We don't know
So did they leak parts of it or atleast the plot of the finale?
Say whatever you want about the fatman, but the world and lore he's created is truly amazing.
What if Bran warged Ramsey on their wedding night? What if its what fucked up
Cast him
The scene with Jon and Dany is very, very short, no nudity besides Jon's ass, around 30 seconds. The Rhaegar/Lyanna flashbacks that are intercut with it are longer and make up most of the scene.
Source: the leaker spanish guy.
Get some seemingly important people killed during this season because the main characters all have a huge plot armor now
i was just asking a qvestion
White male being killed by strong woman
why don't the bloodless men just make a trip to the bleeding sea?
That's pretty easy to do if he never writes about it.
>oh yeah and there's some cool stuff over there but you're never going to read about it because I made my fantasy world way too big for my ambitions
What is he thinking?
Why would Arya want to find out what on the other side of the sea if it was already known?
*breaks your fast*
what do?
based original aagghhposter
asshai is known but people still want to find out what's there anyway
He's thinking if only he weighed 40 kilos less he'd be able to fuck the lot of them and get away with it.
Still I wonder if GRRM groupies exist. They probably do.
west of Westeros is just a lot of ocean an then Asshai by the shadow, but since no ship comes back we can assume either some Valyria-tier shit taking them all down or the shadowbinders of Asshai not letting anyone land coming from (their) east
anyway, Arya will probably go on adventures in the east like Oberyn did, making a name as an assassin and/or sellswords captain of herself. My money is on her founding the first all female mercenary squad in Essos
how do you know he's the original?
the second daughters
he had to die also so Sam can come back and run what's left of the house. Only magic bullshit that can happen to the character now that he's done trying to become a maester
Azor Asshai
was there when he made those images and posted them in the exact same order about a month ago, and no one had any idea why he was doing it
also filenames check out
How in the fuck did Ellaria Sand have any political control in Dorne? Why were the Martell house guard loyal to her when she murdered Doran?
How in the holy fuck did the Sand Snakes manage to raise an army for Kelly C?
Why the fuck did the other Dornish houses let this happen without reprisal? Can a bookfag explain this shit to me, because it makes no fucking sense.
Asshai isn't the eastern most city of the planet, there's still more stuff east
I hope there will be some drama when Sam inevitably comes back and sees Danny, the woman who burned his family to death.
I know he didn't like his father but he never mentioned his brother being a dick to him or anything.
Azor Beric
good post
In the books, none of that shit has happened. It's all D&D OC that bookfags entertain themselves over seeing unfold.
In the books, The Sand Snakes eventually bow to Doran as he explains his plan to them. He wants to wed Quentyn Martell to Daenerys before making his move on the Lannisters.
>How in the holy fuck did the Sand Snakes manage to raise an army for Kelly C?
Didn't happen in the books. The Dornish spears would never answer to the sand snakes.
So all your complaints are legitimitate and they've never happened in the books because it's retarded. Someone probably has a picture detailing the differences in detail but yeah you should read the books.
Is this an official map? Also hasn't GRRM said that anything east of Slaver's Bay would just be what people know from rumours and stories and would likely not reflect what's really there?
Nah, that sort of shit always gets resolved conveniently now.
Jorah was sent away by Dany before Varys presented himself, and Dany pardoned him before Jorah returned. Davos now makes jokes about Tyrion killing his son.
me in the back
He'll bend the knee since his dom Jon fucked danny
What is an actual good show or book series in fantasy genre that would give the season 1-3 vibes with politics and schemes along witth the wars and rebellions waging all over the continent.
High or low fantasy doesn't matter.
>made him overly villainous in season 1
>made Ned as good as Jaime at swordfighting
>never mentioned how he charged and nearly killed Robb and his whole personal guard before being captured
>made him kill his cousin to escape prison
>made his loss to Brienne look like he's bad because 'muh stronk wymn'
>made him a shit swordsman with the other hand despite Barristan saying he's 'the most gifted natural swordsman he'd seen' and he would have recovered to some degree
>utterly failed to show Jaime's fighting ability while he was two-handed
>made him rape his sister on top of Joffrey's corpse
>made him ignorant about Cersei's cheating
>made him go to Dorne and be part of the worst storyline in the show so far
>made his sole mission after returning to fuck Cersei instead of reforming
>made him indifferent to Cersei's burning of the sept of Baelor
>literally never showed us what Jaime thinks
>according to the leaks, he still doesn't give up on Cersei and leaves to fight for their child
Reminder to never forgive D&D for the character assassination of Jaime Lannister.
No, this season doesn't make up for it.
the series plot is shit, in the books, doran had a daughter, i think, its been 5 years since i read it last, she led the snakes but failed, and why would anyone follow her? dorne succession system is like that of the ancient basque kindoms, gender makes no difference only if you were born first, absolute primogeniture
I agree.
>Davos now makes jokes about Tyrion killing his son.
Personally I don't give a shit about the canonicity of ASOIAF maps; the fat fuck will never detail them anyway so people can do what they want
>none of that shit has happened.
Christ, no wonder they killed them all off.
It is official but I'm not sure why GRRM even put in continents like Ulthos or Sothoryos if the whole story is only focusing on Westeros and some parts of Essos.
Does anyone want the official detailed Westeros map? I have it but it's 30 MB. Let's see if I can make it smaller.
lmao that'd be nice
>Arya explores the world
>discovers a new continent
>she ends up in bizarro westeros
fucking kek
>>made him ignorant about Cersei's cheating
>>made him indifferent to Cersei's burning of the sept of Baelor
What is his reaction to those things in the books?
Doran's actor said the shit made no sense and thinks they killed off his character because D&D just wanted to add shock value to the start of the season. He was originally scheduled to appear in four episodes but didn't learn he was being killed until he turned up for filming.
Can you upload it somewhere? The full 30mb version.
Good question.
what's in the middle?
he never touches cersei again out of disgust (so far)
>dat kawaii as fuck Night King
He becomes obsessed with it. His mantra becomes "she's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack...", literally says all the time, he's kinda consumed by it.
Wants to smash Cersei's teeth, but fuck her at the same time. Dark shit. He burns the letter but he still wants to go back to KL for Tommen and his mind tells him to Cersei too.
Let's say the guy is pretty messed up.
It seems like they realised how much they buggered that plot line up. They cut their loses by having something stupid happen rather than devote more time to a plot line that audience doesn't like.
Jsut sitting in the middle of the Centeros Ocean?
So are the maesters gonna now start healing the people with grayscale when people come to them for help or are they going to be like
>lmao nigga get that shit outta my face that shit is dangerous, kill yourself or go to these ruins lol
Lonely light
In a boat with Robyn Arryn and Ghost
Thanks anons
>Daenerys story has interesting potential if she does go to Westeros
>Instead, she keeps going further east and we end up with the dull Meereen plot
>Arya's story is quite interesting when she's in Westeros
>She heads off to Essos to train with magical assassins
>She now has possibly the most boring story of them all and the way the Faceless Men function means that the story is ultimately going to lead to nowhere and merely be a means to get her as a trained killer
Why is Essos so cursed to be boring? Some of the core ideas about the places there are quite interesting, but all the plots he writes about there are the dullest in the series. The TV show had a similar problem.
I feel bad for the actors who get fucked over like this, especially since he likely had the idea that his character was important. The poor guy who played Barristan had it the worst though, since he was also a fan of the books.
Funny how nobody was able to cure it before when the cure was so simple.
Lack of original material to adapt, I imagine.
It's still a dangerous procedure. They would be fully justified in turning people away.
I think Dany in Mereen would have been better if someone had edited it better. The character development (or lack thereof, depending on opinion) was important for her and Barristan comes into his own, his chapters were some of the best writing GRRM ever did. But really like 50% of that crap could have been gotten rid of.
Here's to hoping Arya's isn't as bad but the show majorly fucked that up. The pacing was all over the place, just terribly done.