Is JJ Abrams' Half-Life movie still happening?
Is JJ Abrams' Half-Life movie still happening?
i sure hope not
nobody outside of retarded redditors care about halflife.
>Turning video games into movies
yes Gordon Freeman is black now and will be portrayed by Morgan Freeman
I never played Half-Life. Can someone tell what Sup Forums is freaking out about right now?
> Can someone tell what Sup Forums is freaking out about right now?
Because much like most of Sup Forums half life3's future is not looking great
I figured as much, but what happened exactly?
Half-Life 2 Episode 3 story was leaked by a head writer of the series. This probably confirms that the game won't be released anymore.
after seeing what abrams has done with star wars I don't want him to touch it
Not the best game to create a movie about but-
>Jar Jar Abrams
Need I say more?
someone figured out the password was gaben
closest to Half Life movie we actually got with Kill Switch this year, which I still cant believe it actually happened. Dude actually made it in the era of Half Life 2 as a student film and apparently only shot scenes with Dan Stevens about 15 years later. Now it's out. It's ridiculous, but I think still kinda cool. Very Half Life.
it was shit fanfiction tier
gib link
You mean like the whole Half-Life story?
We're living in Half Life 3. Thanks CERN
seems video game movies do best when they're not directly based on video games. e.g. John Wick pretty much being the best Max Payne film we could get
making a movie out of a video game is like making a book out of a movie
yaassss! Preache sista!
Of course it's fucking not
It never was
>casting morgan freeman in a movie
>as a mute
It would be so ironically hilarious, I want to see this now.
Fuck off phoneposter Sup Forumsermin.
Halflife is overrated as fuck. Do we still fucking live in the late 90s?
Half Life's story isn't even that good.
The movie is just valves way of fucking over fans, everyone gave up on hl3 so they mentioned a new project to get people excited and then will make them wait a decade with nothing to show for it. Again
I'm pretty sure the cloverfield movies take place in the HL universe, considering that the ship that they showed look exactly like a combine ship, complete with a mix of mechanical and biological parts. It's probably just another version of earth that the combine are invading. The new movie is going to be about astronauts who get teleported into another universe where the earth doesn't exist, so teleportation between universes is possible in that world.
It just keeps getting worse.
He already ripped it off with the Subway scenes in Cloverfield
>there are people here who remember half life
get out grandpa
Go back to Angry Birds.
Do you even spend any time in an underground subway in half life? I remember like one train tunnel part before you get to Nova Prospekt, but it was hardly the most interesting part of the game.