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Admiral Salen Kotch/Jon SNow as an evil space Martian Admiral Edition

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Does he die in a really cool way?



>mfw the leaks confirmed Stannis' return



does he come with a detachable hand?

>made him overly villainous in season 1
>made Ned as good as Jaime at swordfighting
>never mentioned how he charged and nearly killed Robb and his whole personal guard before being captured
>made him kill his cousin to escape prison
>made his loss to Brienne look like he's bad because 'muh stronk wymn'
>made him a shit swordsman with the other hand despite Barristan saying he's 'the most gifted natural swordsman he'd seen' and he would have recovered to some degree
>utterly failed to show Jaime's fighting ability while he was two-handed
>made him rape his sister on top of Joffrey's corpse
>made him ignorant about Cersei's cheating
>made him go to Dorne and be part of the worst storyline in the show so far
>made his sole mission after returning to fuck Cersei instead of reforming
>made him indifferent to Cersei's burning of the sept of Baelor
>literally never showed us what Jaime thinks
>according to the leaks, he still doesn't give up on Cersei and leaves to fight for their child

Reminder to never forgive D&D for the character assassination of Jaime Lannister.
No, this season doesn't make up for it.

You're supposed to include a back-link in the OP, ya doofus

the lady sansa lannister bolton of winterfell

Fuck off you Underage sub human

>Baratheons are dead
>Viserys is dead
The next in line for the throne should be Viserys' son, right?

Captain Reyes, shall I set the Olympus Mon's guns to target SDF Forces? And maybe those Lionguards?


Shit I fuBBed up

so why do the ironniggers beat up Theon?

I can see why Ramsay fucked her ass



>30 seconds
Jonerysfags on suicide watch.

best house, best music


she a bigger butt slut than maisie

Best cest too.

source on the "boatsex only lasts 30 seconds" meme?

Nah this is Season 1 Jaime. But of course you can remove his hand as if you not familiar with these figures, they come with many different gripping hands

>mfw some of my retarded shitposting has made it into one of these for the third year running

Not a meme. The guy who's been giving updates on the leaks said that in his last video.
Very short scene, most of it is Rhaegar/Lyanna, no nudity except Jon's ass, a couple of kisses.


He got crucified for being a slaver by Danny and was one of the targarygen restorationists


He looks cool with the cape

yeah but what's the source?

>throws a bitch fit over Bobby B wanting to kill Daenaerys and Viserys
>throws a bitch fit over Jaime Lannister killing Aerys
why was ned stark such a massive targ loyalist holy shit i thought starks were supposed to hate the targs



friki, one of the leakers. The one who gets stuff from a translator.

Why didn't Brienne kill Stannis?

Is he on his top toes?


Meant for

Well done, although boarposting is quite recent so I'd put less of it in
Also even though he's shouting it should always be /got/

Stannis warged into her

are we discussing hypothetical scenarios now?

Because House Tarth swore fealty to the Baratheons.

>he hasn't read the leaks

so preston has gone full commie

Well we all know the true heroes at the end of the day are the Lannisters.

It all depends on whether people take 'paying his bastards' as recognising them or not
Also the people may declare Gendry king of the southern lands, much like Jon was made king of the north

Why the fuck is Brienne in this shot? Where are Tommen and Myrcella?

He called his mother a whore
Why do people do this

Yi Ti

The Golden Empire of Yi Ti is a realm located in the eponymous region of the Further East of Essos. It is the supposed successor to the mythic Great Empire of the Dawn, which, according to legend, fell during the Long Night. It is ruled by a God-Emperor, who is worshiped as divine, though in the present day the God-Emperor has little actual power beyond the limits of the capital city.

Throughout the centuries, the capital Golden Empire has constantly moved as dynasties rose and fell. The grey, indigo and pearl-white emperors ruled from Yin, on the shores of the Jade Sea, whereas the scarlet emperors raised the now fallen city of Si Qo in the heart of the jungle; meanwhile, the purple emperors chose Tiqui, whilst the maroon emperors kept court at Jinqi, to better guard their borders against reavers from the Shadow Lands.

The current capital is Yin, where the seventeenth azure emperor Bu Gai keeps his court. Yet, a sorcerer lord who claims to be the sixty-ninth yellow emperor claims the throne from his seat at the city of Carcosa on the Hidden Sea, beyond the limits of the Empire. And more recently, a general named Pol Qo has named himself first of the orange emperors, with the city called Trader Town as his capital.

Chai Duq was a God-Emperor of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti and the fourth member of his dynasty. He took to wife a noblewoman of Valyria and kept a dragon at his court.

>be a normie who never watched show or read books
>only listen to got soundtrack out of curiosity (season 5 soundtrack was just released)
>really like the good guys music, sounds so tragic and majestic
>mfw after watching the show i realize it's the lannisters music
what did ramin djawadi mean by this? is he one of us? does he know the lannisters are the good guys?

It's still a child that was pregnant, and the dothraki had never crossed the sea before, how were they suppoused to know dragons would return


>sixty-ninth yellow emperor
69 reference AND a nod to the King in Yellow, nice

This, all of Renly's vassals swore allegiance to stannis but the Tyrell's deserted for some reason

>is against killing children
>is disgusted kingsguard breaking their vows
Ned is an ethical and honourable man, user.

>for some reason

god i really hope season 8 somehow manages to have good writing


it's not murder if it's a targ

The rains of castamere are well known, so why do people think they could get away with shit when Tywin is alive.
Also did Tywin know about his daughters incest


Why is he so based bros?

is that the ross of meer?


I am sure the number 69 was not chosen randomly
And the Yellow King of Carcosa is a Lovecraft thing

How on Earth is Ned the prominent character that bothered to have any legitimate heirs that could continue his legacy?

Robert, Stannis, Renly, Tywin, Jamie, Tyrion, Dany
They just couldn't be bothered?
What was GURM thinking?

/our guys/

>Jaime Lannister
>Sandor Clegane
>Robert Baratheon
>Davos Seaworth
>Theon Greyjoy

/our girls/
>Kinvara (hottest girl in got)
>Meera Reed

Rest are shit

What the fuck did I do to be cognomen-ed "The Black" ? How do I prevent this in future bros

No he brings me vinegar not wine

shit taste in many cases, kill yourself

>a knight
>Fucks Cersei
>The real kingslayer
>Defeated Stannis at the Blackwater
>Son of the second most based Lannister

he's literally perfect, just admit it /GOT/


After this scene, you have to agree that Jaime is the true hero of the show

>play meme game
>get memed on
Wew lad

>not euron

I think cruel gives you it

>Jaime Lannnister
>Davos Seaworth
>Theon Greyjoy

Normie uncult

It traditionally meant someone with a bad temper
Or maybe he's just swarthy

>Also did Tywin know about his daughters incest
He played dumb.

strange how did I miss a cersei sansa lesbian scene

Robert thought he had kids, obviously. Selyse had a shit womb. Tywin was trying to marry Cersei to Loras and was fucked over by Aerys in regards to Jaime. Tyrion is a fucking dwarf. Dany thinks she's barren.


>tfw Bobbyposting has almost entirely burned itself out already

The fire that burns twice as bright burns half as long lads ;_;

people I will accept on the throne when the series ends:
>Jaime and Cersei's baby
>Nobody, throne is destroyed

people I will not accept on the throne when the series ends:

It was this year's Sweet Girl

I wouldn't have minded a myrish swamp scene t b h.

Damn, never seen this one before. Source or higher res version exist?


the meme isn't very adaptable and its format is good for reddit, that's why it spread there fast

Why is there a proud Baratheon in this Lannister pic?

what did d&d mean by this? i thought jaime was tyrion's only friend when they were kids, why did he do that?

i don't remember this from the books desu


Quite sure the king will be the only surviving dragon's head, Tyrion. Wasn't one of the descriptions about his shadow "it was a huge shadow, the shadow of a king"?

Careful, Rosposter, careful now! Wear it in silence or I'll honor you again.