What does Sup Forums think about Sam Hyde?
What does Sup Forums think about Sam Hyde?
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I think he is a fat gay loser.
at first I thought he was funny but then he showed up at HWNDU and was too scared to stay in character and was just standing around doing nothing funny.
also heard he fucks trannys.
Formerly Sam Outintheopen
spammed way too much by his retarded loser fans
literally reviewbrah, styx, and random tripfags are better than him
Don't talk shit about Cody
Hi R3ddit XD
one of the most influential comedians in the past five years
it's obvious by how many threads are still up well after the jews cancelled MDE
So if Sam just shaved and got a haircut you'd stop saying he was slipping, right?
His show getting cancelled was a blow, but it's not like he can't just keep making YouTube videos.
Annoying fans
I don't find political or shock humor funny anymore. Sup Forums's already shown me sick stuff than any comedian can and political humor is old and worn out.
Literally everything I said is true and no i'm not from reddit.
>Sam is too pussy to steal the show at HWNDU and just stands around like a cuck
and I have seen pictures circulating on Sup Forums where its heavily implied that sam hyde fucks trannys.
this pic sucks you're supposed to add jokes
T. Redditor virgin
I saw his Ted talk speech and I thought it was genius.... then I watched a billion other things of his wanting to like him, but simply nothing was good. It was literally the rantings of a crazy person, or perhaps someone acting crazy as some type of Kaufmann-esque joke.
I watched that bit where he and his buddy were at the Bernie rally and they kept interrupting with stupid shit, the one guy finally turning on his boombox while they both started dancing, it gave me a chuckle but it would have been better as a 2 minute bit rather than a 20.
Ted Talks A+, Bernie rally prank B, everything else I've seen a 10% F.
In all fairness, I've never seen his show. Just maybe 10 or so vids on youtube. I suspect his tv show was probably a lot like Tom Green back in the 90s. 90 percent of the time just completely unwatchably bad, 5% decently funny pranks, 5% comedy gold (like Tom's poop on the mic interviews).
>has no arguments
>continues defending his failed gay abortion of a "comedian"
You should watch the show, it's only six episodes of 10 minutes each.
But no pranks. That is Moms.
You're replying to a bot
the alt right dan harmon
His old vertical vids evoke the same existential angst and manic depression you get after staying up for 40 hours and looking at yourself in a bathroom mirror at 4am. The one video where he speaks of the optimism of adults inflating heir children's heads with inevitable success and happiness really gets me
>MY SON! MY SON! Ya shudda seen him, he fixed ma computa like that! He's a genius, he's gonna grow up to be a big important man! Just you wait and see
>Panco breadcrumbs
he has a point in that video but it's kind of undermined by the fact he's an irresponsible fuck-up who blames the world for his problems
>He started watching the vid in the exact same second as I did.
Hello fellow autist!
>increasingly insensitive posts
I watched it this week, the facial reactions of Sam and Nick really tickle me.
>What was that, Mrs. Bakhtiari?
An inconvenient anime is pretty funny
Don't mocking her!
officer maggot dick cop faggot
>MY SON! MY SON! Ya shudda seen him, he fixed ma computa like that! He's a genius, he's gonna grow up to be a big important man! Just you wait and see
This video is heartbreaking.
My dad honestly believed that I would be famous one day. He just wanted to be proud of his son. ;-;
Obviously his work is underlined by a very deep seated self hatred and acknowledgment of failure, that's what is painful in watching this video's by like minded others. It's a dissatisfaction with modern post-industrial Neoliberal society that posits we live in the most happy and progressive age of mankind yet the individual finds himself more atomised, useless and without meaning than ever. He's struck a nerve of the millenial generation in the west that isn't as idealistic as the parents who raised them
>"I went to a very expensive college. I'm almost 30 years old."
>30 years old
Moms wasn't really funny as much as it was mean-spirited
Is that a reference to "Death of a Salesman?"
World Peace is weird in a way that I liked, you should give it a try. Definitely more experimental.
"It's just a prank bro!"
Got a link for this one ?
Can't find it.
That's what he said in the video, yes.
I should make a picture of Sam doing that grin after he goes "blblblbl" and shop the "please be patient i have autism" hat on him.
Oh, I didn't remember it being in this one.
Thank you.
I like him. Its interesting to see just how many things he has influenced. h3h3 is an easy example.
2017: I AM... FORGOTTEN...
>Have your own show on AS
>Gets cancelled because of your racist twitter rants
>Your friends leave you because you brought them down with you due to your immaturity
>All you do now is shitpost on Sup Forums, continue your racist rants on your group's twitter page and pretend to work on projects when in reality you're doing nothing of worth
Sam Hyde is a grade A JUST
>I thought he was funny until he didn't do what I wanted him to do
>also he fucked trannies so that takes away the edgy humor
That or we're just whining gits
Underrated post
jajaja, el justo! muy chiste!
An unaltered spectacle at the degradation of modern man scares liberal administrators. We cannot allow others be subject to the realities of contemporary life, put another inspiring episode of the Goldberg's on
We're worse than gits, we're social and economic scum and we've been engineered to turn out that way
what are the best MDE skits?
4chans hate of Sam hyde stems from autism and a sjw campaign that stemmed from the aftermath of gamergate when a bunch of leftist retards came in droves to 'change' Sup Forums
I don't know why Sam bothers me so much but he does. On paper I should like him. I'm basically him in many ways. I guess the fundamental reason I hate him is that he doesn't honor the line between edgy trolling shit and real life. He's like a perpetual newfag. Ironically he becomes unironically as cringey as the people his videos make fun of.
>that posits we live in the most happy and progressive age of mankind yet the individual finds himself more atomised, useless and without meaning than ever
That's because you're cuckolds looking outward for some higher meaning greater than yourself.
finished, fresh oc
>I don't know why Sam bothers me so much but he does. On paper I should like him. I'm basically him in many ways.
you hate yourself, and you see that he doesn't hate himself, but you see parts of yourself in him. so you hate him for not hating himself like you do
Nick, Sam and Charls are still in contact though. Sam's getting a production company together to start making a successor to World Peace. 2018 will be the year of MDE, just you wait.
This, same reason why “lol drumpf” jokes aren’t funny anymore. The market for political humor is oversaturated.