>America consider themselves a strong and powerful nation >Still refuses to air The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson because of the twin towers >Or even if they air it, they cut the scene in the twin towers majorly
Why? Why are Americans still so butthurt about this?
Because kikes cut and refuse stuff all the time. First they cut down the towers, then they refuse to show the towers in media.
Easton Rogers
Twice nightly and three times on Sundays.
Lucas Brown
same with the two mohammed-eps of South Park.
Landon Gutierrez
One of the best ep. ever And 9/11 is pretty nice too, everyone here celebrates when it happened
Nathaniel Walker
they literally had a quote "They put the jerks in Tower One"
Everybody who wrote that episode regrets moments like that.
Jeremiah Hughes
Cooper Smith
No they don't. New York burgers are known jerks in media. They are just virtue signalling.
Owen Collins
Americans act as if a few thousand dying was the greatest tragedy ever. Their military kills that many innocent women and children in the middle east weekly.
Eli Ward
kek fpbp
Adam Nelson
yvan eht nioj
Sebastian Sanders
Well ok, it's like this. Poop in the toilet? Meh, I expect it. Poop in the kitchen sink? OK, now it's a big deal. Make sense?
Gavin Bennett
shutup meg
Jonathan Kelly
Saw this episode on UK channel 4 a few weeks ago, hadn't seen it aired in more than 10 years. Thought it was strange, especially as the animation is very elastic in this one
Jacob Taylor
George W "Sneed" Bush
Jayden Moore
>still watching syndicated TV
Angel Brown
>this talking point I honestly can never tell if the people who are saying this retarded shit are trolling or not.
Ryder Ross
thats because they are bunch of self absorbed people who only care about themselves, true capitalist
Ryder Sullivan
Too soon.
Julian Scott
Name 5 innocent women and 5 innocent children killed. You say there are thousands, this should be easy.
Charles Miller
>I hate what he said but can't argue against it. I better call him retarded.
Fuck off.
Christian Brooks
mfw perma-triggered Americans literally banned Cat Fucking Stevens and Buddy Holly from the radio after 9/11
>America, the most scrutinized country in the world, is killing upwards of 3,000 innocent women and children every week in Afghanistan >America has now been in Afghanistan for 17 years, which would make the body count of innocent women and children somewhere in the ballpark of 2.5 million >The United Nations has never spoken out about this >America's allies have never spoken out about this >European media has never spoken out about this >The United States media has never spoken out about this >The Afghani soldiers who fight with the United States have never had a problem with this supposed massacre of their innocent wives and children >But I'm supposed to believe some unsourced comment by an anonymous poster on Sup Forums, and I'm retarded if I don't Sounds about right.
Christopher Richardson
sneedicated tv
Jace Howard
Uhmmm no sweetie. There are literally objective images taken of American soldiers shooting innocent little girls whose only crime was worshipping the wrong religion and putting a flower in a gun, and no amount of your mathematical mumbo jumbo is gonna change that.
Jason Morales
You have to have a very high IQ to understand Chuck and Sneed. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Chuck's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Chuck & Sneed truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Chuck's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Fuck Suck," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Seeds. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpsons scratching their heads in confusion as Ian Maxtone-Graham's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Chuck & Sneed tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Gavin Perez
Kill yourself and your le epik /r/Sup Forums copypasta
Angel Allen
can a nation be more cucked than murikka?
Isaac Sanders
Why do americans get so butthurt even if someone SHOWS the twin towers? I recall some movies made before 9-11 but releasing after it had their aerial establishing shots edited to not show the twin towers
Jaxson Wood
You did kill 500000 iraqis for oil though
Ryan White
Abdul rahmadi Manal kidfa Yasmeen abujallad Muhnad regheed Mona walleed Amal yousef Sarah najib Sireen yousef Yara khalayli
Juan Phillips
They air this episode all the time I saw it last night
Jaxon Peterson
this, I'm pretty sure they still air the episode, I remember it as part of the marathons they did.
The real question is when Comedy Central does the South Park marathon will they air Super Best Friends (and to a lesser extend 200 and 201 buuut they kinda suck.)
Justin Perez
Differing on the sources, from a minimum of 174k to a possible maximum of 500,000 in 2013, if we add to that all the proxy wars the US started with Libya, Sirya and the direct conflict in Afghanistan we reach a maximum of 800k victims to fuel the US economy. That's pretty satanic.
Camden Johnson
Jews run the propaganda boxes, cuck. You wouldn't know because you have to pay a fucking license to even watch yours, but can't even afford it.
Oliver Foster
>afraid of universal healthcare >afraid of same sex marriages >afraid of melting pot >afraid of science especially evolution
yet they are still called the land ofthe free.
Jonathan Butler
Thankfully I have the original airing recording on VHS including the winner of The Simpsons house.
Now to actually find that tape, somewhere at my parents house. And maybe a working VHS player
Juan Bailey
16 years later and we still have people this fucking retarded
Daniel Bennett
Someone please edit Sneed and Chuck as those two guys.