Black guy here living in Ohio who is considering voting Trump despite being labeled an Uncle Tom and race traitor by my...

Black guy here living in Ohio who is considering voting Trump despite being labeled an Uncle Tom and race traitor by my community, can I be a part of the alt-right i've been hearing so much about lately?

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The alt right is jist a boogeyman used by the left to describe anyone who doesn't fall in line

the alt right isn't real

In fact, lefties who use "alt-right" now don't even have to bother with the ((())).

The alt right are a bunch of frog posting fags, but you're welcome on Sup Forums if you don't succumb to left wing degeneracy

You should vote for Trump BECAUSE those people are calling you that.

Fuck them. You shouldn't feel obligated to vote for what they want because they're verbally abusive.

I'm a liberal and I'm voting for Trump.

AltRight just means you reject libs and neocons. You're welcomed at Sup Forums brother. Let's fuck these liberal globalist scum plans to enslave us all. MAGA.

If I pick hands switch with feet as a loss and flipper feet as a gain will I get flipper hands?

stop acting like a special snowflake
you aren't the first black conservative and no black had to ask permission to be right wing

You'll need to fill out a few forms and present proper ID at the next meet up. Also can you pass a background check?

Alt-right? Is that like an indie bookstore?

OP yes, just vote how you feel and do your own research.

Know that if Trump wins, the elites are going to crash the economy and NATO will go rogue and try and bring us into WWIII. BLM will riot in major cities, and the elites will "punish us" for picking the wrong candidate.

Know that if Clinton cheats and wins, America is being taken over as the pre-planned WWIII even happens with NATO vs Russia and Iran. US will goto war for central banks and send all of our troops over seas, while BLM and marxist protests destabilize society and a New World Order becomes visible and gun confiscations begin under Clinton a year in.

Trump is a much safer and honest choice.
Yes you can be alt-right, do some research into globalists.

Don't be degenerate.
Look up the Yuri videos on youtube, and take some looks at George Soros.

There is no alt-right buddy. Its just a shitty label for online shit-posters.

Semi-related vid:

I'm a Trump supporter over here in AUS, and I believe your vote will count. Thank you for considering Trump to be POTUS. He needs all the help he can get. I'm sure you guys don't want another 4 years of Democratic rule, especially considering whats been happening to black communities. Please also consider that Hillary labeled you a 'Super Predator' in the 90's I believe it was.

I'm actually also a black dude from Ohio. Fuck the people calling you an Uncle Tom. Just vote for Trump; there's nothing to lose and he's better than the shill, the idiot and stoner.

Yes. Do you believe in hard work and honesty, or in handouts and special treatment? Are you more worried about cops or criminals? Will cracking down on Chinese cheating and uncontrolled illegal immigration help your kids have a better future? Are these questions more or less important than whether some will call you an Uncle Tom?

>tfw muslim
>voting for Trump
>friends get mad

George Lincoln Rockwell, a famous Neo-Nazi called Malcom X a hero to the black community

Nationalists believe in a country for everybody
That includes whites, but it also includes blacks

No one knows who you vote for unless you tell them. White people rarely talk politics in public, let alone around non whites. We should do the same.

As far as the alt right goes you should definitely become familiar with their ideas. Don't take them at face value though, for they aren't "us" and we aren't them. I don't need to tell you that the instant hate whitey instinct is unproductive. Many of their ideas and beliefs are good to be aware of. That said they are merely reactionaries and still share many of degenerate beliefs of the modern age.

Also whites function on irony and must never be taken at face value. We Black folks tends to be overly honest and must remember that other races aren't nearly as straightforward.

Vote for Trump!

You sound like a good man. I would drink beer and play dominoes with you.

What part of Ohio? I have family there. Honestly a lot of blue collar communities are really, REALLY under educated when it comes to this election. They just read headlines and do little next to 0 actual research. Vote for the policies you'd rather see in place. FUCK what others think about you.

And if you got called "white" in school for studying and getting good grades, would you stop studying?

it actually has nothing to do with race, it's just this place is like Xbox Live, but instead of K/D there's memes, hence the mostly satirical racism.

a lot of us do have legit concerns with kikes.

i hate to fucking say it, but as a newcomer to the redpill world, I'd recommend reading BreitBart, and checking out and Paul Joseph Watson.

I know the hardcore NatSoc fucks on here will say they're shills for Jews, but either way it's a good normie-introduction to the redpill in a way that looks polished and well-presented like normies are used to with news.

Good luck.

No one sane would vote for trump.

>Black guy here living in Ohio who is considering voting Trump despite being labeled an Uncle Tom and race traitor by my community
You do realize you vote in secret, right?

Sure. Alt-Right is about devotion to truth above all else. If you are willing to do what is right, not what you are told then you are us.

Of course man. The alt right has nothing to do with race. Its just a rejection of globalism and bat shit 3rd wave feminism SJW shit.

>Nationalists believe in a country for everybody
>That includes whites, but it also includes blacks
I am a nationalist, and I do not believe in ethnic egalitarianism. Africans should stay in Africa, at most, I want their 150+ IQ's who are ready to integrate fully and throw away their degenerate culture in favour of the culture of the land.

Or just say whatever the people want to hear and vote to MAGA

When they ask - say "who do you like" followed by "me too"

I don't waste my time on anyone stupid enough to vote for the treasonous one

Don't listen to any of these retards itt.

The answer is no you can not join the alt right. It's nothing personal, but the alt right is a white only organization. I'm sure you understand, I mean blacks have plenty of black only organizations. Feel free to educate yourself on our message by visiting true alt right websites.
>not pol
And vote for Trump.
>what do you have to lose?

Entryism will be the death of Sup Forums. OP, you have to be sent back to Africa. You can lead a Reich there.

Isn't the alt right primarily a white nationalist movement? Wtf?

Vote for Hillary because Trump is a rascist.

They were young and dumb.

what the fuck why wouldn't anyone take sense of smell or eyebrows forever?
probably gain a goofy bone

The alt-right is a meme it isn't real.