Professional HEMA fighter here
Gendry's "weapon" is retarded
Professional HEMA fighter here
Gendry's "weapon" is retarded
>professional HEMA fighter
Please post the real version.
it looks unbalanced as fuck....
If the blunt end was the same size as the spiked end (which ought to be spiker) it’d be fine but as it is, it’s way too heavy. Even the Mountain would have a hard time using it.
Gendry here.
You're a faggot.
It's an acknowledge high-end skill-based sport
It's a movie prop designed to look cool to the masses. Like how the giant flail the nazgul used in LOTR was rediculously huge. Bigger is more flashy for the audience, more entertaining to see.
And now the hammer doesn't matter anyway. Clegane chucked it while they were fighting the Wights.
It's larping for fat alt-right neckbeard virgins
HEMAfags are literally the new katanafags. Prove me wrong.
Shame really. Blunt weapons are good for breaking bones.
Professional Sup Forums shitposter here
How can someone be this autistic
Professional MEMER here
Check those doubles
Early Game of Thrones was low fantasy.
The books ended, D&D came in and made it "lower than than the usual high fantasy" for the World of Warcraft audience.
There's better low fantasy stories. If the fairy tale shit's turning you off you can probably stop watching game of thrones, you've graduated to Conan the Barbarian.
Good thread
yeah but the nazgul wasn't human, it's fine then
the witch king is a magic shadow ghost wizard
big flail works
why didn't they just use a regular sledge hammer?
>it's larping
Sort of, yes
No. It's a combat sport.
It appeals to history buffs, not any specific side if the political spectrum. Some of the more popular HEMA youtubers like Skal and Matt are full blown SJW antifa fucktards.
>more entertaining
No, it's corny, annoying and stupid.
Early Game of Thrones is high fantasy.
>learning about your rich history will soon be called racist
>dressing up as knights will be deemed offensive to muslims
Calling it right now cap this.
That bearded skinny looks like my boyfriend and I look like the chubby guy
You wouldn't think so, seeing how Sandor couldn't keep Dumb Cunt down. Maybe the Hound's vaunted strength isn't really all that impressive
Hi /leftypol/, feel FREE to ruin another thread
>call someone autistic for claiming HEMA is alt-right
>get called /leftypol/
Really makes me think
Professional Baneposter here
that is a big hammer indeed
Professional Banepostet returning from a ban here
>your rich history
I just call the first retard and replay you to show the cringe comments of them reverberate.
>tfw I don't even know what leftypol is and I've been called it before
Is it a nickname for the /lgbt/ board or something?
yes, European history.. is for Europeans nobody else.
Here's the fixed version
no it's not
>Gendry's "weapon" is retarded
its a fucking butt plug on a stick
Baratheon men have super natural strength.
Robert's hammer during the rebellion was even bigger than Gendry's.
Where in Westeros is China?