Why was Season 1 the worst season?
Why was Season 1 the worst season?
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no Frank
They didnt know what to do yet,
But frank's brother is by far the worst episode
>frank's brother is by far the worst episode
why do people keep saying that? it's in no way shape or form true. In the last season literally every episode was worse
Cracking the liberty bell was the worst episode.
Frank's brother was a great one with shady-nasty.
>Cracking the liberty bell was the worst episode.
no it wasnt it was pretty sweet
Underage Drinking: A National Concern is the best IASIP episode. Fight me.
It was fucking dire and you know it
>Season 1 the worst season
"The Gang Gets Racist", "Charlie Wants an Abortion" and "Charlie Got Molested" were great.
its necessary, the gang hates each other more and more each season. There had to be a neutral season.
Cracking the Liberty Bell and Frank's Brother are high art compared to the lazy dreck of the last two seasons.
That's not Cereal Defense
They typically mean the worst episode out of the actual good seasons. I can't think of a worse one either. The only defense any one ever has for it is "dude shady nasty lmao"
>always reddit in filthadelphia
fuck off
wtf are you an asshole?
Literally the best episode. Frank was hilarious.
That's also not the trial of the century
i agree. Maybe because i'm a yuropoor, but the tailgating one a typical american only thing was great
>but the tailgating one a typical american only thing was great
the one where frank takes acid and charlie plays greenman at a tailgate party.
nah season 1 is great
>Tfw no Sunny until 2019
are you retarded?
>shady nasty
>"young" frank
that episode was pretty funny desu senpai
Season 8 was amazing and possibly the best season
4th season is also great
Are there any shows similar to Sunny?
Peep Show is good. Its similar in that it has inappropriate humour.
Season 1 Sunny picks up sort of where Seinfeld leaves off in vibes.
Season 1 Seinfeld starts with them being relatively normal and by season 9 they're close to where the Gang starts off in Season 1 of Sunny.
I want delusional idiots doing crazy shit and it's funny and with the same type of cast, none of them should have any morals
>When you've watched almost all of the episodes at least 10 times
it's still funny somehow
You could watch Its Always Sunny in Moscow
IMO, the episode as a whole is pretty meh, but seeing Frank in that shitty wig pretending to be a kid cracks me up every time.
That's because it's so well acted and there's so many little ad libs you almost always notice something you missed when you rewatch.
>Watch Frank's Pretty Woman yesterday
>Dee admits she smoked "a little bit of crack" when Roxy dies
>Just noticed that after Dennis does the "You bitch" routine he asks as an aside if Roxy still had any
I could literally watch this show forever.
>I could literally watch this show forever.
I probably will, take a month or a few break while watching other shit, then come back to it and watch the entire thing again, it's pretty ageless
it was really good actually, no idea why people dislike it, all the dialogue where they use "ye olde english" is fucking hilarious.
this boi gets it
Someone link the pilot episode with the good dee in it
do yuros not tailgate? would fit right in with your soccer culture I'd think
fuck no, we get drunk INSIDE the Stadium insulting the other teams fans and getting ready to riot.
Who the fuck hangs out at a parking lot?
They were doing dry black comedy without the comedic timing
But that Cricket episode from the last season was fucking abysmal
>Have you got any more crack left?
>No, no-one in the history of crack has ever woken up with any more crack
>That's frank? He doesn't look a day over 12.
You can't tell me that wasn't a good line
You're 100% wrong, they've been re-hashing the first few seasons for years
Christ thanks for reminding me
Dennis > Charlie > Frank > Mac >>>>>>>>>>> actual birds > Dee
I made a typo, it should actually be Dennis = Charlie
Sorry my bad, I meant Dennis > Charlie > Frank > Dee > Mac
Curb your enthusiasm has a fairly similar humor style
That's seinfeld? Sunny was directly inspired by seinfeld
Dee episodes are the fucking worst
At least we got country mac on the mac day episode
Not really but you may like 30 Rock or Community. Tame but pretty weird and good.
Franks Reynolds Little Beauties is definitely one of the best episode IMO.
>the part where he forgets he left his mic on and starts talking about corpses
I thought charlie wants an abortion was kind of edgy and it kind of turned me off. I thought every other episode was gonna be political
PTSDee is a pretty great episode.
one of the low-key good things about sunny is their love of dance music
music in sunny in general is pretty fun and individual
also best episode in recent years is MAc & Deniz in the Suburbs
That was a fucking gold star episode for that season
Because they had no idea what to do with the characters yet. Of course they're all too flanderized now but the characterization in season 1 was basically
>Sweet Dee: Stereotypical "come on guys you're being so stupid" straight-man played by every woman in a male-based comedy
>Dennis: Narcissistic asshole
>Charlie: Same as Dennis but a bit dumber and more of an asshole
>Mac: Also the same as Dennis but a bit dumber and more of an asshole
>Bang me, eat me, throw me in the trash.
Yeah aside from Charlie's obsession with the Waitress, the male leads were all pretty identical.
That and pretty much all the episodes are based around the guys wanting to bang a chick except for the Gun Fever episode
Correct. That and the abortion episode top all other episodes
It's better than season 10 and season 11
how old are you kid? don't look a day over 12!?
>you ever been in a storm Wally?
No Frank and a little liberal and pretentious
Why was Fat Mac the best Mac?
no its not you fucking retarded triggered trumpkin
because each season gets better and better
>triggered trumpkin
Ok, white boi.
do people outside the philly area
the east US
out of the whole country find this funny? im from the philly area and its pretty spot on on how snappy we can be. not proud of it, but shit we tell it how we see it
>Cracking the liberty bell was the worst episode.
People keep saying this but it still remains one of my favorite episodes.
>This appears to be a rendering of the two of you sodomizing the king whilst the queen is forced to witness.
>No, look! I'm holding homeboy's arms back. Dennis is ready to jam it in his face and the Queen is impressed.
If season 1 was all that bad, why was there a season 2?
Do you have younger siblings?
I actually liked the newest season more than the 2 that preceded it
I didn't like two episodes, that one of the blacks and another that already I forgot.
Irishman from Mass, here.
They got the humor exactly right.
Cricket's makeup is amazing
Kraut here, I love it
glad to hear that. philly is really a cool city to visit if you get a chance.
>he doesn't know
user i...
Know what jabroni?
It was bad, but the liquor store robbery one i think season 10 is the worst
The pilot is literally the best episode dude CMON
I wanted to kill her during the high school reunion episode when she's trying to fit in with the cool kids. I get that the point was supposed to be obnoxious but it was to an infuriating degree.