Who should play him in a movie about his life?

Who should play him in a movie about his life?

hi milo. nice of you to stop by. literally no one gives a fuck about you, and there is absolutley no interest in a film about your life.

I'm thinking James Franco. But he isn't really interesting enough to have a movie about his life. Maybe as a side character in a dark comedy about the Trump administration.

Your .00005 seconds of quasi-fame are over. Kill yourself.

>faggot who is hated by the mainstream because of his views

honestly if he wasn't a conservative there would already been a dozen biopics about him already

>caring about milo

not even the gayest most homosexual guy on Sup Forums (that's right, that guy who moans as loud as he can when men stroke his prostate with their erect penises aids filled fluids) gives a honest care about this person

He's hated because his entire career is standing on a soapbox and throwing insults at people who annoy him.

If he wasn't conservative he'd a less nerdy, gay version of MovieBob. Or any other E-Celeb who thinks their opinions matter.

How come Sup Forums has an increasing large number of homosexuals when they claim to despise them?

watching mcgregor get fucked in the ass tonight is enough anal devastation for me, I don't need to see this too

What if he kicks Mayweather's black ass?

Then Floyd Mayweather signs the contract and bends the knee to Lord Vincent Kennedy McMahon?

Because they're all fucking retards and the sky is blue.

>crtl-f Idris Elba
>zero results

Bill Hader

jared leto

Dane Dehaan

Nobody because that gay isn't relevant or important.

Obviously Elba would play his boyfriend.

>making a movie about a cry baby, alt-right, literal faggot with 15 minutes of fame

yeah, pass on that one r/thedonald


>this just in - water is wet!

george clooney

woody allen