>now they're just going to be rehashing Babylon 5's Shadow War
This show really has gone to shit this season.
>now they're just going to be rehashing Babylon 5's Shadow War
This show really has gone to shit this season.
Nothing wrong with that faggot.
Killing off Jayce was dumb
More 5
The worst part is the way they just kind of dropped One's whole plot about his wife's murder and his connections to the real Corso and Three by just unceremoniously killing One and Corso.
It feels like this is someones first foray into sci-fi or storytelling in general
Some people just can't enjoy schlock. It's a sci-fi melodramatic soap opera and seeing it as anything more than that will only hurt your brain and make you look foolish. If bad rehashing of plot lines bothers you why didn't you drop the show with the first dimension hop?
Which is crazy because the creators have a track record. Mallozzi and Mullie are both seasoned writers known for working on the Stargate franchise.
Guess the budget effects more than I thought.
>Mallozzi and Mullie are both seasoned writers known for working on the Stargate franchise
and we know how that one ended up
Wynonna Earp and Killjoys are better shows. Prove me wrong
why are 2 and 6 in every single sci fi show made in Canada?
I dont see how that can be bad.
Terrible season for five webms.
Im glad he was the worst actor and having him 2x was insane.
6 is Jodelle? She was in both Stargate SG1 and Atlantis as well. Hmm. Still I'd break her in half if I ever got the chance. Sex I was talking about having sex with her.
I don't know that whole ayy lmao thing reminds me more of that one Andromeda episode with that wormhole to another universe opening and an endless flood of ships pouring through.
When did 2 get infected?
I just want 4 to rejoin the crew and for everyone to be one happy family again
But without 1. Fuck that idiot
Babylon 5 has been off air so long you can just rip off it and no one will even know. Mass Effect was basically Babylon 5 the game but since it targeted children who were not even born during B5, its fine.
Was last night's episode the season finale?
Doesn't Canada have some kind of media law that requires a certain percentage of actors in their TV shows to be Canadian?
I know so much TV is filmed in Canada nowadays because of a similar law.
Yes and no knowledge of a season 4
I am upset.
I want to eat Two's ass so bad
>about to make a noble sacrifice
>accidentally make everything 10 times worse
my biggest fear
How will he get back next season?
Also pls god let there be a next season.
Killjoys is aight but Earp is pretty trash tier desu. I mean, I enjoyed season 1, but season 2 really isn't improving it like it should. It's just your typical bad adult fiction.
Her acting is atrocious. Enough with the "shy, awkward, always nervous" gimmick already. She's a qt though so that makes up for it.
>Her acting is atrocious.
The character she plays is, She's consistently good in whatever she's in thought a lot of what she's in is shit.
A film she did
And here she is being a clam tease
Everyone knows the worst actor in the fucking show is Six. He has one facial expression and zero emotional range and he always speaks through his teeth.
>black guy on the right that is in everything that with the exception of x-files, is either shit or gets canceled
I'll give the show a hard pass.
Two has become a sex demon.
Why can't we have more of sexy two?
I felt she looked quite fat in the finale
Yes and it was perfect