Is this the worst movie of the year so far?
Is this the worst movie of the year so far?
Not even close.
How? Its a shit film, shit directing, shit camerawork and it completely ruins the canon of Alien.
>he thinks the original Alien films were good
kek. They were shit jump scare films, at least the newest two flesh out the universe and the cinematography is kino.
>ruins the canon of Alien
Prometheus and Alien Resurrection have already done this. Covenant is just raping its corpse.
Baywatch, Chips and Rings, all came out this year.
its this
Still better than this abomination.
I've not had the pleasure .... yet.
Go to bed, ridley.
not really
This steaming pile of shit. The problem is it was written for preteens.
Kys my man.
Better than GotG though.
Fuck off with your shitty cringy movies, you faggot. Why can't you apreciate actually good films from that period, like taxi driver? That was literally a masterpiece, still is. People don't apreciate 'old movies' because they're fucking shit, shit directing, shit cinematography, shit script etc. Not because they're old.
You are a millennial faggot. Alien and Aliens will be remembered while the abortions that are Prometheus and Covenant are forgotten. Also yes people do appreciate old movies, its why they're considered classics you fucking cro-magnon tier cave dwelling pleb.
You're so retarded, you can't even read. That is to be expected from a guy who thinks the old alien abominations 'will be remembered' kek. Only cuck critics and pseudointelectuals talk about classics, normal people just watch what's good not what some hipster cretin says is good.
I guess only pseuds read classic books too then.
Fuck off retard
Honestly the movie looks like a weak tv production, don't know if you guys are memeing about great cinematogrphy or really being serious. At parts it looked like an expendables movie or some similiar action oriented low budget shlock that you would catch on telly. Overused dutch angles and "director's signature" neon lit scenes just sprinkled in there and feel pretty tired not to mention barely serve any purpose.
And the rest of the film, from dialogue to characters to plot is just an embarassment.
Did you really compare a , at best, B-list film with classic literature? Yea bro alien dicks from belly is the same as dante's circles of hell. Jesus Christ, american education.
Your awful taste is hurting me from the inside, I'm not even fucking joking.
Fuck off.
Don't make Rock give you the People's Elbow, faggot.
Make me
Death Note is by far the worst right now.
I don't think even Justice League could possibly be bad enough to push this netflix garbage away.
It was the best alien movie since Cameron's.
Aliens was awful.
prometheus being attrocious meme needs to die. Gas yourself.
It was boring as fuck.
Hated what it did to the mythos. Loved the acting though.
But it is