Sup Forums personified

Sup Forums personified

Other urls found in this thread:

You mean Sup Forums.


The more people get triggered by Sup Forums, the more I love it

more like /r9k/

Sup Forums is too "degenerated" for him

Nah this is more Sup Forums personified

but he was gay, and overcompensated for it by being overly violent.
wait a minute...

grrr im so triggered grrrrr

He wanted to kill Renly for being gay

Based. He was easily the best and most relatable character in the show. Redditors and newfags will disagree.


Sup Forums is a shame to the white race the same way Black Lives Matter is to the blacks


>who is stannis
pleddit is like sansa, believing in fairy tales until the hammer drops

>being this deluded

How is your 20+ years of virginity going?

sing me a another song little birdie

The on,y ones constantly triggered are you polvirgin manbabies.
I love it

He was like that because he had power. Sup Forums are like that because they don't have power.

Sup Forums isn't white.

Alt right is essentially an ideology of peace. Marxist bootlickers must deprogram several layers of gaslighting to understand this. If anyone we are Hound

> so enraged that can't type properly


He more like George W, from a line of old money and politicians wanting to bring back the glory of the American Empire.

Crude and immoral in the past but becoming socially conscious and righteous through his trials. Progresses towards becoming champion of the common man. But is ugly and misunderstood so people shit on him anyway. No longer has anything to do with guarding old structures of power but people have no critical eye

looks like /leftypol/ to me


>Muh Sup Forums

Shut the fuck up no one cares about your normie lefty/fence sitting butthurt.



Sup Forums personified


>never any Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums constantly gets mentioned here

Really makes you think.

>Hurr durr everybody I hate is Joffrey

This is gonna be the new Voldemort.

Stannis is clearly Sup Forums, trying hard not to be degenerate but engaging in degeneracy with the red witch.

Because Sup Forums doesn't constantly launch off-topic threads on Sup Forums trying to seed the board with weak-minded ideology

Or maybe you have an extreme stereotype of Sup Forums and you perceive anyone that even comes close to that as a Sup Forums user?

He had two hookers beat each other, and later shot the other one, he got off from pain. I'm sure that's degenerate.

Sup Forums is more like Randyll Tarly.
Joffrey is Sup Forums, Reddit is Theon.

Sup Forums wishes they were this /fa/.

So Sup Forums gets incinerated by a YAS QUEEN


and yet he was the only character that was proven right

Libshit didnt even watch the show

How so? He literally had no claim to the throne.

He's not racist though, is he?

my sides

Intelligence is not based on socio economic status. Several nobel winning genetists have been blackballed for pointing out this fact.

if joffrefy is Sup Forums then What is she ?


Are you saying Randyll Tarly was a racist for pointing out a literal, undisputable fact?

Sup Forums personified

just the pioneer of dna nothing to see here m8, all lies by the alt-right^tm

t. proof bearer


what would you think a playdate with him and Ramsey would be like?

Stannis was Sup Forums. I mean, he was literally shilled on Sup Forums all the time during season 2/3.
Also the incapacity of the libcuck writers to even have a faint idea of his character.

Umm, no sweetie

bullied by a manlet?

captcha: Mais

Fuck I love that image. It's like Elrond knows there's a retarded elf standing behind him and the expression that guy usually has on his face, and he sees my reaction to it and is thinking "Damn it don't fucking make me laugh at him you piece of shit."

Too white to be Sup Forums

What does Ramsay even remotely have in common with Sup Forums? They seem like complete opposites.

>Theon as Yeb!
>Rubio as the fag
>legacy media full of shit
OK list. Tempted to put Rand as Tyrion for the manlet status. I don't see Sup Forums Ramsey though.

Tyrion is such a reddit-tier faggot, I hate how long we all know he's going to live

I know, it's like theyre both sides of the same coin or something...
Why can't everyone be enlightened centrists like us?
*tips fence*

Sup Forums will be the winner of the game of thrones, WE GROW STRONGER EVERY DAY

nigger lmao

>he got off from pain.
Speculation. Other than that, he paid two whores to be whores

Was Joffrey a psychopath or just a weirdo?

Wow I didn't even consider how easy that picture would be to make

>that's what women do, what their old to

Is he /ourguy/? If he was still alive he would be putting all these feminazi cunts like Daenerys and Cersei in their place.

lmao y lefties project so much?

Update when?

>/sci/ - Qyburn
>Rules - Stannis
>/s4s/ - Ramsay
this is pretty good lol

Sup Forums personified

the fuck is /@/

from left to right :
Sup Forums , Sup Forums , /r9k/

>Al Gore is the final boss, like the Night King
>Comes when things start warming up
>Night King comes with things cool down
>Night King wins in surprise finale because the various political leaders can't work together to defeat him/don't even think he's real and world freezes, life is extinguished
>Global Warming occurs in surprise finale, heating the world up and wiping out life as we know it because political leaders couldn't get along/didn't even believe it was happening

It's like pottery, it rhymes

I wouldnt say exactly psycopath because he was too dumb

The irony

[autistic screeching]

Sup Forums personified


//////reddit/////// personified.

fucking kek

t. TD personified

the scary/funny part is all Sup Forumstards i know from real life are like this.


Joffrey is a degenerate product of incest.

I've only known 1 irl Sup Forums user who was willing to own up to it, and 1 irl Sup Forums user who wasn't but obviously still did.

The guy who was willing to own up to it was a short Mexican guy, but a total bro and fun person.

The other was an autistic, pasty white weeb who communicated almost exclusively in memes.

I find it hilarious that Sup Forums's best users are almost entirely non-white, and all the white ones are pathetic cringelords. They picture themselves as Aryan gods, but most are either non-white or beta bottomfeeders. Or both!

/biz/ ?
mycroft holmes from the IRon Bank of Braavos

>2 data points
>point proven

Sup Forums hates kekistan you moron

that's /r/the_donald

Him and Bobby B were the only ones who wanted to strike while Dany was still young and her dragons were babies

Apparently you haven't been to one of the Sup Forums meetups or seen the pics.

Again, you have to choose: nonwhite but chad, or white but beta. One or two white chads, one or two non-white betas, vast majority men, vast majority not Aryan gods.

and youre likely a nigger. LOL!

i know two, one of them being my cousin. both of them have had personal problems with girls and were eventually driven to that place.

both used to complain about how girls are slutty and only sleep with chads and feminism is giving them power and they are taking over society etc. the same old crap.

it's literally because they couldn't get laid. neither were ugly either, it was because of the shitty entitled personality they had from all the pandering my their mothers as a kid. really makes you think.


newfag, Sup Forums created kekistan
that's their game, whatever they create they blame reddit for it.

Sup Forums is a merge between Littlefinger and Varys

>too old

imagine how enjoyable the show would be at this point if Viserys was in Daenerys' place