JUST edition.
JUST edition.
Is that true that Steven Moffat wanted to suicide before writing coupling?
Reminder Ian wants to sing streamable.com
>tfw no qt timelady gf
If you had to have sex with one of them, which one?
Here's a fun drinking game: The Invasion but everytime Tobias Vaughn says Packer's name seductively take a shot.
>series 4
>it aint sneed starts playing
I'll be dead really fucking quickly.
Thread theme: youtu.be
They can't cancel this show soon enough.
leave doctor who to me
>I Am the Doctor starts playing
Never happen.
What did Susan mean by this??
How would you describe this photograph?
>The Doctor loves humankind
>their future is literally becoming pseudo-Daleks themselves
this was really sad if you think about it
The series 3 finale frustrates me because there's some primo RTD ideas in there, the Toclafane were some Children of Earth/Miracle Day level shit. If only he could have integrated those ideas into the script's matrices better.
doctor poo
God I wish the Toclafane would make a comeback, they were cool as hell
No actor (male or female) as the Doctor is going to top Capaldman in Heaven Sent. That episode was the peak of Doctor Who artistry.
I'm thinking of quitting watching when Chinballs takes over. Just not a fan of his previous Torchwood and Who writing contributions.
Then drop it
You are just like Tennant fans
When the ratings crash even more this season, it will be done.
>Listened to The Holy Terror for the first time
>First BF thing too.
Pretty fucking enjoyable I have to admit.
Rob Shearman is easily, easily one of the best writers Doctor Who has ever had. Excellent audios. Fun place to start!
OK, I'll drop it then. Never liked Tennant btw, but Matt Smith was ok.
Seriously. The Holy Terror, The Chimes of Midnight, Jubilee, Scherzo...that's an incredible track record. Gotta be Big Finish's best writer?
why does capaldi's era seem so short on a binge rewatch?
He's been meaning to write a new audio for them, but some mad writer's block is getting in the way.
All over the internet, from rec.arts.drwho to Sandifer's blog, I see people shit on Shearman, and then the man himself comes out and is super apologetic and meek and glumly wonder if he should stop writing Doctor Who since some fans don't like his stuff, and I just REEEEEEEEEEEEE so hard. He's the man! I hope he gets through his writer's block.
A cutie.
And Crystal Dee.
One did this youtu.be
the other did...this youtube.com
Oh fuck off, I hated Tennant as the Doctor. Dunno, might watch if Bradley Walsh is new companion (he was fucking GOAT in Law n Order UK). Still not a fan of Chinball's TW and DW writing so far.
L&O UK and Broadchurch were pretty good, I have some hope but not much.
>I hated Tennant as the Doctor
that's not the point, the attitude you've chosen is "throw a attention-seeking tantrum and let everyone know i'm gonna stop watching the show". the attitude you choose is like a promise you make. you're the one who broke the promise.
The attitude he chose, he chose without choice. In the name of tears and entitlement.
10th Doctor - 47 episodes
11th Doctor - 44 episodes
12th Doctor - 39 episodes
But not in the name of the well-adjusted adult who doesn't feel the need to screech about his viewing habits.
tfw we'll never get 3 more 11 episodes and 8 more 12 episodes
Doctor Who and the Encounter at Farpoint
Doctor Who and the Naked Now
The Code of Honor of Doctor Who
Doctor Who and the Last Outpost
Where no Doctor Who has Gone Before
Lonely Among Us is Doctor Who
Doctor Who and Justice
Doctor Who and the Battle
Hide and Q and Doctor Who
Doctor Who and Haven
Doctor Who and the Big Goodbye
Doctor Who and Angel One
Too Short a Season of Doctor Who
Doctor Who, When the Bough Breaks
Doctor Who and the Home Soil
Doctor Who and the Coming of Age
Doctor Who and the Heart of Glory
Doctor Who and the Arsenal of Freedom
Doctor Who: Symbiosis
Doctor Who and the Skin of Evil
We'll Always have Paris, Doctor Who
Doctor Who and the Conspiracy
Doctor Who and the Neutral Zone
>9th Doctor - 13 episodes
if a djinn granted me one wish, it would be to erase tennant from doctor who. he fucking ruined it forever. i fucking hate him :'(
He looks so pissed.
No tantrum, I only said I was thinking about quitting. Probly won't, been watching this show too many years. But yeah you're right, probly seeking attention.
Why does Adam have so many pictures of him with Doctor Who actors?
8th Doctor - 1 episode
Even the fucking Shalka Doctor got more than that
what is it with Doctor Who and actual homosexual villains?
all good. we're just all a bit on edge here from the endless tidal waves of drama that happened when jodie was announced, so we're a bit over people announcing they're leaving
Homosexuality is a sin
What other episodes were Shalka and Atkinson in?
Capaldi looks like a vampire elder
He has like fifty episodes though
Shalka was 6 episodes, Curse of Fatal Death was 2 episodes, that user is using the word episode as Classic Who did
You could argue McGann's minisode counts I suppose if you wanted to though
>he thinks Fig Bin audios are episodes
>he thinks Fig Bin are not episodes
Tennant really did ruin NuWho in the long run
You got yer telly episodes, yer radio episodes, yer book and comic episodes. No barrier 'twixt one and 'tother.
How would each Doctor have their eggs?
Most people won't announce it. They'll simply stop watching.
Then when the ratings tank, they'll cancel the show.
>literally whenever i enter the thread
well they usually cover up their homosexuality by being a bit rapey towards a companion ie pic related fuck he had some kinks tho
I can guarantee right now that the show will have higher viewing figures with Chibnall and Whittaker than with Peter Capaldi. Certainly with the first series, with the draw of having a female Doctor for the first time.
Peter Capaldi is now, and I believe will continue to be, the least popular Modern Doctor, by some distance.
And the shepherd's boy says
Does War count as modern?
Yes, but he was never the lead of the show, so in terms of popularity, he's never going to be relevant.
We really need to start institutionalizing you people.
This level of delusion isn't healthy.
ok steven
Name one thing more kino in Doctor Who than Twelve breaking the wall.
It's probably one of those Colin Baker/McCoy situations where the actual quality (or lack of) in their episodes is overshadowed by petty ratings concerns. (As an experiment, it'd be interesting to see how someone's view of his era formed if you gave them no information on whether it had been """successful""" or not)
The entirety of Ghost Light
There's this era of pure kino. It takes 39 episodes to watch it, and 39 episodes to get around it. And every episode, a little /who/re comes, and sharpens it's taste on the pure kino. And when the entire era has faded away, the first second of its reappraisal will have passed.
Or maybe if Chibnall was more insistent on a better advertising campaign than Moffat was. I don't remember Doctor Who having that many adverts prior to the Series 10 premiere, compared to the bombardment of ads and promotion we got during the RTD era.
why do you think so?
they're right though
The crew being treated poorly when Chris was the Doctor ruined NuWho in the long run.
nah eccleston was a shit doctor
Eccleston was a GOAT Doctor.
Eccleston will be a GOAT Doctor when he plays the Doctor again.
he will never play doctor who again
Good thing the character isn't called Doctor Who
he was called doctor who a few episodes ago
You're right that he will be the least popular modern Doc because of normie/tumblr fangirls, doesn't mean that he isn't kino still
But he is
Because he gave off the impression that every future Doctor after him has to be a romantic action hero
I stopped watching at David Tennant's run
What's the best way to get into the series now? Capaldi seems really old and white
Just watch from where you left off until you catch up.
>What's the best way to get into the series now?
An Unearthly Child (1963)
>The Satan Pit was followed by Love and Monsters
What are some other examples of GOAT episodes being followed by WOAT episodes?
Caves of Androzani
Apparently Walsh’s casting was confirmed on Zoe Balls’ radio show earlier
it was also confirmed by the guardian, which is tiny bit more credible than the mirror.
>"I had a fight with one of the guests in the series before I left," Hound said. "It was Kim Woodburn.
>"She was chatting away to Keith [Lemon] and he said, 'Have you got much coming up?', and she said, 'I don't think the people who make TV would want me anymore'. And I said, genuinely, honestly, 'Don't do yourself down. People will always need a cleaner'.
>"Now bear in mind, that's what she's famous for. If I had said that to Jude Law, fair enough. That's an insult. She's a cleaner!
>"She looked at me and said something on the lines of, 'When I want an opinion of a fat man, I'll stand outside Gregg's'. It was a proper f**k you, an old-fashioned f**k you, and I just sort of laughed to myself that here she was having a dig because I genuinely hadn't meant it as an insult. It really f**king spiralled out of control."
>Hound added that the back and forth became deeply unpleasant.
>"It ended up really horrible," he said. "She was trying to be deliberately personal, and by the point it got to that place, I was like, 'Okay, because I'm a stand-up comedian and if you want to start heckling, I'm good at this'. And so I was personal back.
>"She basically kept saying I was fat. But I did end up saying, 'That's a bit rich coming from a woman who looks like a face drawn on a deflating party balloon'."
capaldi is a fantastic doctor, don't miss him
I stopped watching after Sylvester McCoy's run
What's the best way to get into the series now? McGann seems really audio only and white
Which Doctor would be best fit for my Legends of Tomorrow crossover fic?
do you think this would have been their fate without the master? did he create them, or did he just take advantage of what they had done to themselves already?
Smith of course, so you can do lots of Rory jokes
I'm pretty sure the Master did that to them, there's no way they would've done that to themselves, if they were going to make themselves roboty they would've been more like a Cyberman
Suppose you're right I just don't really care for Smith very much