Stalin Comedy Movie

Hollywood's become so far-left, they're making a comedy movie about Stalin.

This is a comedy about a man who caused the death of 20 million people, and his committee of murders and rapists (like Beria).

Like who the hell is this target audience for this movie?

Other urls found in this thread:

The Producers came out in 1967 and was comedic about Hitler. Why can't this work?

yeah because if you make a comedy about something, that totally means you support it even though its really clear from the trailer that they are showing stalin as the paranoid and genocidal tyrant he was. And as if numerous comedy films and comedy sketches about Hitler havent been made. Youre fucking retarded

this might be funny for people who dont know history, but desu it feels like theres no place for a movie like this - whos actually going to see this??

yeah americans gonna love it

this is obviously taking the piss out of the soviets

I love how the right is always criticising the left for getting triggered or offended about everything but they're also easily offended with everything too

They're the fucking same, it's like two sides of the same faggot coin

>Germany become so far right they make comedies about Hitler

>those comments

I think the only really disgusting thing is you pretending to have disdain over the subject matter when really you're just looking for a reason to call Hollywood liberal and say you hate the people who like it. You're just trying to pick on people and using fake outrage to justify it.

Do you not fucking know who Armando Ianucci is?

You're a moron if you think in terms of just two political positions.

>making fun of Stalin is far-left
Why is Sup Forums so fucking ignorant of the ideology they think they're so redpilled on?

This movie looks like fun desu

>you will never be a Sup Forums retard who doesn't know shit about movies

>This is a comedy about a man who caused the death of 20 million people, and his committee of murders and rapists (like Beria).


have you read Gulag Archipelago? Solzhenitsyn has some top-tier banter

Charlie Chaplin made a comedy movie about Hitler.

Go fuck yourself.

That's what this fine site does all day, friend.

>communism threatens my sensibilities
Back to redit.

>and rapists (like Beria)
It's pretty weird that people remember Beria as some kind of psycho rapist. He was actually executed for his more liberal policy. I believe Beria was just an opportunist who didn't really believe in communism.

Also pic related.

Funnily enough, not Sup Forums, since they have close to the full spectrum of political thought represented, despite what outsiders think

Why are Sup Forumsacks such whiny babies? You have a whole board for crying your little eyes out about the liberals, so go there.

>caused the death of 20 million people

Pick one

>all those butthurt comments calling it american propaganda
>the director is a britbong

Why are euros so fucking stupid?

are viral marketers pretending to be Sup Forumscucks in order to promote films now?

poor triggered Sup Forumsflake

i hate poltards and i dont say this very often, but i think this bait from a liberal

where on the doll did big mean Sup Forums hurt you :(

Holodomor killed roughly 4 million Ukrainians.

kys nigger


>tfw no concentration camp comedy about sneaky jews trying to get one over on the bumbling nazi guards

one day, one day

>full spectrum
of autism, maybe. they compartmentalize rhetoric and create amalgams of ideological, contradictory nonsense

It's all a haze of falseflagging. Can't tell what is and isn't genuine.

on my brain. also pol and altright are catch-all terms for the boilerplate stormfagger


-Director Armando Iannucci born in Scotland
-Filming Locations in West Kensington, London, England, UK
-Produced by Main Journey (Canadian) Free Range Films ( Great Brittin) and Quad Productions (France)

In what way is this a Hollywood production again?

>Armando Ianucci

sign me in

it's gonna be high level political comedy kino

>triggered by satire

the utter state of teenage kekistanis

I forgot
-The original comic was written by Fabien Nury of France

for polretard every movie when they speak english is made in hollywood

It looks kinda cheap, but it has some famous actors. I don't know what to think about this, it doesn't look like something made in Hollywood.

my college graduation composition exam was actually about this issue, and the influx of propaganda meant to make you question basic reality and authority. its a big, new, scary issue and im still having a hard time figuring out how society should deal with it, because it is really, really fucking influential. its not like campaign finance where the answer is as easy as taking the money out of it, this is a free speech issue

>a man who caused the death of 20 million people
>his committee of murders and rapists (like Beria)

Do you actually have any proof for these or are you just another moron who doesn't know history and listen to cunts like Solzhenitsyn?

Based Ianucci, looking forward to this.
>The Thick of It
>In the Loop

*sips fedora and tips glas of wine

Germany of all places made a comedy/satire about Hitler like last year so fuck you OP stop trying to stir shit up. Yes Stalin is an evil piece of shit but calm the fuck down.

What? There are also plenty of comedies about or featuring Hitler.

this looks like fucking shit and like a wednesday BBC afternoon tv production. it's literally Amerifatskis and Brits playing Amerifatskis and Brits. They are not even pretending to play Russkies.

Every retard who says Hollywood is far-left has no idea what that term even means

I prefer this over English with a Russian accent. And you were never going to get this movie in actual Russian.

You can't make comedy about bad people? I'd watch a comedy about Dahmer or some shit. For people who bitch and moan so much about their right to be offensive dicks to trigger sjws, you sure get offended about stupid shit

muh foreign accents

Everyone knows Germans are the biggest brainwashed, dickless Mohammad cucks since the white man walked the earth.
They have been 100% reprogrammed 1984 style to be self destructive dickless, obedient libshit nu-male cucks.
Germans forcibly make fun of hitler 24/7 hours a day because they were taught so from their uterus days. Anything else would trigger anudah shoah.

What an utter blunder of a post

it's not even about the fake accents you retards. it is literally everything. their way of speech, their mannerisms, everything is off.

>who is charlie chaplin

jesus christ, op

>people on the opposite sides of an issue have something in common
No shit, Sherlock.

That's where the humor comes from

Are you shitheads actually trying to spin the death of stalin this way?????? Are you fucking Serious???

Guess what. Charlie Chaplin made a comedy about HITLER. And he was a fucking gypsy.

any bongs know the room at 0:50 in the trailer?
I've seen it a few times on mitchell & webb's sketch show:

Hans Kuck, you have no arguments to refute this. Go pray to allah that Muhammad may rape your daughter, sister, mother.

OP is underage whose first exposure to politics was gamergate

>Say movie is shit
>Lefty cucks come to SJW the thread.
OP you better look out for the dangerous ANTIFA now, they might kick your trash can over

Are you a fucking moron?


what does this post even mean? calling pol stupid is fedora now? lmao youre talking about a board of virgins who classify women as slaves essentially

>bitches about movies making fun of Hitler saying the communists were worse
>movie comes out making fun of Stalin and still bitches

Thank you.


>the western world thrives under liberalism
>conservatives from eastern europe try to undermine it
why the fuck does Sup Forums listen to these retards

The internet is a wonderful thought. It's like something utopian out of an episode of TNG. A fantastic device meant to connect humanity together. But this is what's posted on it, and here we are.

this post confirms that this thread is literally a falseflag

>Western world
Are Americans this retarded?

I sure wonder what you think of Dr. Strangelove, OP

Stalin was fascist

*breathes in*

As people become more extreme political they start to show similarities to other extremists, because extremists share tactics and delusions. that isnt a theory, its empirically verifable

It happens every hour, ever day on this board. Some asshole posts some SJWs twitter post or whatever, and the retards join in to pluck the low hanging fruit. It's so tiring.

no, but whichever uneducated 3rd world shithole youre from certainly is. unless youd like to elucidate me on how the philosophical values of humanism and egalitarianism are actually conservative, realists viewpoints that somehow harmonize with their nationalism. lol?

stalinism >>>


I don't know what you're trying to accomplish with this post, OP but it's moronic enough that I doubt it's effective.

I want Sup Forumsshits to leave.

Yes? The socially liberal values of countries like Germany and Canada are much different from those of socially conservative Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

It's ok when a jew does it!


Stalin was a totalitarian dictator, but not a fascist.

Fascism relies on ethnic nationalism. Stalinism was pan-ethnic, and pan-national. HE did his best to erase the power of the individual nation states and bind the soviet union together via communist ideology.

Both are totalitarian systems but other than that, are quite different.

i remember like 10 years ago when i would sit on this website and shout nigger all day long and laugh my ass off as people got offended. the low hanging fruit is what this website exists for. an opportunity for friendless, depressed, desperate losers to find a sense of community and, most importantly, being "right" in a society where they have failed and been cast out. internet "conservatism" ie becoming a stormfag is a result of that

shut up science nerd

Honestly the trailer makes it seem so bizarre, I mean they're treating Soviet politics like Arrested Development (complete with Tambor), I seriously cannot wrap my head around it.

The west thrived under oppressive fascism in which they stole money and wealth from other countries. Both governments and companies did this.
The only liberal thing about the west is how they are thankfully liberating themselves from existence.

you are a brian damaged retard who doesn't know what he is babbling about.

Do you know the director? Look at In The Loop, The Thick of It and Veep

so even leftists are disgusted by their own tactics when used against them.

b8d again

oh youre just some poor 3rd worlder mad that we have democracy and a free market. why not just move to the west, then?

Cool we can report it for Sup Forumstier garbage out of Sup Forums


Everything I said was true you cuck. You literally cannot prove it wrong. The west stole our money and resources.