Snoke is an ancient evil. The first dark side user and far more powerful than any other sith (this includes palpatine)

>Snoke is an ancient evil. The first dark side user and far more powerful than any other sith (this includes palpatine)
>Rey is the first light side user and the most powerful jedi of all time

Now that this has been confirmed do you like Snoke and Rey more?

Sure Snoke still looks goofy with that golden robe but he's the most powerful villain in star wars history and Rey is no longer a mary sue

>muh plagueis

>Rey is the first light side user and the most powerful jedi of all time
OP confirmed retarded

Never before has anyone tapped the power of...


>canon info now needs to be spoonfed because the public has lost interest in this franchise

Finn will in Episode VIII

>first dark side user is Goldmember

>Rey is no longer a mary sue
>Rey is the first light side user and the most powerful jedi of all time

pick one and only one

God damn it Star Wars is dumb

sounds ridiulously stupid