What's the biggest problem in your country?

What's the biggest problem in your country?
In Lithuania its poles

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Straight people

too many commies/brown people

we need kids!!!!!!!!

You motherfucker.

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political class still full of attached heads

Either rampant anti-intellectualism or a pervasive sense of individualism that makes banding together for any problem outside of sports or war nearly impossible. Can't decide which.

Political polarization.

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Restrictive labor laws that impede economic growth.

Public education
It makes people stupid

Cable News, Boomers, and Nogs.
I can deal with the Latinos, Cities falling apart, and expensive tuition, but goddamn that shit.



Other Italians

Dumb people.

This. Teachers in classes do not care students and usually chatting with students.

In Sup Forums its Sup Forumss

Then start fucking.

Degenerate libshits.

Piss off pseudo-yank.

High cost of living + poor employment outlook

it's shitty liberal politicians u cunt

Can I help?