Biopic runs under 90 minutes

>biopic runs under 90 minutes

Other urls found in this thread:

>biopic starts at birth and ends at death

>biopic is only about one specific event in a notable figure's life


>it leaves out the uncomfortable details

>biopic is about three specific events that all happen to be very similar in set up and give a good outlook on the figure's character

>the subject stars in the biopic

>the figure is not really notable
>the event is a curiosity at best

>fake biopic is better than most real ones

>casting lookalikes

>the subject's life is toned down because it was deemed too unrealistic for the movies

Got you covered pham

>the events from subject life get split between 5 characters excluding him as the real person was 'too inconsistent'

I'll cover you back.
>cute cat cures heroin addiction

Holy fucking shit. How did he do it?

>main character's cat escapes while he's going through withdrawal
>he's depressed because of that so he goes to buy some heroin, dealer asks 'What do you need?'
>after a moment he answers 'I want my cat back'
>the cat magically returns

There's also a scene with the main characters friend OD and cat playing with the heroin needle.

>playing it safe

>biopic about famous biopic director

Now I like corny movies, but goddamn even those have some kind of standard.

>it's about a moderately famous athlete
>for a niche game

>it's a biopic that ties directly into the subject's most famous work

Would've been even better if Downey was an ex safecracker, but you can't expect miracles.

>subject shows up as a cameo in a largely fictional adaption of their autobiography
>subject comepletely steals the scene with their charisma

What manlet should play Audie in the historically accurate remake of To Hell and Back?

Anton Yelchin

>doesn't exist
>should exist
>why doesn't it exist