This is Russia

I just watch these videos and imagine every single one of you russians are like this. Why do the russians in the video act like this?

I know where Im living atm isn't the best example of a good country but still

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Not even amerifats drink in front of kids at parks and shit. Maybe hobos, but even they would hide it maybe.

Russians are cheating cowards and need to be purged from the earth.

fucks sake

Nice to see you.


interesting what they do, but it could very easily go bad and just turn into another form of state thuggery. I still remember those ruskies that lured gays to them then beat them up and posted the vids online.

why are they stopping people smoking?

is it against the law in russia?

I assume drinking in public is

at least someone subtitled it

is this a fucking shariah patrol?

Smoking in public places is illegal in Russia unless you are in a designated smoking spot, drinking is illegal in all public places (based on what they have explained)

They no doubt have some muslims but no plenty of them don't have their beards grown out, it's mix of non-degenerate and some muslim non-degenerates it would seem.

They're doing good work.

this is a new law though

seems a bit harsh, especially the smoking. seems more about control and tyranny than any other reason

the main guy claimed to be a christian

I personally don't think people should get super drunk in public places, but wht's wrong with a few beers in a park? most of the guys they film seem blotto rhough

some people get superdrunk, so NOONE can even have a couple of cans?

spent some great summer days getting tipsy in the park

and why no smoking, even outdoors?

Smoking areas are designated so that people who don't want to inhale the shit don't.

if faggots are walking around smoking the people behind them end up breathing it in.

Tbh just standing beside a building like the police were isn't even a problem who is walking right next to them to breath that shit?

The right of a person not to inhale that shit is far more important than the right of a person to do so.

Just don't drink in public.

Maybe there should be a park for drinking, but having kids walk through where people are drinking, no doubt there will always be fucking degenerates who will get as drunk as possible and do the shit you see. It follows the regular "just a can or two" everywhere, every time. You get a bit tipsy and think "fuck it ill just get WASTED, fuck those little kids who will see me shitting, vomitting, and exposing myself."

Lion versus are heros, and they don't take violence perpetrated towards them like bitches, as well they shouldn't.

>The right of a person not to inhale that shit is far more important than the right of a person to do so.
and cars? and other pollution? and body odour? and people inanely chattering? and people being ugly, fat or wrong in public? and niggers?

>It follows the regular "just a can or two" everywhere, every time. You get a bit tipsy and think "fuck it ill just get WASTED, fuck those little kids who will see me shitting, vomitting, and exposing myself."
so the crimes of the few are used to punish everyone else

guys who call the police over stupid stuff the video.

>and cars? and other pollution? and body odour? and people inanely chattering? and people being ugly, fat or wrong in public? and niggers?

Cars cannot be done about. Automobiles are essential part of the world. Stop being dense on purpose. Pollution can of course be brought down but no one is standing over a coal furnace vent and breathing it in.

The rest are non-sequitur, fuck off.

>so the crimes of the few are used to punish everyone else

If "moderates" like you claim to be "Moderated" the flat out drunks that follow you everywhere, it wouldn't be a fucking problem would it? BUT NO, you just sit there and watch as some idiots nearby get hammered and go crazy, and when people like Lion versus pop up to reign in this bull shit, you cry injustice?

HMMMMM.... This reminds me of something similar...

>trying to stop Russians from drinking

>Sharia patrol
>Reeeee fuck those sandniggers

>Russian zealots
>They're right, don't spread degeneracy

Seriously pol, these guys are as bad as muslims.

>The rest are non-sequitur, fuck off.
oh come on, perhaps I was being a bit facetious towards the end. but surely BO is annoying, should not the government mandate that people wear deoderant(approved only)

>If "moderates" like you claim to be "Moderated" the flat out drunks that follow you everywhere, it wouldn't be a fucking problem would it? BUT NO, you just sit there and watch as some idiots nearby get hammered and go crazy, and when people like Lion versus pop up to reign in this bull shit, you cry injustice?
you wot m8?

when did I say I was a moderate?

and a moderate what!?

>HMMMMM.... This reminds me of something similar...
it reminds me of your government using the bad acts of a few crazy people to attempt to take your guns

Nah they aren't public drunkenness and second hand smoke are actual problems. Women not wearing burqas or whatever the fuck aren't

so it' seems like they are mostly louts and homeless that gather in the parks and underpass to get blotto

why aren't the actual police dealing with them?

and why is the offense not being intoxicated, rather than drinking at all?

It's a fucking plaza on a friday and it was a nice day.

Let people have a fucking drink jesus christ

You say that but its different when your parks and neighborhoods are filled with loud drunks 24/7.
I often cannot sleep because drunks sit outside with their barking dogs the whole night and the police wont do shit.

>spent some great summer days getting tipsy in the park

Is this not a moderate drinker, you outright stated as such?

It reminds me of those "moderate" muslims who claim the terrorists radicals aren't true muslims while they secretly support the faggots.

communism locked away everyone who could think for themselves. intellectuals were completely gutted. this is what's left. the trash. it is the same in my country and nearly every other place in the former USSR

top kek

you cheeky bugger

well if the problem is louts and drunks, why not just punish them? why punish people for drinking a little?


don't call it commnism bro, call it jewish communsim, or jewish bolshevism

Drinking in public regardless of how drunk you're getting is illegal period, anyways.

It's not punishing for drinking a little, it's punishing for drinking in public.

You're the one who moved goalposts onto how you should only punish those who get hammered, not me.

no no, i understand. We have our trash here too.

But when they disturb 24/7 and specially at night it's a whole another issue and im very sure it's an actual crime.

Maybe a general Curfew is what you snow people need.

remove degenerate

If they do get picked up by police the fine will be paid with welfare and they only spend 1 night in jail so they return the next day.
Drinking should be limited to private places and bars. It really gets out of control here.

But doesn't it get deadly cold at night? even if spring/summer?

>Drinking in public regardless of how drunk you're getting is illegal period, anyways.
where, in the UK, USA or russia?

They dont care


>Drinking should be limited to private places and bars.
I dunno, I feellike it's another chip away at our traditional freedoms

surely there are already laws against noise and being a total dick in public? don't those already cover the guilty without harming the innocent? and reducing our rights a little increment more?

ok, but this is a new law, and I would have thought that if people are loitering, being drunk, threatening and abusive, there would already be a law that these idiots could be lawfully and rightly prosecuted under, why do they need to ban the whole thing, if there are already laws?


The attitude and confidence on that girl in the yellow shirt is so hot, wish she'd put me in a chokehold like that.

what are the laws in the US? obviously they vary by state

in the UK, it's generally a crime to be severely intoxicated, but drinking is ok in parks etc. certain areas, like city centres, have recently been made no alchohol zones, but outside of that drinking is legal, as it should be

It's to encourage these fucking scum to drink behind closed doors and not bother the general public with their antics.

That simple really. They don't want to act right in public so they can do it inside or possibly face the consequences.

I don't think you quite realize how bad the drinking problem in Russia is. The law was practically state emergency-tier.

It does varies by every state. I am not going to list every single state.

>I don't think you quite realize how bad the drinking problem in Russia is. The law was practically state emergency-tier.
you are correct

but then emergencies are always useful huh? what did alynsky say? "never let a crisis go to waste"?

what happens to these faggots who drink in public? just a fine?

I assume if they assault people it's a bit more serious

>I am not going to list every single state.
I'm only asking out of interst, perhaps you could say about your state

I'm getting a weird vibe off these vids, some sort of fakery going on? wtf is a guy in a panda suit doing pepperspraying people? is it all a setup to go viral and inform people not to go drinkiing in public?

Because we are subhumans. It's known fact.

perhaps they work for the alchohol shops and work to increase consumption by forcing them to buy more?


NC, don't even get me started. We have some of the weirdest laws in the country not limited to alcohol.

It is illegal to have a open container of alcohol in public but only if your 21 and over.

happy hours are illegal.

There's a limit to how much alcohol you can purchase at once, except you can buy as much malt beverages as you want.

You cannot server alcohol at bingo games, unless it's at a fair.

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

>You cannot server alcohol at bingo games, unless it's at a fair.

pure mentalness

Effeminate beta alert

Dang, Russian boys are sexy

Tell that to their face, faggot

A no-nonsense, tough Russian lass too much for you, user?

That raging woman at the beginning looked tougher than anyone else in the video.

she looked out of control

fuck you, I do what I want

Smoking in public against the law, yes. It's largely ignored, though. Especially in smaller cities. We have police and whoever smoking on the streets in my ~50.000ppl city. Consumption of alcohol, on the other hand, rarely as open as smoking, and can give you a night in cold place.

Top kek. Puting literally employing sharia police to make Russians stop drinking so the new muslim migrants feel safe. Ofcourse the bearded mongoloid has to cosplay as a christian to piss them off less.

seems to be a lot of anarchists in these videos, spotted one guy with a rucksack about 4 times, some other guy with glasses 2 or 3 times, even in the same vid after he was put on a bus, he's back a bit later on

does russia give welfare? if not, where do they get the money to drink?

They probably sell drugs and swindle people or beg. Alcohol is cheap and if someone just gives you a few $ you are good to go.

Not russia but the cheapest wine here is like 3$ in store. You sit around all day and a few people are bound to give you a dollar each.

seems that way

>so the new muslim migrants feel safe
Russia has had a drinking problems for decades, even before any Muslim migrants. I can see why they would want to take measures to prevent a new generation of drunk and drug addicted youth by slowly making it unacceptable.

>does russia give welfare?
Well, yeah, to some extend.
>where do they get the money to drink?
There are plenty of ways to get wasted for virtually zero money, if you don't care about quality of alcohol. Every second appartment building have a babushka selling home made booze, drugstores have very cheap ethanol, small shops have illegal untaxed vodka under the table etc.

>They care about youth
>They continue to import migrats to lower the wages of Russians and keep them unemployed

Russian government does not care about it's people. The country is becoming multicultural and Putin is trying to make it more muzzie friendly.

>. The country is becoming multicultural and Putin is trying to make it more muzzie friendly.
seems that way

you'd only say this if you never left your house.


they lured fags in, gang rape them and piss on them, and call it 'great success'
>based, not at all gay.

Guys I have a problem. There are some bums that have been living at my local park. I live in the suburbs and the cops don't seem to care at all. I've called them three times. I've trashed their belongings twice now too. They just stay there every day. If they're there tonight I'm going back to smash their shit in. It is only me. Should I worry. I haven't fought in years and I have just had major surgery 6 months back.

Niggers don't give a fuck obviously.

I live in NC however as already revealed in the thread ( not that you cant see the state if you turn that feature on anyways ).

NC despite some crazy laws, is not as degenerate as the rest of the country.

We don't tolerate such behavior here.

So eat dick you ignorant.

You should not talk about it online you moron. If you do anything it should always be an accident or self defense. Besides there are bigger fish to fry.

>I still remember those ruskies that lured gays to them then beat them up and posted the vids online.
that's even more degenerate than being openly gay

I'm not gonna murder a person. Plus I've already called the police many times about these ppl before. They leave vodka bottrles all over and destroy the grass and lots of other trash. Im just going to evict them tonight.

so you are going to evict these people from 'your' park and they will just move to another area and annoy those people?

>beating degenerates is degenerate
Is that one of the dogmas of "if-you-kill-them-they-win" church?