Is Bridge To Terabithia AnnaSophia Robb's only good film?
It's 10 years old this year.
Is Bridge To Terabithia AnnaSophia Robb's only good film?
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i followed her on instagram for a while
oh my god shes a stupid leftist retard, like the rest of them
i dont follow her on instagram anymore
Post the cameltoe
A sad but good movie
shut the fuck up retard
delete your post
>It's 10 years old this year.
I remember going to see this with my 4th grade book club.
I cried like a fucking baby.
It's one of two movies I actually physically own, besides Tokyo Drift
I went into the cinema thinking this was going to be like Narnia
Fuck was I wrong
I first saw this in class. I didn't know what it was. I almost cried I had to bury my head in my desk and penis l pretend I was trying to nap. LOL
Teared up like a little bitch, didn't expect it.