Uncle ben looks directly at the camera

>uncle ben looks directly at the camera



Raimiposting is unironically the pinnacle of Sup Forums

>any niggers in the audience can walk out now
not even a risk in the early 00s considering segregation was still in effect

It was a different time.

>>uncle ben looks directly at the camera

He didn't

>"You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the reaponsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."

I remember one stayed after and Uncle Ben pointed in his direction and said "get out coon!" How did Raimi pull that off

This meme was never funny

Raimiposting is easily one of the better Sup Forums meme's mate come on now. (dubs confirm)


Jesus Chris... Raimi wrote this?!?

I come into these threads to read this, start to finish every time, and I always laugh. Thanks user

Every screening had a paid "defiant negro" in the audience. They sat in the same seat every time.




Shit, I guess he was wrong. A powerful anti-nazi message from Raimi. Uncle Ben deserved it.

>Uncle Ben: All the things you've been thinking about Peter, make me sad.
>Peter: Can’t you understand? I’m racially tolerant.
>Uncle Ben': Peter all the times we talked about white pride, cultural marxism, racial purity...all those times I counted on you to have the courage to take a stand against liberal brainwashing...
>Peter: I can’t live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.
>Uncle Ben: You’ve been given a gift, Peter. With white skin comes white power. Raise your hand to the Iron Eagle, son.
>Peter: No Uncle Ben. I’m just Peter Parker. I’m White Supremacy Man no more. No more.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house when we saw this. Bravo, Raimi.

>"You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the reaponsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks
>the chinks
it was the wops. The niggers, the spics, and the wops. Actually watch the movie before you just start posting faggot.

>The sub-humans have almost arrived!
>The negro slaves are arriving soon?
>General... we've had to settle for Indians instead, but I assure y-
>NONSENSE! You're allowing THEM to shit up this project?

Is this where he snapped?