Character has to make a phone call

>Character has to make a phone call
>Doesn't pace around the house for 20 minutes first

generally speaking adults just call and say what they need to say. r u a child?

>used to be completely incapable on the phone
>forced into a job where I have to call people and take calls all the time
>easy as anything now
>when I speak to someone who clearly isn't good on the phone I treat them like shit, offer them no assistance even when they're clearly struggling and act like they're wasting my time which they are
Circle of life


Same desu. Feels good to be a phone Chad, probably the best achievement of my current job. It also helped my general social anxiety realizing that so many people can't even hold it together or take 5 mins of preparation to get either their demeanor or information collected for a call, much less both.

only mentally

>call a business yourself in your own time where you're going to need to pay for something over the phone with credit card details
>I'm going to need some card details from you if that's OK sir
>oh right... can I call you back?

Napoleon Dynamite is the only movie that mirrored how I use the phone

I HATE being in the same room as someone else when on the phone

>Characters have sex
>Nobody cries

fuck you DELET