Doctor "dr who" /who/ General

"Who doesn't love the macra" edition


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what the fuck is that title

first for first

the comfy era is almost here lads

It's the Doctor /who/ General, nicknamed "dr who"

consistency is key, user

Macra Terror is better than Tomb of the Cybermen. Only Troughton normies believe Tomb is actually one of his best stories.

Thread theme:

>try to show Tomb to people
>they either get bored or wonder why there's a mute black slave

I disagree

I hate this so much. I'm gonna rant about it.

The music/instrumental itself is good.

Livy dancing with a drashig at the end is cute.

The terrible, lazy greenscreening doesn't look like fun shlock, it just looks genuinely terrible and embarrassing.

The singer's stupid hair that he's always way too proud of, he used to always tweet about it too.

The smug, self-satisfied facial expressions of the singer.

That stupid open-mouthed expression he makes during the first chorus, like he's so amazed by his own voice and hair.

The thin guy in the white shirt doing that arrogant dorky attitude like he's too good for it and only doing stupid dance moves "ironically".

The stupid lyrics, "la la la Patrick Ness / who's your favourite Doctor, mine is Eccleston".

If there really was nothing to talk about except favorite Doctors (a massive disservice to the fandom, and acts like the wilderness era was worthless), then there's so need for this song either.

The stupid zoom in to the thin guy's screaming tongue is gross.

Smug clapping with that stupid openmouthed expression again.

Indulgent 'headbanging' with his gross, unkempt hair.

The singer has an open sore on his face

The singer obviously actively reading the lyrics off something (watch his eyes) - were they seriously that hard to memorise? Jesus.

The Myrka

Deleted the post cus I had an idea, but I'll try work the Myrka in if I can

Someone asked about their Tenth Doctor fic? In Shit Trips 2?

Truth. Macra Terror is kino.

What do these two people have in common?

they like to pretend they're the doctor

People actually like Briggs sometimes?

>Trolling Creator: The allusions to the Last Great Time War in "Dark Eyes".

What? That wasn't trolling. How could someone take that as trolling? Fuckin TV Tropes.

@Lymerence I have a photoshop request when you're around

Just written 1.6k words of a shit trips entry (I'm not done yet but hopefully it's not too late) - the last sentence I wrote?
"And with that, he whipped off his trousers."
It's going well so far.

Is literally anyone other than Gallifrey Immigrant going to read the majority of Shit Trips at this point?

? I'll read them all when they're 'published', why wouldn't I?

It's gong to be a million pages long.

I read about 3/4s of the last one, they're mostly a few pages long and some are worth a chuckle.

It'll be ~250 pages I'd imagine, which isn't that long, and a bunch of short stories are easier to read in sequence than something like a novel anyway. I think it's great fun to see what /who/ comes up with. Don't have to read it all at once either.

The last edition's only 178 in my copy, and that's including illustrations

There's more submissions for vol 2 and some are longer, so sayeth Immigrant

Good to hear someone's reading.

Only for you. I'm gonna send you the big file.

Sounds wonderful.

Lym ignored my request... :(

Yo Immigrant just to clarify, my Shit Trips entry is with 12/Clara. I'm telling you so it doesn't get mislabeled in the final copy, since i saw it under alternate Doctor stories in the Wiki. I think you aren't the one compiling that there but just in case.

fuck tardisposting

wtf I love tardisposting now

he reads them all anyway, he'll know

Which Shit Trips entry? Tell me the name, please.

Damnit, I laughed.

The Marshall BTFO one

>I let words hurt my feelings because I was told you're meant to get upset by that word


What are audios that /who/ can listen to over and over again and find new things to enjoy?

It's hilarious to me how people like you genuinely seem unable to comprehend other people's opinions can be valid and genuine. Is it truly unthinkable to you that some peopel are offended by slurs and aren't just signalling they are because other people told them to?

i hate them because they hate best girl

Yeah, I might not like his audios, but Briggs seems like a charming enough guy to talk to. While Dee seems annoying.

Pretty much everything of Shearman's (Holy Terror, Chimes of Midnight, Jubilee, Scherzo).
Seasons of Fear
Dark Eyes, especially Dark Eyes 2
Torchwood Archive can make more sense on later listens

Thanks. I'll make a note.

Tardisposting feels like someone took too much acid after watching Who all day.

>like someone took too much acid after watching Who all day.
So, Jim Mortimore?

Jim Mortimore has more sense than Tardisposting.

fuck offeroli

>Matt Jones wrote 2 GOAT episodes for NuWho and then never wrote for it again
Feel bad man

I remember an user asked who was a crazier Doctor Who writer than Mortimore, and nobody could figure out an answer.

Ehh RTD wrote tonnes and tonnes of that 2parter, much more than he usually does for other writers.

Dave Stone maybe

There is one

Finding offense at anything is idiotic and purely self destructive

Nice job dodging my question completely, and just continuing to whinge.

I feel like the pictures should be swapped

Besides writing Sky Pirates, has he done anything as weird as Mortimore has?

Gareth's not crazy. He's just dangerously homosexual.


>Is it truly unthinkable to you that some peopel are offended by slurs and aren't just signalling they are because other people told them to?
I don't think he was saying you, he was saying you are genuinely offended just because society told you to be upset by a word.




But I'm not offended "just because society told me to be upset by a word", unless he's doing the laughable teenage-level pseudophilosophising of "woah duuuuude what if like, people only preteeeend words have, nothing means anything maaaaan."

Then are you or are you not upset about the innocent use of the word "nigger" in a low quality meme image?

>the innocent use of the word "nigger" in a low quality meme image

Using the word, even in jest, arguably exposes someone to that ideology. It starts with "just a joke, bro", but that can be used by some people as a way to insidiously spread that thought. Part of what lets some honestly malicious people get away with what they do is the "just a prank, bro" defense, or the idolization of "lol trolling", without caring about what happens.

Now, I laughed at that image. I think it was slightly more clever than normal jokes that use the n-word. But I also understand that constant uses of racist humor can be used to make racist thoughts as "not so bad." It's a complex topic, but not everyone who criticizes about an offensive joke is a over-defensive pansy.

/who/ okay'd this?

>innocent use
You're acting like nothing means anything, like words having connotations is lunacy. It's how language works mate. You don't get to decide if a a slur is, or can be, used innocently. You can't use words in a vacuum. Your personal experience of the world isn't universal.

>innocent use of the word "nigger"
You have to go back

do you honestly believe Sup Forums isn't majority crossboarders

Either way, Sup Forums talk belongs in Sup Forums, Sup Forums talk belongs in Sup Forums, /who/ talk belongs in /who/. 'innocent use of the word "nigger"' is not /who/ talk.

Helen Raynor apparently

Anyone know if the BBC plans to animate any new missing serials yet for DVD release?

Or go about reissuing the classic series (many of which are OOP on DVD right now and going for huge bucks) in season or doctor-centric mega sets?

What's the best track that's played durring a regeneration?

vale decem

I just ant to make a disntinction clear: I'm quite sure the person who made that image isn't racist, and made it quite innocently. For all I know, an black person made it. I'm also quite certain someone could be non-racist and laugh at it.

But that doesn't mean that image is promoting racist thought by accident, and it's is just another small piece of using an actual slur.

Also, it's not that funny.

The thing is, it's not like the joke even has any racist implications in this case, it's just "lol nigger."

What are you even trying to say? That if something is a slur then you have no choice but to be triggered by hearing it, regardless of context? That's silly.

Is Vincient and the Doctor pure kino?

only if you have tumblr-tier superficial depression

>lol nigger

Which slowly makes it more acceptable to say. It also trivializes the fact that the word is still used to denigrate blacks today (I actually saw it used on here unironically around 2 weeks ago). Yes, the context is definitely different, and I found the joke funny, but trivializing such a horrible history can at least be considered inappropriate. And an environment where such jokes are used can encourage actual racists.

What if the Daleks are all pears?

There is no isolated context. The word has meaning. It has connotations behind it. There is no setting where the word means nothing. If you want to use a word that fits your conception of the word "nigger" but has no racist connotations, you can use a different word. You cannot magically strip the word of all its connotations, there is no vacuum where you can say the word without its history or meaning accounting for anything. There is no "regardless of context", because you cannot remove the context from the word. All words are are conveyors of meaning, and you're suggesting you can somehow selectively strip the meaning from them as you please. You, an individual, cannot. Society can, over long periods of time, but no one person can arbitrate that, least of all one unable to wrap their heads around a racist slur having racist connotations.


end this meme

Animating the lost serials costs a ton of money and the BBC has stated they don't consider it cost effective to actively go about releasing said animated reconstructions, given past DVD sales (IIRC The Invasion, the first DVD to feature animated reconstructions of lost episodes, did not sell well).

As it stands, we are lucky to get one every couple of years released with animation replacing the lost footage.

Also, we will never get season sets of classic Who because they make more money selling the serials individually.

Vincent and the doctor only resonates with people in an "oh I'm so sad" phase, not people with actual deep depression


You don't have to be sad or depressed at all to appreciate it, it's just a good episode.

? It's in the DSM, it's an observable neural state.

You don't get to decide other people's reactions or experiences.

>magical invisible giant chicken monster

I disagree

So, do 8's novels tie in to pre-McGann Doctor Who continuity much? A little? Heaps?

Depends entirely on the writer. John Peel set out on a bizarre quest to retcon all Dalek stories since Destiny, but most of them played with Miles' War in Heaven ideas instead of old stuff iirc

Yes, a fair bit. Some stories hearken back to things that happened with past Doctors, there are references here and there to things that happened in pre-McGann stuff, and there are even references to the VNAs (though nothing too extreme, in case you haven't read those.) Basically, the novels don't feel disjointed or out of place, they fit quite comfortably into the continuity, as much as it's possible for Doctor Who to have any sort of continuity.

DSM4 is credible, DSM5 is not

>an environment where such jokes are used can encourage actual racists.
I guess I can't argue with that considering the transformation of this website over the last decade or so, but it seems like too small a thing to make a fuss about before it gets to the point of actual racists being actually racist.

You're just putting me to sleep here with these rationalizations. You can make all the appeals you want to muh society and muh history, but there is no reason why you have to be offended by such a relatively tame meme.

All I know is the first one is nothing but continuity.

You can deride my points as rationalisations all you want, you can reductively breeze by them all you like, it doesn't change the fact they're true and that you continually refuse to engage with the actual points I bring up. Racism doesn't exist in a vacuum, and you can't strip away the connotations and meaning of a word just because it might appear meaningless to you and your lived experiences.

Yeah, I think you got it. Those jokes, in context, are more dumb than harmful, but I've seen convincing arguments that the "lol troll it's just a funny joke, bro" attitude is part of what fueled the transformation of this site. Many, even most people, can seperate the difference between a joke and being a racist a--hole, but some people use the "I'm just trolling" excuse t not only justify their vile acts, but also slowly move some people to more racist attitudes. It's a gradual transformation.

>but there is no reason why you have to be offended

>meme calls a black person a nigger
You have to go back.

If I may say, as someone who agrees that the joke contributes to racism, that your explanation isn't helping him. You're just saying "raism doesn't exist in a vaccuum" without showing how that joke actually relates to that racism. He's got a legitimate argument which I disagree with (what is the harm of a low quality joke?), and you're not explaining why it's wrong. You're talking at him about connotations, but not answering his question.

His question seems to be: what is the harm of a low quality joke using slurs, in an environment where no one is explicitly saying "black people are niggers lol", on a generally liberal platform. What is the harm, considering the context?

(I personally agree the joke can be considered racist. But you're blowing him or her off without actually answering his concern)

You're not helping him with the snide joke. He or she seems to be asking an honest question.