Holy shit Brits were cucks. How did they ever survive?

Holy shit Brits were cucks. How did they ever survive?

They were raped into submission by the Danes

Alfred the Great fucked the Danes up.

>Anglo-Saxons win

Umm no sweetie. Learn basic history first.

They ultimately won though. How is that being cucked?

The Danes did very little raping as can be attested by their almost non-existence genetic impact on the British isles.

You gotta give it to the British. When your women are so butt-fucking ugly that even raiders known for raping and pillaging won't touch them.

It's true we were useless until 1066 when the based Normans saved us from the Viking rape gangs.
Anglo saxons were cucks, invasion after invasion. We only had two major cities when they around and they lost the northern one to NorseChads

It was down to population density. The ancient Beaker/Sun people weren't numerous enough to fight off the Celts; Celts couldn't stop the Romans landing; after the Romans left the various Romano-Celtic kingdoms (including King Arthur) couldn't hold off those evil Angles and Saxons; flash forward to 1066 years and the now-goodguy Anglo-Saxons fought the Vikings off in the north but lost to the evil invading Normans a few days later in the south.

By that time Britian's population had risen to the point where they could get troops to the invader's beachheads quickly enough to fight them off easy and the islands haven't been conquered since. The Vikings used to land, spend a leisurely 2-3 days resting before hitting the local village/monastery whilst they had the numbers advantage. Once the local Barons could organise and move a force big enough to throw them off in time they quit raiding Britain.

>british are ugly memey

In my city, I can walk out of my apartment building right now with a javelin, throw it in any direction and immediately impale six women better looking than that.