Who will play them in the inevetable biopic?

Who will play them in the inevetable biopic?

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I'd fuck that mexican bitch fo shaw

post the pic of them coming out of Abercrombie and Fitch


She is the master of pentatonic and wah wankery.

>ctrl-f Idris Elba
>zero results

rip in pees cliff

He's Filipino

>arrogant millionaire assholes
these guys would never let a faithful bio of them exist. If there is one in the future they won't even mention their rampant alcoholism. It'll be cookie-cutter, clean, and paint themselves to be more important than they are. Megadeth and Mustaine won't be mentioned, Slayer will be ignored as well, anything inconvenient will be ignored, their influences like Black Sabbath will be ignored, the fact that they were never as popular as Pop idols or Guns and Roses won't be hinted at. The rise of grunge, pop-punk, rap, anything other than thrash metal will be ignored.

It'll be cartoonish revisionist history.

he'll get a single scene that makes him seem like Jesus, the band will whine and remember him for the rest of the film. Cue drama: Cliff wouldn't have wanted this! while coked out and fighting naked.