>Visit red states and rural conservative parts of the USA
>They're shitholes compared to liberal parts
Visit red states and rural conservative parts of the USA
That's not true. I live in a shit hole and every other building is boarded up.
t. Clevelander
>visit Democrat run communities of blacks
>completely fucking shjt
>visit Democrat run communities of whites
>filled with cucks
>visit Republican run community of anyone
>filled with decent people and things are mostly fine
Hmm, really made me think
Hahaha, nice try shill. Clearly you've never been to the inner cities.
clearly, OP has never been to NYC, Chicago, or Detroit
I live in stockton ca and it looks like the right pic
I love this meme
>mfw the 10 most dangerous and overall shithole cities in America are Democrat strongholds
>town on the left is completely dependent on the town on the right for fuel, construction materials, protein, medicine, and skilled labor
>town on the left doesn't actually produce anything anybody wants except vegetables
Sounds about right.
Rich sheltered people that live in 99% white neightborhoods vote blue
Those pictures seem to be mixed up
>Live in 97% white extremely conservative country town off the highway
>Tons of local businesses, clean and well kept roads, have a couple fast food places but otherwise mostly diners
>Everyone's houses look beautiful, even apartment complexes are absolutely wonderful with no signs of wear or tear
>There is one small section of town where the nigs obviously live
>It's a completely boarded up and run down motel converted into a "cheap" apartment complex for the "downtrodden" aka nogs
>Police officers patrol there almost 24/7
>Head into town 20 mins away
>The white part of town is extremely beautiful, tons of impressive buildings, tons of shops, etc etc
>Tons of SJW-looking white people everywhere protesting for "diversity"
>Go to the black part of town
>Everything is destroyed, run down, or boarded up
>Roaming packs of gangs everywhere, signs telling you to be careful and don't come here alone
I hear the Southside of Chicago is wonderful this time of year.
In reality, the right side is where all the liberals are and the left side is where conservatives are.
>Steve (((Greenberg)))
>mfw my liberal shithole looks like the town on the right
>i'm urbanite scum
rely maeks u thnik
>We was flying in Detroit and shiieeeett.
Demoshits are the most brainwashed cunts on this planet.
left side looks boring af, who wants to live in a (((perfect))) world anyway?
>>Visit red states and rural conservative parts of the USA
>>They're shitholes compared to liberal parts
This was my experience growing up. I lived in an entirely white town and the black people were conditioned to act white because they didn't have their own kind. It was beautiful and more like the left, plus a lot of the "Guns Galore" stores from the right side.
>vote here if ID approved
why does this make me so mad?
fixed it for you OP
IS that Conroe? lol
>small towns with industries
>poverty infested cities with booming crime rates and jobs leaving
What is noticeable is how nothing of value gets produced on the Democrat side, except for a little bit of organic produce. They are all parasites, and would be cold, hungry, and in the dark without all of the awful industrial activity on the Republican side.
Same, I grew up on a farm and never met a black person until I was about seven or eight. My very first experience with a black person was them tackling me to the ground and beating the shit out of me for daring to say hello.
I live out in Indiana. I'm talking about the New Haven / Fort Wayne areas
meanwhile the poorest and most violent cities in America have been Democrat controlled for decades and sometimes a century
really makes you think
Damn, that sucks.
I'm in Modesto and it looks pretty bad but I've heard Stockton's worse.
I'm fine with most ideas of classical liberalism except for the race equality, accepting mental disorders as something normal, self shame for the past, praising the criminal culture, and welfare.
What kind of political view I have?
what city is on the right?
looks comfy
Salt Lake
the right side results in some really great kino so i'm actually kind of conflicted. dystopias are more interesting than utopias.
classical liberalism is closer to modern day libertarianism, not modern day liberalism
>town on the left doesn't actually produce anything anybody wants except vegetables
Implying liberals aren't major consumers of ((organic)) food
do you have an account on TRS 504um?
>tfw they violate NAP
>inner city are always democrat controlled
>inner city is always the worst part of any city
we're gonna help the poor ghettos any day now, keep voting democrat!
Left side doesn't have a strip club. Well fuck that.
Why is "Organic Farm" portrayed as a positive thing?
Bump Ancap
not true in the slightest
just look at Boston
Certain (((interests))) have convinced milennials that the advanced agricultural technology that allows our planet to support 7 billion people is evil, the end goal presumably being to reduce that number.
I'd rather live in the city on the right to be honest
>live in hugely republican town in MA
>gorgeous, 97% white, low crime, only one "bad" area
How would that benefit the Jews?
I don't really see how it benefits anyone bar organic farmers.
I've lived in California, Arizona, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, Virgina, Florida, and Quebec.
California is a shithole. Where I lived, public infrastructure is terrible despite high taxes, and I lived in a nice area. Sunland, to be specific. Pollution was a serious problem. Massachusetts wasn't that great either. People were friendly, but the roads were in poor shape due to the weather. Again, lived in a nice area called Westfield.
Same story can be said about Missouri, Virginia, Florida and Quebec. Best places I've lived have been North Carolina and Arizona.
Oh, wait, goddamn, those are conservative states with better public infrastructure, and this is based on real life experience as opposed to some memeing cartoonist who has never left Los Angeles!
City on the left: few jobs, all min wage
City on the right: high paying industrial jobs
Is tha how Democrats really see themselves? Bizarre that their number 1 target isn't included, I don't see a single nigger anywhere.
>visit non white parts of the usa
>they're complete shitholes compared to white parts.
The entire thing resembles Tulsa perfectly
>your country with a mostly white population
>your country with a white minority
>your country with no whites
>mud huts
>Massachusetts roads
they will always be in poor shape, our entire state was built around horses and walking, having to change anything to accommodate cars would ruin our history of being the old state with the shitty roads
Guys, stop fucking lying. All of you are shitholes.
>Liberal Side
>Light Rail Station
>Mom and Pop's Coffee House and Bike Rental
>Nice, clean library
Where are these things in Liberal cities like Detroit and Chicago?
In fact, where in the United States can you take a trans-state Light Rail? We've had a liberal run nation for about 8 years now, where are our bullet trains and libraries?
Massachusetts is the only liberal region that I actually tolerated, though the weather was terrible. It also served as my introduction to Slavs on a large scale, as well as the Irish, which I expected to be more around the Boston region of the state, not around Westfield. Overall, not a terrible state, but the roads were awful. Wouldn't want to live there again, but the people were friendly.
I see someone post it every once in awhile
fuck time flies.
>Where are these things in Liberal cities like Detroit and Chicago?
>dat cherrypicking
I thought Sup Forums prided itself on not deploying such blatant logical fallacies?
Please note the 'Vote here if ID approved' on the right side, painting it as something evil.
Are there any leftists here? Can you please look at that part of the picture and then tell me with all seriousness that leftism isn't mental illness?
Hmm, really makes one ponder
Ireland you don't fucking live in this country
You have literally no fucking frame of reference for this shit
You're telling me you don't have HUGE cities that were once industrial/artistic fucking superpowers within your country that someone came along and completely fucked for the rest of eternity? Really Ireland?
>Roads were awful
>awful weather
>met a shitton of Slavs and Irish
yup sounds like my state
it's not too bad here, our state needs improvement and we have shitty laws, but it's a good place to live.
our weather is frequently autistic, we had it snow in April then had a 90+ degree day the following morning
just this year we had a good 3 weeks straight of rain one month, now we are in a drought.
Your manufacturing was shit and inefficient and your cars were terrible and still are to this day. That is why Detroit failed.
>VOTE HERE (if ID approved)
>theres something wrong with fences and no trespassing signs
>duck hunting is somehow bad
>SUVs and Trucks hurt my feelings, we should keep killing the automotive industry with more regulations and more europoor tier 90hp electric shitboxes
>employing single mothers is somehow bad
>implying a highrise welfare apartment isn't a democrat thing
Do libs even go to librarys anymore? I thought they were all about 'da future' with their e-books and such.
So why did Chicago fail
Chicago is liberal and very much the right pic. The only nice parts are the business districts where most of the population is more conservative than the shitty parts
>Democratic state is a communist hell hole full of spics and niggers
>Republican state is an anti science hell hole infested with bible thumpers and double digit IQ rednecks
Honestly, I rather pick the republican state, I can keep my guns at least.
I lived there when Massachusetts was flirting with the Republicans and Romney was in office, and my experience is only representative of southwest MA
Again, out of all the liberal states I've lived in, Massachusetts is the only one I'd want to raise a family in. You're definitely better than the other areas I've lived in. However, I'll still take rural NC or a booming AZ city, or, hell, Maricopa County, over your state.
I was under the impression Chicago was quite a well-off city. The inefficiency and uncompetitiveness of American manufacturing was/is a nationwide failing though - hence why you get crucified by Europeans and Asians.
fucking /thread
I see you cherry-picked out his second sentence, you cherry-picking hypocrite.
If that was true, why are Democrat run areas like LA, Detroit, and Chicago literal 3rd world hellholes that have solidly voted Democrat since the 1960's? It's better to get hit by a nuke then let a Democrat get control of something.
Hoosier bro reporting in.
Our niggers are the worst. Espessially the men. I meet some nice negresses all the time who are very respectful and hard working but the men are just total shit. Like they all would rob you if you gave them the slightest opportunity. They also rarely have jobs.
Do the attractive negresses I meet work hard because they might meet a nice man if they do? I know if I was a black woman I would try so hard to find a white man. I have seen the thuggist looking niggers with semi-attractive white girls. They are all tatted up of course.
>Women should have the choice to do whatever they want
>Strip clubs objectify women
>Women in strip clubs are empowered because they use men for money
>Strippers are sexually liberated, empowered women
>Strippers are objectified by men
Lib doublethink is great.
Ireland come on
More people die in Chicago than some warzones in the middle east
Out there some people refer to it as Chiraq because of how much fucking gun violence there is
It's a fucking nightmare
And it wasn't the nature of America's manufacturing that fucked us, it was NAFTA. And who did NAFTA? Right, the Left did NAFTA.
>blue states have budget problems and cities that declared bankruptcy
>blue states are going through a decrease in labor participation because they raised minimum wage
OP pretends they aren't going to become crime ridden hell holes with higher than normal homelessness in 1 year
>republicans responsible for projects
Manteca here, can confirm both of your shitty cities look like right of op's pic, except it's missing niggers, meth heads, and cholos on every single street corner
>absolutely no production
>no manufacturing
>nothing to actually bring in money
This is precisely why democrats need to be removed from power.
Visit detroit lately?
I have no idea what I'm looking at because it's probably not sold outside of America.
That's not how it works you dipstick. If I was cherry-picking, I would have argued that example characterised his entire post - which I didn't.
Do keep up, dear.
How the fuck would I know in fairness. I have no reason to go to any of these places. There's nothing of consequence in the US between the north-east coast and the west coast.
>Out there some people refer to it as Chiraq because of how much fucking gun violence there is
>gun violence
Gee, I wonder why there are so many guns in America.
that's fine, Western MA and North East MA are completely different from the Boston Metro area, astonishingly different actually.
>except for the race equality,
Classical liberalism doesn't say all races are equal in ability only that every individual person should be equally treated under the law.
Something modern liberals absolutely oppose.
Liberals will never realize that the left side perfectly depicts conservative 1950s America with modern technology.
you don't know what liberal is
1950's was a Keynesian paradise doe tbf senpai.
Ireland what position are you even in to comment on the condition of individual american towns
Liberal is anyone slightly or more to the left compared to you.
The 'Republican' side of OP's pic looks suspiciously like an inner city run by black Democrats. The left side looks haven run by white lefties free of minorities.
socially America was very conservative, financially it was pretty socialist. 1950s America was eerily similar to national socialism
Downtown LA, a 'Republican' stronghold since the 60's.
i see this image ignores the fact that dems are terrified of nuclear power